Division of Academic Affairs

University Advising Center


Semester:______WSU email: ______

Student Responsibilities: (student initial on line):

______I agree to register for my fourth term on probation under a Pre-Exclusion Contract. I understand that meeting the terms of this contract may allow me to register for a subsequent term under contract in an effort to avoid a year of Academic Exclusion. I agree to register for a maximum of ______credits including the following courses:


In addition, I understand that all of the following conditions must be met in order to register for a subsequent term:

_____ No grade below a C (C- is below a C) may be earned in any course. I understand that I must provide written proof of final grades (via Pipeline only) to my contract advisor prior to the start of classes for the next term. Registration for the next term will not be permitted until ALL final grades are reviewed.

_____ I agree to use the Academic Success Center services required of me by my advisor. I am expected to attend all my classes and devote 2X hours per week per credit hour outside of class for study.

_____I understand that I must schedule appointments with my assigned advisor, not later than the 3rd week of class to discuss the Pre-Exclusion activities outlined on the back of this contract.


3rd week Appointment date and time

_____ I understand that I must schedule an appointment with my assigned advisor, not later than the 7th week of class to review my current progress and my Early Academic Assessment reports.


7th week Appointment date and time

_____ I understand that if ALL of the above terms are met and my overall GPA is still below a 2.0, I may be approved to register for a subsequent term under a Continuing Probation Contract. I understand I will not be allowed to register once courses for the term have begun.

_____ I understand that if ALL of the above conditions are not met for the designated term and I remain below a cumulative 2.0 GPA, I will be subject to Academic Exclusion for a minimum of one calendar year.

By signing, I agree to the terms and conditions of this academic contract.

Student’s signature/date: ______Student phone: ______

Advisor’s signature/date: ______Advisor phone: ______
