NUMBER: / 17-22
SUBJECT: / Enhancements in FI$Cal (Hyperion) / DATE ISSUED: / August 2, 2017

MACRO USED: H:\Prod\Template\Bgt-Ltr.macm



TO:Agency Secretaries

Department Directors

Departmental Budget and Accounting Officers

Department of Finance Budget and Accounting Staff


This Budget Letter (BL) is to inform FI$Cal Hyperion (budget) users of major enhancements and changes that went live in July 2017. The primary goal of these enhancements is to improve data entry efficiency and usability of the system. The enhancements will increase data accuracy. This BL provides a short summary of the enhancements.

  1. Glossary Relevant to this BL

AR=April Revision

BBA=Baseline Budget Adjustments: These are baseline expenditure adjustmentssuchas employee compensation, carryovers/reappropriations,lease revenue debt service, etc.

BR=Budget Requests: These are issues identifying changes to dollar amountsand/or positions for any fiscal year in thesystem.

BU=Business Unit: This four-digit number is equivalent to anorganizationcode/entity.

CalPLAN=Hyperion planning application

Category =An account (category) code in the Chart ofAccounts

CSL=Current Service Level: This is a consolidated starting point in Hyperion for all fiscalyears.

ENY=Enactment Year

FTEs=Full-Time Equivalents or Positions: These terms are usedinterchangeably.

GB=Governor’s Budget

MR=May Revision

RTL=Revenues, Transfers, and Loans

POV = Point of View: These are parameters selected to view specified data in various Hyperion forms and reports.

Version =Point in time (e.g.,GB Department Working, GB Department What-If, AR Department Working, etc.)

  1. Major Enhancements in Hyperion
  1. BR Status Column—Allows a user to quicklyview the approval status of a BR from the BR listing page in CalPLAN without going into individual BRs.
  2. The status column displays once a status has been selected and saved in a BR.
  3. Depending on the version selected in the point-of-view, the column will display either the Department Issue Code Status or the Legislative Action Status.
  4. Department Issue Code Status displays under the following versions: GB Dept Working, GB Dept Submitted, GB Dept What-If, AR Dept Working, AR Dept Submitted, MR Dept Working, and MR Dept Submitted.
  5. Legislative Action Status displays under the following versions: Assembly Public, Senate Public, Conference Public, and Enacted with Technical.
  1. Multiple BR Copy—New functionality includes the ability to(1) select and copy multiple BRs of the same BR type (i.e., BCP, BBA, ECP, RTL, COBCP, or COBBA) or (2) select and copy all BRs of the same BR type from one version to another version at the same time. Users no longer have to copy each individual BR separately. For more information, refer to the following job aid:
  1. Validate by BR Form—A new form available in CalPLAN to help departments identify “orphan” data that has been kicked out by Hyperion after each even-hour system refresh. For more information, refer to the following job aid:
  1. Department Issue Codes Form Rule—Improved functionalitywhen the Department Issue Status of “Denied,” “Inactive,” or “Defer” is selected and saved under the Department Issue Codes tab in a BR. The dollars and FTEs associated with that BR are automatically zeroed out upon saving the status code. Please note that dollars and FTEs will not be automatically restored if the Department Issue Status is changed from one of the above statuses back to an approved status. Additionally, the data collection forms change to a red background color warning users not to enter data when a BR has one of the above statuses. Data entered on the Program Budget Measures, Workload Measures, and ECP Project tabs are now retained and no longer changed to zero when one of the above statuses are selected and saved in the BR. Users may wish to copy a reference copy of a BR into a What-If version prior to setting and saving it to a status of Denied, Inactive, or Defer in the Working version.
  1. Hyperion Past Year (PY) Rollover—All approved expenditure BRs from the 2017-18budget cycle have been consolidated and added to the current CSL to create the new CSL amount for each unique combination of Item-ENY-Program-Category for the 201617fiscal year (PY). This new rollover process will simplify PY reconciliation and provide a cleaner Hyperion workspace for users. See BL 17-11 for additional information regarding the budget rollover in Hyperion.
  1. Enhanced Report Availability—New reports are available for departmental use in the past year reconciliation process (Past Year Incremental Expenditure and Revenue Adjustment reports) and for confirmation of valid items that exist in Hyperion (Invalid (in Red) & ValidItems with Dollars report). An updated department report manual will be available by mid-August.
  1. Enhanced Guardrails—To improve data accuracy, an enhancement has been added to the system to prevent data from being accidentally keyed into a program that is not specifically associated with a BU. This guardrail only applies to entries made directly in Hyperion, and does not prevent data from being uploaded (using an upload template)into a program that is not specifically associated withthatBU. A similar guardrail has been put in place for items.
  1. FI$Cal Resources Webpage

This webpage provides helpful references, crosswalks, and quick tips. These materials are updated and expanded throughout the year. Please refer to:

If you have any questions about this BL or budget/policy questions regarding the use of Hyperion, please contact your Finance budget analyst. For FI$Cal login/password issues or other system technical questions, please contact the FI$Cal Service Center ()and copy your Finance budget analyst.

/s/ Veronica Chung-Ng

Veronica Chung-Ng Program Budget Manager