King Abdulaziz University

Faculty of Nursing

Clinical Data Collection sheet

Nursing Care of Adult II ( NUR 325 ) Level : Third Year 2nd Semester

Student’s Name :------Date :------

Hospital’s Name : ------Room No & Bed No : ------

Patient’s Name : ------Age: ------Sex : ------

I- Health History ( / 3 marks)

Admitting Diagnosis :------

Present Medical History:------

------Past Medical History:------


Past Surgical History:------


Family History:------


Activity level:------


Respiratory care:------

Special procedure: ( / 1 mark)

- IV: Name:------Dressing: ------

Rate: ------Stoma: ------

Site: ------Catheter:------

Amount:------NGT : ------Hep Lock : ------

King Abdulaziz University

Faculty of Nursing

II - Physical Assessment : ( / 6 marks)

Integumentary System:------CNS:------CVS:------



II – Psychological Attributes: ( / 2 marks)

A)  Social attributes:------

B)  Psychological attributes:------

C)  Spiritual attributes: ------

King Abdulaziz University

Faculty of Nursing

III – Medication: ( / 2 marks)

Name / Mechanism of action / Dose / Frequency / Route / Systemic side effects / Nursing consideration
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King Abdulaziz University

Faculty of Nursing ( / 2 marks)

Concept Map

Nursing Care Plan ( / 4 marks)

Patient’s name: ……………………………... Student’s name:……………………….. Date:…………………

Section: …………….. …………………… Sex: ………………….. ……………… Age:…………………..

Date of admission: ………………………… Room no: …………………………… Bed no:…………….....

Date of operation: …………………………. Diagnosis:……………………………………….

Evaluation / Rational / Nursing interventions / Client’s goal / Nursing diagnosis
…………….. / ………………………
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