Student Orientation:

First Day of Classes



Instructor’s Orientation

First Day of Class

Overview 3

Confirmation of Attendance 3

Hand Outs and Materials 4

Welcome and Introductions 4

Orientation Overview 4

Benefits of Attending Liaison College 5

Student Handbook 5

Career Action Plan Services (CAPS) 5

GED Program 6

Campus Referral Program 6

Campus Features 6

Instructor Introduction 6

Instructor Orientation Guidelines 6

Icebreaker Techniques 7

Course Overview 7

Unique Classroom Rules and Expectations 7

Marking and Grading Schemes 7

Course Objectives and Skill Development Goals 8

Instructor’s Conclusion 8

Ice Breaker Techniques 9

Form - Confirmation of Start Date 10

Form - Admissions Alert 11

Form - Student Progress Results 12



Instructor’s Orientation

First Day of Class


The first day of a student’s program at Liaison College is one of the most important factors in determining customer satisfaction. Students have committed to spending a great deal of time at our college in order to obtain the skills necessary for employment or career advancement. The first day of class allows us the opportunity to reinforce this important decision in the student’s career. The day will include a warm welcome and staff introductions as well as basic information about Liaison College and the many benefits to students. All staff participates in the orientation program at Liaison College, and should know their role before the program takes place. Following are the major areas to be covered on the first day.

Confirmation of Attendance:

Every student enrolled for classes must be confirmed prior to the start date. It is imperative that the series of welcome letters be sent if there is enough time between enrolment date and start date. All students, especially those who enrol too close to a start date to receive any letters, are contacted by phone. Prepare a list prior to contact as per the “Confirmation of Start Date” form (attached), of all students enrolled for the start date. A week prior to the start date, using the list, contact all students. As students may not be reachable during the day, the list can be taken home for contact in the evenings or over the weekend. If a phone number is not in service, use the phone number of the next of kin to establish contact. The telephone discussion should proceed as follows:

Hi, this is (name of caller), the student services coordinator from Liaison College. I am looking forward to meeting you in person on your first day of classes (state start date). On your first day you will be gathering a lot of information that you can take home, you will get a duffel bag. Do you have any questions about your first day that I can help you with right now? (Wait for the answer: if the student responds that he/she has a problem with attending at this time, be prepared to listen as an explanation is given. Take notes on an “Admission Alert ” form ( attached). Pull the student file and attach the contact form to the front; submit the file to the admissions representative for further follow up).

Thank you for choosing Liaison College for your training; we are very excited about working with you toward your career goals. See you at (time of class start) on (start date). If you have any questions you would like to ask, please call me at any time, again, my name is (name of caller).



Instructor’s Orientation

First Day of Class

The completed Student Contact form is due no later than the Thursday prior to the start date and will be remitted to the Director of the campus. You now have a complete list of confirmed students for your start date. Make sure that enough materials, books, and handouts are available for each student. (Start Date Checklist)

Hand Outs and Materials:

Each student will receive the following:

Starting in Theory -

√ a Liaison College Binder containing the student handbook

√ a Liaison College Pen

√ a Liaison College Duffel Bag

Ö  Textbook

Ö  Uniform

Starting in Kitchen –

Ö  Same as Theory except add Utensil Kit

Place a set of materials on the desks for the students as they arrive.

Welcome and Introductions:

All staff is on hand to greet new students as they arrive for the first class. There will be many questions and staff should be approachable and ready to service any requests. You may choose to have a light beverage service available for new students as a special welcome.

Once students are settled into their chairs, the orientation leader will introduce himself/herself and the other staff present. A short warm welcome to Liaison College thanking the students for their decision to study with us will start the session.

Orientation Overview:

The orientation leader will outline the following areas to be covered during the orientation sessions; these can be printed and handed out, written on the board, or prepared as an overhead:

 Benefits of attending Liaison College

 Student Handbook

 CAPS (Career Action Plan Services)

 GED Program

 Referral Program

 Campus Features

ð  Junior membership in local Chef Association

The orientation leader can review all the various areas or can assign sections to other staff members to present.



Instructor’s Orientation

First Day of Class

The orientation session should take 3-4 hours with occasional breaks for refreshment and using the washroom. It should be made clear how long each break is, and acknowledgement should be given for correctly following instructions. The sessions should be presented in a light, positive and up-beat fashion as boredom breeds hostility.

Remember to positively acknowledge participants whenever they offer a comment or question. You want to positively reinforce participation and discussion as often as possible and make students want to get involved. This, after all, is their school.

Benefits of Attending Liaison College:

Liaison College Mission Statement should be read at this time.

Liaison College offers its students many benefits and students should take pride in making a decision to study with us. Education is an ongoing voyage in career planning and Liaison College is a vital step in the training process. One of the buzzwords of the new millenium is “career continuum”. Career continuum suggests that students will require many training programs throughout their working lives due to job changes, life situations, promotion, relocation and company restructuring. Liaison College prepares students with job skills required in today’s work environments. Liaison College does this in short, intensive, personalized and hands-on settings. Caring professional instructors are the key to success at Liaison College. Liaison College staff work as a team to make sure you have what it takes to succeed in the working world. Job skills, attitude and determination are what we will instil in our students.

Student Handbook:

Review the entire Student Handbook, step-by-step, allowing for questions and comments. Any questions that arise which require consultation with the Director should be noted and responded to by the end of the session. Each student must agree to the contents of the handbook by way of signature on the last page, “Student Certification”. The certification page is removed from the booklet and collected for filing by the orientation leader. Make sure that the student’s name is legible.

Career Action Plan Services (CAPS):



Instructor’s Orientation

First Day of Class

Every Liaison College student is entitled to CAPS. The CAPS is designed to make the student aware of job search techniques and obstacles. Having the skills to do a job, and getting a job is what Liaison College is all about. We will do whatever we can to ensure a graduate’s employment. CAPS is a unique service, which is an integral part of Liaison College studies. During the course of your program at Liaison College, CAPS will be introduced and implemented.

GED Program:

Liaison College is pleased to offer all students enrolled in a diploma program free GED services.

At this time, the campus GED Administrator or orientation leader should present the GED program as outlined in the campus GED program guidelines, or have a representative from the community on hand.

Campus Referral Program:

At this time, the Admissions Representative or the orientation leader should explain the referral program.

Campus Features:

Each campus has unique features with respect to parking, washroom facilities, smoking, vending and other issues. Each campus has posted fire and emergency procedures. At this time the orientation leader should outline these various features.

Instructor Introduction:

At this time the instructor for the class will be formally introduced. Students will gain an immediate and lasting respect for the instructor if the following are highlighted:

 Career summary, highlighting job titles and achievements

 Years of service with Liaison College and/or industry

 Professional degrees, certificates or affiliations

The orientation leader should have this instructor profile summary prepared in advance.

Instructor Orientation Guidelines:

The instructor should have prepared in advance the following:

 Ice Breaker techniques

 Course overview including any days off, exam dates, holidays and other course disruptions

 Unique classroom rules and expectations

 Marking / grading schemes

 Course objectives and skill development goals

Icebreaker Techniques:

Review the suggested ice breaking techniques and select one (or more) for use during the session. The instructor’s goal is to allow a fun and interactive introduction of classmates in order for team building. Students spend a lot of time together as a group and should develop a sense of team and interpersonal relationships as early as possible. Keep in mind that all students will enter the workforce soon and will be a good source of networking and support for each other if lasting relationships develop today.

Course Overview:



Instructor’s Orientation

First Day of Class

Every student has invested a great deal of money and time in attending Liaison College. Unlike most investments, education is intangible. Students should have a solid, detailed concept of what they can expect over the next months in school. Keeping in mind that all students have seen and purchased training based on a standard course outline, the instructor will prepare a course overview sheet for distribution. The overview sheet is a step-by-step series of events that will occur during the course. The overview can be distributed as a pre-printed sheet or can be produced for overhead with the students taking notes. One idea is a calendar style that shows the start and end dates as well as important dates throughout. Nothing should come as

a surprise to students; they should be prepared for all exams, field trips, school closures and other events. Instructors should do this for their unit only (either Kitchen or Theory).

Unique Classroom Rules and Expectations:

Each instructor will have a unique style and approach to teaching and the classroom is the domain of the instructor. In addition to the usual student handbook, the instructor may have rules and expectations of the students. These may include food in the classroom, breaks, start and end of day procedures, dress code, etc. The instructor is obliged to advise students on the first day of class of any such unique items in order to avoid future conflicts and disappointments. If you have any question as to whether your unique classroom rules are in contravention to Liaison College standards, please discuss in advance with the Director. Further, all such rules should be known by the other staff at the campus so as to avoid potential confusion.

Marking and Grading Schemes:

It is human nature to want to know how we measure up to standards. Students especially are eager to know results of any testing. Instructors have an obligation to advise their students as to how grades and marks can be achieved. Liaison College “Student Progress Results” form (attached), must be used. Students should know how the instructor would arrive at the marks. Instructors will have results available to students no later than 48 hours after a test or exam with the exception of holidays.

Course Objectives and Skill Development Goals:

In addition to the course overview highlighting special dates, the students will know, without question, what they will learn and be able to do with Liaison College skills and knowledge. The instructor will explain in detail the course objectives and skills that should be acquired by students. This information directly affects the student’s employability and self-esteem. Included in the objectives will be the method in which the students can obtain the skills (i.e. hands-on practice). Every student should clearly know what they have engaged in and paid for.

Instructor’s Conclusion:

The session is now essentially over. Students should have an understanding and appreciation for the training they have chosen to embark on. There may be questions that should be addressed. At all times, the instructor must watch for non-verbal signals and communication from students. Students may not have the courage to ask questions for fear of appearing stupid or standing out. Remind students that no question is a stupid one, and others in the room may like to know the answer too. Watch for obvious “ring-leaders” and “lost souls”; in every group individuals will show apparent signs of leadership or not fitting in -- the rest of the class constitutes the average majority. If time permits, the instructor may wish to assign

homework or a simple exercise to be completed in class or at home. Any students not present on the first day should get a mini orientation as soon as possible.



Instructor’s Orientation

First Day of Class

Ice Breaker Techniques:

Sample #A

Starting with the instructor, have each person in the class share the following information about himself or herself:

1. Favourite movie star and why.

2. Most dreaded household chore and why.