
Village of Rock Springs Board of Trustees

Community Center - Downstairs

Monday,September 18, 2017

Call to Order

Zautke called to order at 7:15 PM

Certify compliance with the Open Meeting Law

Yes, Verified by Roloff

Roll Call

Present: Zautke, Pfaff, Kozlowski, Busser, Stieve, Buckholt Absent: Rose

Approval of the agenda

Motion by Pfaff to approve the agenda, 2nd by Stieve, All in Favor

Approval of Minutes of previous meeting

Motion by Buckholt to approve the previous minutes dated 8/21/17 with one change under Committee Reports, 2nd by Busser, All in Favor

Approval of Monthly Bills

Motion byBusser, 2nd byStieve, All in Favor, Roll Call – All yes

Public Comment

Chalmers – New chairs look nice!

Library Directors Report

Adult programs coming up this fall (Arts & Kitchen Classes). 9/7/2017 we did crafts. 9/28/2017 will be Sauerkraut. SCAN comes Wednesday. Story Hour on Wednesday at 10 AM

Holtz Farms CSM 6493

Lot 2 was not purchased by Holtz Farms so dividing it back into 2 parcels. Will not affect zoning map. Motion by Stieve to approve CSM 6493, 2nd by Busser, All in Favor

CDBG-PF Updates by Andy Zimmer

Andy is working on a contract. Should have by next meeting. Andy asked board to help him understand the past engineering issues and how he can make it better this time?

Concerns from board: Over confident engineer with no follow up, need better communication, billing confusion, would like to get best drainage we can get out of project.

Krista Sommerfield will be working on design of project and will attend the next meeting with Andy. Will incorporate a Public Interest Meeting into this process for some time in spring.

Baraboo National Bank Interim Financing for CDBG-PF Project

Motion by Busser to approve the interim financing loan with Baraboo National Bank, 2nd by Stieve, All in Favor Roll Call – All in Favor

Resolution 2017-07 Library Tax Exemption

Motion by Stieve to approve Resolution 2017-07, 2nd by Pfaff, All in Favor.

Work/Service for Kleenmark Machine

Had Kleenmark Machine maintenance done due to some issues with the squeegee and batteries. The acidic water is overflowing from the batteries and corroding some things below the batteries. Would like to put self-contained batteries in that would address this issue. Cost is $250 each, would need two. Also, would like to sign up for yearly maintenance for the machine. Cheaper price if you do early and will help improve the life of the machine. Motion by Busser to replace batteries and sign up for yearly maintenance, 2nd by Kozlowski, All in Favor

Three Year Contract with Miller, Brussell, Ebben and Glaeske LLC

Had auditor send three year contract. 1st year $8,000, 2nd year $8,265, 3rd year $8,530. Motion by Busser to approve three year contract, 2nd by Buckholt, Motion Carried. Roll Call – All Yes

Brush Mowing in Village

Machine at County is not fixed yet. Will not be fixed until late fall. Will have County do streets once the machine is fixed.

Committee Reports

Zautke–Levy is in, Tim – please make a list of things that need to be purchased/replaced for next years budget.

Busser – Softball done for year. Some want more teams next year but probably not possible, work on getting plans for Christmas decorations sand blasted, painted so we can use this upcoming season.

Stieve –Nothing


Stieve–Nothing – Get list from Randy for A/C Doors

Busser– Need another meeting soon to discuss Ordinances

Rose–LRIP needs to be done

Rose – Dwight no longer with us. Shane reading Utilities. Contact Lenorud about upcoming holidays.

Presidents Report – Lisa Zautke



Motion byStieve, 2nd by Busser, All in Favor 8:35 PM