Quiz I

1- true statement about pattern of finger prints:
Latent print on paper give black color by silver nitrate.
2-all true about print identification except :
DNA finger print of value even in advance putrefaction.
3- true statement about medico-legal importance of hair examination:
Microscopy human hair has narrow interrupted of medulla.
4-true statement about bone examination:
Ossific center appear in upper end of radius at 6 years.
5-19years female detection union ………:
Upper end of tibia.
6-true about teeth examination :
Second premolar permanent at ten years
7-truckingof blood in retinal vessel early sign use diagnosis:
Somatic death
8-common finding in sudden infant death syndrome is :
Called coat death.
9:blue color hypostasis seen in death due to poising by :
Hydrogen sulphide poisoning
10-true statement about cadaveric spasm:
It does not come after period of postmortem flaccid.
11-all true about putrefaction except:
Maggot delay the process of putrefaction.
Getting of buried body out of grave.
13-true about adipocere:
Apparent 3month after death.
14-true statement about blunt trauma to pericardial result in death from parasympathetic shock:
Result bruise appear very slight.
15-rectangular bruise:
Animal bite
16-cut wound character by :
Healing rapid , thin scar.
17-true about stab wound:
Knife pierced the neck called transfixing wound.
18-true statement about medico legal important of lucid interval:
Pt can tell name of assailant.
19-true statement about character of homicidal cut throat is :
below level of thyroid cartilage.
20-true statement about emesis by syrup of ipecac:
Used at home.
21-gastric lavage :
Sedative hypotonic
22-whole-bowel irrigation :
Ingestion iron tablet
23-true about diagnosis of poising except:
b-negative finding should be exclude poisoning.
24-force acid dieresis treat of :
25-antidote of barbiturate poisoning:

Quiz II

true about smokless gun
-take different color
2- sport gun distance 7m
-internal wad
3-oblige firing from 2m for automatic gun
-grey tattoo
4- primary rifled
-projecting ridge
5-true about CO
-tannic acid pint
6-drunknessوحاجات ثانيه انا ماني كاتبه السؤال مضبوط بس الجواب النسبه بين 40 و50
7-contraindicated in kerosine
8- true about cyanid
symptom 30-60 m
9-inberation except

Quiz III:

1-homicidal occure in..

_ burking asphyxia..

2- complete honging true ..

_ notcouse tranditional sing of osphyxia

3_ choking couse expte..

_obstruetion carotoid artery.

4_ throttling __<___ true about..

_ bruises and abrasion by semliunor and liner by finqernoil

5_ postural asphyxia …

Up word diphramby pressure of viscera on respiratory movment.

6_ ligature strangulation…

_below loryngeul prominence.

7_drowing in sea water cause of death ..

_ hemoconcentration.

8_ dry drowing..

_ entrance of water into nosophorynx. Orlaryinx lead to spasm larynqeal.

9_ floating of body in drowing..

_24_ 36

10_takayama test..

_ haemochromogen.

11_ to deffrention B/W blood of humwn or animal.?

_immionological test.

12_ annulorhymer..

_no sing for rupture of membrane .. rope.

13_ true about rope in local violence..

_ absent of local exminution sing in married womun.

14_ definition of rupe..

_ carnal knowledge of wemon wnder offeeted fraud.

15_ contraindiction in organo chlorates ore..

_ cathartic oil.


Sodium flowrence..

17- all are true in organonphosphorus except

_increas in rbc and hormal in plosma


Sexual stimulatim of person in creose by maltreated by anther.

19_florence,s test..

Choline periodide

20_ speetroscopicexminotion in one band..


Please pray for those who wrote them, uploaded them, and tried their best to provide you with them! =) BEST OF LUCK.