Industry & Revolution: Revolutions & Nationalism in the West


Andrus AP World History 28 #3Reading Study Guide P. 637-647

1.What was 18th -19th Century “Conservatism”? Who was one of its main advocates?

2. What was 18th -19th Century “Liberalism”? Who was one of its main advocates?

3. How did revolution & Enlightenment ideals lead some to advocate the end of the slave trade?

4. Who led this fight politically in England?

5. What was Bolivar’s policy on slavery?

6. How did the institution of slavery end in the British Empire?

7. How did Enlightenment thinkers generally view women and the cause of women’s rights?

8. Who was Mary Wollstonecraft? What did she contribute to the cause of women’s rights?

9. How did women impact the French Revolution?

10. How did Elizabeth Cady Stanton influence the fight for women’s rights?

Read “Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen”

11. How does Olympe de Gouge’s feminist restatement of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen intensify its radical precepts?

12. What is nationalism? How did this concept grow during the French Revolution and Napoleonic Era?

13. What is Cultural Nationalism? Who championed it in the Germanic areas?

14. How did Giuseppe Mazzini influence the concept of Italian Nationalism?

15. Who was Alfred Dreyfus? What happened to him?

16. How did the experience of reporting on Dreyfus influence Theodor Herzl?

17. What conclusions and ideas did Herzl reach regarding the plight of Jews in the Europe?

18. What is Zionism?

19. Why was Klemenz von Metternich against nationalism? What was he for?

20. Why did the Greeks rebel against Ottoman rule? Why were Europeans sympathetic to the Greek cause?

21. What happened in the France and the Netherlands in 1830?

22. What was the outcome of the Revolutions of 1848?

23. Who was Camillo de Cavour? Who did he work for?

24. Who was Giuseppe Garibaldi? What was he able to accomplish?

25. How did the combined efforts of Cavour and Garibaldi lead to a united Italy under King Victor Emmanuel II?

25. Who was Otto von Bismarck? What is realpolitik?

26. How did Bismarck use three small-scale wars to unite all the Germanic people (apart from Austria) behind the King of Prussia?

27. Why did both Italy and Germany adopt national flags (rather than monarchial coats of arms)?

28. Why did both Italy and Germany regularize holidays, take censuses and establish public schools?

29. Why did they establish new national militaries?