Financial Aid Application


Name of applicant:

This form is to be completed by the applicants’ parents. If the parents live in separate households, each parent must complete a separate form. All income must be stated after taxes and in Euro.

Father’s name
Father’s occupation
Country of Residence / Citizenship(s)
Mother’s name
Mother’s occupation
Country of Residence / Citizenship(s)

Parent Resources(state all figures in Euros and provide supporting documentation)

Current calendar year / Next calendar year
Father’s earnings after taxes / € / €
Mother’s earnings after taxes / € / €
Other income (please explain: ) / € / €
Total: / € / €


Please enter the amounts of the family’s assets, where applicable, as of the date of this application. For assets other than cash, please enter the current market values.

Money currently in hand or in bank / €
Investments / €
Interests in trusts and estates, including all property held in trust for you by another / €
Personal property (home, land and buildings, automobiles, furniture, jewelry, etc.) / €
Other assets (please explain:) / €
Total assets: / €


Please complete the following for all the applicant’s brothers and sisters who still receive financial support from their parents.

Age / Occupation / Live at home? / In school? / Annual cost of school / Amount financed by parents
Yes No / Yes No / € / €
Yes No / Yes No / € / €
Yes No / Yes No / € / €

How many persons, in addition to the student applicant and those listed above, are dependent on the family’s income?


Please enter the amount of the family’s obligations, if any, as of the date of this application, and the amount due on each obligation during the academic year.

Total obligations / Amount due during academic year
Educational loans / € / €
Mortgages and other loans on real estate / € / €
Other loans and obligations (please explain: ) / € / €
Total: / € / €

2.Additional Information

If you feel that you were not able to provide us with an adequate overview of your financial situation, please attach a separate sheet describing any other relevant aspects.

3.Statement of Accuracy

I declare that the information reported on this form is true, correct and complete. I agree to provide the Master of Law and Business Program with an official copy of my most recent income tax returns and other documentary verification of the above information, if requested.

Date: / ..
Father’s signature / Mother’s signature