Calderdale Pupil Referral Unit
Policy Name: / Inclusion and Equality PolicyPolicy Number: / 028
Links to: /
- Equal Opportunities
- Disability Equality Scheme
- Race Equality
Date of Approval: / 10 February 2016
Effective Date: / 10 February 2016
Review Date: / 10 February 2016
Person Responsible: / Head Teacher
Approved By: / PRU Full Management Committee
For Action By / All Staff
For Information to: / All Staff
Parents / Carers
Calderdale Pupil Referral Unit
Inclusion Policy
All children have a right to be educated with their peer group. At Calderdale PRU, we are fully committed to promoting inclusion of all children, whatever their age, ability, gender, race, background, sexuality or religion. We believe that the teaching and learning, achievements, attitudes and well-being of every child in the school is important.
We aim to provide equal opportunities for all groups of children, including those with diverse needs. Our main objective is to safeguard the interests of all children and to ensure they achieve their full potential. All children should have the opportunity to join with their peers in the curriculum and life of the school.
At Calderdale PRU, we are fully committed to inclusion; however, we are aware that in exceptional circumstances, the needs of the individual child might not be met or that the inclusion of the child in mainstream education of the unit "is incompatible with the efficient education of other children." (SEN Code of Practice. DFES 2001) *
- To include all pupils in school life.
- To continue to raise staff awareness of inclusion via ongoing staff development.
- To maximise the learning potential of all pupils and raise attainment for all.
- To promote the personal, social, moral and cultural development of all pupils.
- To celebrate the progress and achievements that all members of the community make.
- To develop inclusive practices throughout our community by promoting equality of access and opportunity for all.
- To ensure that resources are matched to need.
- To work together with all partners in the education of the child.
- To seek to continuously monitor and evaluate the success of policy and practice.
We aim to provide a stimulating learning environment across the whole curriculum which maximises individual potential and ensures that pupils of all ability levels are well equipped to meet the challenges of education, work and life. This will be achieved by:
- Designing a curriculum to promote a full range of learning, thinking and life skills.
- Providing a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum.
- Using flexible and responsive teaching and learning styles.
- Equipping pupils with the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to succeed as individuals and as responsible and valued members of society.
- Developing a close partnership with the whole community, particularly parents.
We aim to be an inclusive school and offer equality of opportunity to all groups of pupils within the school. These may include:
- Boys and girls.
- Pupils from minority faiths, ethnicities, travellers, asylum seekers and refugees
- Pupils who have English as an additional language
- Pupils who have Special Educational Needs
- Pupils who are Gifted and Talented
- Pupils who are Looked After Children
- Pupils who are at risk of disaffection or exclusion, young carers, sick children, children from families under stress
We aim to provide a differentiated curriculum that meets the needs of all pupils, individuals and groups by:
- Setting suitable learning challenges.
- Responding to pupils’ diverse learning needs.
- Overcoming potential barriers to learning and assessment.
We aim to provide a happy, healthy and safe school by:
- Recognising, reflecting and celebrating the skills, talents, contributions and diversity of all our pupils
- Providing high quality pastoral care, support and guidance
- Safeguarding the health, safety and welfare of pupils
- Listening and responding to the concerns of children and parents
- Taking care to balance the needs of all members of the school community
We secure inclusive education for our pupils by reviewing and evaluating what is done by asking ourselves the following questions:
- Does each pupil achieve as much as they can?
- Are there differences in the achievements of different groups of pupils?
- What is in place for pupils who are not achieving their potential?
- Are our actions effective?
- Are all our pupils happy to be in school?
Principles into practice
The school is seeking to promote inclusion through the National Curriculum. The following strategies and support are available and will be used where appropriate:
- The pastoral system, Pupil voice, peer mediation and monitoring and the delivery of PSHCE and Citizenship.
- The Healthy Schools Award.
- Anti-bullying procedure.
- the Special Needs interventions.
- Use of interventions for personal, social, emotional, behaviour , numeracy and literacy development ,where appropriate
- Systematic follow-up for ‘late’ and non-attendance.
- Referral to the Care and Attendance Services.
- Alternative curriculum.
- Key Worker support (SISW)
- Careers Guidance
- Working with external support services including: Educational Psychology Service, NHS, Care Services, Police, inter-agency groups, FIT and Young Carers.
- Training programmes for staff and staff voice to direct school policies and change.
- Extra curricula activities
- Actively challenging discriminatory attitudes and behaviour
Roles and Responsibilities
At Calderdale Pupil Referral Unit, all staff have a responsibility to promote inclusion.
- It is important that all children are treated fairly, achieve their full potential and have an opportunity to learn effectively without interference or disruption.
- All children have a right to individual help and respect from their teachers and other staff.
- All children should have access to all aspects of the curriculum at their level.
- The well-being of all children is fostered, and children are given extra support when experiencing difficulties.
All applications for places at our school will be treated fairly. No child will be refused a place in the school because of their special need, disability, race, gender or background.
We value the importance of effective induction procedures with pre-school visits, parents meetings and review of previous records when available. If the school is aware of Special Educational Needs before a child starts school, we will endeavour to liaise with parents and outside agencies to gather information and assess the individual needs of the child. Where resources are available, every effort will be made to support a child who has Special Educational Needs.
At Calderdale PRU every effort will be made to provide support for those families from the ethnic minorities, especially those who speak English as an additional language or have come into the country recently. Assistance will be sought from EMTAS if translation is necessary.
The Head Teacher and SLT will monitor progress and provision on an annual basis.
The school Management Committee will be responsible for ensuring this policy is effective and will review progress made annually.
Success criteria:
This policy will be successful when:
- Monitoring demonstrates that needs of pupils are provided for and appropriate progress is made.
- Monitoring indicates that support and intervention is successful.
- Monitoring demonstrates that pupils at particular risk (SEN, ethnic minority pupils, travellers, young carers) are well supported.
- Tracking of pupils informs appropriate planning and intervention.
- Agencies work effectively together to support pupils.
If you would like further information about Calderdale PRUInclusion Policyor have any feedback, please contactthe Head Teacher, Mr M Leicester on 01422 244181 or at or at The Whitley Phoenix Centre, Moorbottom Road, Halifax, HX2 9SR.
If you require this policy in another format, please contact the school office on the above number or at the above address.