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[An individual may voluntarily return KTAP, Kinship Care (KC), or FAD benefits for any reason. In order to return benefits for a specific month, the full amount of benefits originally issued must be available on the EBT card or the check must be uncashed. Benefits cannot be returned for a month where the benefit is reduced to pay a previous claim. Returning benefits is always the individual’s choice. Workers should NEVER request that benefits be returned. If a worker discovers an individual received benefits incorrectly, a claim must be referred via form PAFS-431, Claim Referral.
A. If an individual voluntarily returns KTAP or KC benefits to avoid a claim and the benefits were issued directly to the individual via EBT or check:
1. Complete form PAFS-61, Disposition of Returned Check, to request the check be cancelled; or form EBT-61, EBT Benefits Account Adjustment Request, to remove the KTAP or KC benefits from the EBT account;
2. Scan the completed & signed form EBT-61 or form PAFS-61 along with the check being returned into ECF;
3. Send form EBT-61 or form PAFS-61 and check to Central Office at the following address:
Division of Family Support
Family Self-Sufficiency Branch
KTAP Section
275 E. Main St., 3E-I
Frankfort, KY 40621
4. Once form PAFS-61 or EBT-61 is received by Central Office:
a. The Benefit Issuance screen is adjusted to indicate the benefit was cancelled;
b. The KTAP Time Clock is adjusted to remove the month as a month of KTAP receipt; and
c. If there is a pending claim for the month benefits were returned, this can be indicated as “No Claim”.
B. When a KTAP/KC check is returned, the information is sent to Child Support Enforcement (CSE) through an interface for CSE to determine if any child support collected from the absent parent should be sent to the custodial parent.
C. Benefits issued via direct deposit cannot be returned to avoid a claim. If a potential claim exists, worker should refer to a claims worker via form PAFS-431.]