Fact Sheet

About Community Foundations

Community foundations are one of the fastest-growing sectors of philanthropy in the United States. They are tax-exempt, place-based public charities created tohelp individuals, families and companies make a difference in their community.

The first community foundation was established in Cleveland in 1914. Today there are over 730 throughout the United States, stewarding $66 billion in assets. In 2013, community foundations awarded $4.98 billion in grants to nonprofits.

How Community Foundations Work

Each community foundation is made up of acollection of charitable funds established by

various donors, then pooled and invested by professional managers so the income provides an

ongoing, steady resource for community giving.

Those who conduct their charitable giving through a community foundation can make contributionsfor the general benefit of the community, ordesignate their funds for specific purposes, causesor nonprofit organizations. Donors can contributeto local, national and international causes throughtheir community foundation. There are nogeographic boundaries to the term “community.”

Advantages of Giving with a Community Foundation

Donors establish funds, contribute to existing funds, or support the leadership work of a communityfoundation for many reasons.

The benefits of managing your charitable giving through a community foundation include:

  • You can name your fund and designate its purpose in perpetuity
  • You receive immediate tax benefits, even if youwait to recommend grants from the fund youestablished
  • Your fund benefits from professional financial stewardship
  • You may engage family members inphilanthropy and name a successor advisor
  • You may give anonymously.

Our History

Fairfield Community’s Foundation was formedin 1992 when five smaller foundations merged.The Danbury, Greenwich, Stamford and FiveTown (comprised of Westport, Wilton, Weston,Norwalk and Darien) foundations, and the FairfieldCounty Foundation, merged to better serve theircommunities and Fairfield County.

In 2008, the Greater Bridgeport Area Foundation and the Fairfield County Community Foundationmerged.

In 2014, the Fairfield County Community Foundation changed its name and brand identity to FairfieldCounty’s Community Foundation.

Our Vision

Foster a vital and inclusive community where every individual has the opportunity to thrive.

Our Mission

Promote philanthropy as a means to create change in Fairfield County, focusing on innovative and collaborative solutions to critical issues impacting the community.

What We Do

Bring passionate people and trusted resources together to create lasting change in Fairfield County.

Net Assets:$180 million

Grants Awarded:$180 million as of June 30, 2014

Fiscal 2014 Grants: $11.8 million, including $619,346 in scholarships

Number of Funds:571

187 donor advised funds146 scholarship funds

114discretionary and field of interest funds126 other funds

Focuses of Discretionary Grants in FairfieldCounty

  • Education and Youth Development
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Health and Human Services
  • Arts and Culture
  • Environment

Countywide Initiatives

  • Thrive by 25 helps Fairfield County’s young people acquire the education, training and skills to find jobs that pay a living wage. This attracts quality employers, keeps young people in Fairfield County, contributes to the local economy, and increases community vibrancy
  • Family Economic Security Program helps low-income women supporting their families get the education and life skills they need to enter better-paying careers and build assets
  • Center for Nonprofit Excellence provides local nonprofits with professional development and tools to make them even more efficient and effective at gaining the most good from every contribution

Cities and Towns Served










New Canaan

New Fairfield














203.750.3200 • FCCFoundation.org • 383 Main Ave., Norwalk, CT 06851