Responsible Packaging Awards Nomination Form
Awards will be announced February 8, 2013 2:15pm PDT at the Organicolgoy Conference in Portland, OR -
Note: All Nominations are Due Friday, January 11, 2013.
You may nominate your company or another entity. Please complete the following and email with an image of the relevant packaging item (< 500 kb, If your packaging is a redesign, please send before AND after images) and your logo to
Date: ______
1. Nominator's Information
Name, Company & Title: ______
2. Name and website of company you are nominating:
If you are nominating another company, please specify the name, phone and email for someone whom we can contact for more information if needed:
3. Please indicate which award category you are applying for:
Additional questions for these four award categories are below.
- Source Reduction
- Extended Producer Responsibility
- Innovation
- Next Life
4. Describe product/packaging item you are nominating:
5. Is this a new item or a redesign of an existing item? Has the product been on the market for 90 days?
6. Answer the questions for the award category that you are applying for.
This award category recognizes: elimination of unnecessary packaging, extra layers of packaging, use of “right size” packaging, virgin material reduction, and use of material made of the highest recycled content.
Third party verification claims are required where available. Recycled content claims should only be made for materials that have been recovered or otherwise diverted from the solid waste stream, either during the manufacturing process (pre-consumer), or after consumer use (post-consumer).
For specific recycled content claims, please review the following ranges for award consideration, and review the “Material” supporting document for definitions of preferred and obsolete materials.
- rPET #1 – 90-100% post-consumer recycled content
- rHDPE #2 – 90-100% post-consumer recycled content
- rPP – 90-100% post-consumer recycled content
- rWood Fibers – FSC Certified, 80-100% post-consumer recycled content
References:FTC Green Guide 260.7 Environmental Marketing Claims (d & e) -
In what ways does your packaging fulfill the Source Reduction category?
- Reduction & Elimination of Packaging(Please state materials and/or Weight of Materials):
- Use of material made of the recycled content(What is the material, what is the recycled content):
This award category recognizes companies that are implementing strategies designed to promote the integration of environmental and social costs associated with products throughout their life cycle. These strategies can be implemented on an individual basis (such as a regional “take-back” model), or as part of a larger collaborative model.
References:FTC Green Guide 260.7 Environmental Marketing Claims (g)- Natural Logic, Inc. October, 2010 Retried from:
- In what ways does your packaging fulfill the Extended Producer Responsibility category? (Describe your EPR system or model)
This award category recognizes innovation in packaging. Awards will be given for packaging innovation that exhibit collaboration, commercial feasibility, demonstrable industry shift, transparency and authenticity in claim, scientific best practices, and alignment with the Responsible Packaging Guidelines.
References: For any bio-based packaging nominations, Non GMO Project Verification is required -
- In what ways does your packaging fulfill the Innovation category? (Is this packaging a new concept, how does it improve greater environmental or social benefit, etc.)
Next Life
This award category recognizes packaging designed with the next life in mind. Based upon Regenerative Design, Cradle-to-Cradle, and Zero Waste principles, next life packaging implements a closed loop input to output model that encourages redesign of resources life cycles for reclamation, reuse, or repurposing.
- Recyclability
Driving the definition of what is recyclable as a technical nutrient in a manufacturing cycle. This sub-category recognizes packaging that can be recovered or otherwise diverted from the solid waste stream for the purpose of recycling.
Recyclability packaging claims should meet a minimum standard of collection, separation, and recovery from the solid waste stream forreuse, or assembly ofanotherpackage or product, through an established recycling program, as stated in the FTC Greed Guide. Please refer to “Material” supporting document for definitions of preferred and obsolete materials.
Reference: FTC Green Guide 260.7 Environmental Marketing Claims (d) - - 260.6
- Compostability
Driving the definition of what is compostable as a biological nutrient in nature. This sub-category recognizes packaging that will break down into, or otherwise become part of usable compost (e.g., soil-conditioning material), in a safe and timely manner in either an industrial composting facility or in a home composting pile or device. Industrial versus home compostability is important to identify, as temperatures needed for compostability between industrial and home composting vary greatly.
Third party verification and standards claims are required where available.
- Industrial: Packaging designed to be composted in a municipal or industrial composting facility.
Standards: ASTM D6400, ASTM D6868, ISO 17088, EN 13432
Certification: Din Certco (European Union),Biodegradable Products Institute (North America), Japan Bioplastics Association (Japan)
- Home: Packaging designed to be composted in a home composting pile or device.
Certification: Vincotte, “OK compost HOME” (Belgium).
References: FTC Green Guide 260.7 Environmental Marketing Claims (c) - For any bio-based packaging nominations, Non GMO Project Verification is required - ASTM D6400, ASTM D6868 - ISO 17088 - EN 13432 - Vincotte, “OK compost HOME” - Din Certco – BPI – JBA -
- In what ways does your packaging fulfill the Next Life category?
- Recyclability
- Compostability
7. Please note how this packaging item aligns with the ecological and/or social principles outlined in the Responsible Packaging Guidelines. State N/A or delete items that are not applicable. For definitions, see:
- Verifiable good labor practices:
- Verifiable fair trade practices:
- Materials and processes protect and respect common resources such as air, water, land, and biodiversity:
- Reduce greenhouse emissions across packaging lifecycle:
- Reduce transportation impacts across packaging lifecycle:
- Organic Farming (prohibition of GMOs) & Sustainability principles (the Natural Step, Cradle to Cradle, Zero Waste, Systems Thinking):
8. What specific, measurable benefits have been realized, compared to the original packaging, if a redesign, or the industry standard, if a new design; and how were these benefits calculated and verified? (E.g., Total or % weight, emissions or transportation fuel reduced; total or % dollars saved for materials and/or transit, etc).
9. What challenges, added costs, etc. were involved in the design or redesign of this packaging item, and how were those addressed?
Anything else you would like the Awards Committee to consider?
Thank you! If you have questions, please contact Nate Schlachter at Sustainable Food Trade Association, (503) 914-6562 or .
Responsible Packaging Project
(503) 914-6562