2007/2008 Budget Review

Selectmen & Budget Committee

Session 1

January 16, 2007

7:00 P.M.

______* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Present: Chairman Bill Harlow, Vice Chair Richard Simoneau, Steve McCourt,

and Town Manager Ruth Marden

Budget Committee Members: Ellen Levesque, Tom Fortier, Barbara Cook, Pearl Cook, Pam

Newton, Judy Diaz, April Hartford, Henry Bryant, Michael Schaedler.

Guests: Larry Wright, Custodian; Abby Nixon, Livermore Advertiser; Maggie Gill-Austern,

Sun Journal; Cassie Courteau, Tom Gordon, Sherry Judd, Sharon McCourt, Maynard Veinotte, Craig Boone, Jean Richard, Keith Cornelio, Tim Demillo, Mary Howes,

Tamara Hoke, Librian; Charlie Huff.

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Library - $156,569.00

Selectmen recommend: Yes M/M/S Rick Simoneau, Steve McCourt 3-0-0

Budget Committee recommends: Yes Tom Fortier, Pam Newton 8-0-1

The Selectmen requested that next year the Librarian come up with a plan for the Technology line much like the other Departments are doing for Capital Reserve.

Buildings & Ground - $85,950.00

Selectmen recommend: Yes M/M/S Rick Simoneau, Steve McCourt 3-0-0

Budget Committee recommends: Yes M/M/S Tom Fortier, April Hartford 9-0-0

This is a decrease of $5,000.00 from the Budget presented. The Capital reserve of $5,000.00 was taken out of the budget.

Town Government - $499,380.00

Selectmen recommend: Yes M/M/S Rick Simoneau, Steve McCourt 3-0-0

Budget Committee recommends: Yes M/M/S Ellen Levesque, Pam Newton 7-2-0

This is a decrease of $2,000.00 from the Budget presented. The Capital reserve of $5,000.00 was taken out of the budget. There is also extra monies in the payroll and benefits line to train an accounts payable person.

Professional Services - $144,704.58

Selectmen recommend: Yes M/M/S Rick Simoneau, Steve McCourt 3-0-0

Budget Committee recommends: Yes M/M/S Ellen Levesque, Tom Foriter 8-1-0

Pulp & Paper

The committee is requesting $5,000.00 for the Pulp and Paper Museum. They are looking into a building and hope to have a museum open to the public.

The results of the survey were 60 – yes; 152- no

Steve McCourt made a motion to raise and appropriate $2,500.00 for the Pulp and Paper Museum. Motion dies for lack of a second.

The Selectmen recommend not funding the Pulp & Paper Museum. M/M/S Rick Simoneau, Steve McCourt 2-1-0

Not a majority will need to table until tomorrow night.

Insurance - $154,267.00

Selectmen recommend: Yes M/M/S Steve McCourt, Rick Simoneau 3-0-0

Budget Committees recommend: Yes M/M/S Tom Fortier, Pamela Newton 7-2-0

This budget contains funds to cover increased unemployemnt compensation in the event of the elimination of Police Dispatch

Ambulance - $54,273.00

Selectmen recommend: Yes M/M/S Steve McCourt, Rick Simoneau 3-0-0

Budget Committees recommends: Yes M/M/S April Hartford, Ellen Levesque 9-0-0

Debt Service - $289,500.00

Selectmen recommend: Yes M/M/S Rick Simoneau, Steve McCourt 3-0-0

Budget Committees recommend: Yes M/M/S Pam Newton, Ellen Levesque 9-0-0

This is on the North Jay Sewer Plant.

Hydrants & Street Lights, Etc. - $283,510.00

Selectmen recommend: Yes M/M/S Rick Simoneau, Steve McCourt 3-0-0

Budget Committees recommend: Yes M/M/S April Hartford, Tom Fortier 9-0-0

Donations -$29,709.00

It was suggested that all amounts stay the same as last year except Spruce Mountain (this is to cover insurance) Spruce Mountain will also be taken out of the Donation line.

WCBB not reqeusted

Red Cross $1,800.00

Jay Historical Society $1,000.00

AWAP $4,000.00

Work First $1,430.00

Children’s Center $1,600.00

Spruce Mountain $8,330.00

United Cerebral Palsy $ 300.00

July 4th $5,000.00

Child Health Center $1,834.00

American Cancer Society $ 150.00

Jr. Ski Team $1,000.00

Tri-Town Ministerial $ 500.00

Day One $ 250.00

Health Community Coalition $1,315.00

Big Brothers/Big Sisters $ 700.00

Kennebec Valley Mental Health - deleted

North Jay Grange $ 500.00

AYS requested $5,329.80 – to be taken out of Tower fund

Selectmen recommend: Yes M/M/S William Harlow, Rick Simoneau 3-0-0

Budget Committees recommend: Yes M/M/S Ellen Levesque, Pam Newton 8-1-0

Revenue – 2,237,040.00

Selectmen recommend: Yes M/M/S Steve McCourt, Rick Simoneau 3-0-0

Budget Committees recommends: Yes M/M/S Barbara Cook, April Hartford 9-0-0


Selectmen recommend: Yes to give ATV Club $1.00 on each ATV registration whether new or renewal. M/M/S Steve McCourt, Rick Simoneau 3-0-0

Budget Committees recommends: No Recommendation M/M/S Barbara Cook, Michael Schaedler.

4-4-1 Motion fails

The town registers approximately 375 ATV’s per year.


Selectmen recommend: Yes M/M/S Steve McCourt, Rick Simoneau 3-0-0

Budget Committees recommends: Yes M/M/S Ellen Levesque, Tom Fortier 7-1-1

Channel 7

Selectmen recommend: Yes M/M/S Rick Simoneau Steve McCourt, 3-0-0

Budget Committees recommends: Yes M/M/S Barbara Cook, April Hartford 9-0-0

The meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted

Ronda Palmer

Town Clerk