Johnston Heights Secondary

Course outline


Design 8

IB missionstatement

The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young peoplewho help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding andrespect.

To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations todevelop challenging programmes of international education and rigorousassessment.

Theseprogrammesencouragestudentsacrosstheworldtobecomeactive,compassionateandlifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also beright.

Middle Years ProgrammeModel

TheMYPisdesignedforstudentsaged11to16.Itprovidesaframeworkoflearningthatencouragesstudents tobecomecreative,criticalandreflectivethinkers.TheMYPemphasizesintellectualchallenge,encouraging students to make connections between their studies in traditional subjects and the real world. It fostersthe developmentofskillsforcommunication,interculturalunderstandingandglobalengagement—essentialqualities for young people who are becoming globalleaders.


•addresses holistically students’ intellectual, social, emotional and physicalwell-being

•providesstudentsopportunitiestodeveloptheknowledge,attitudesandskillstheyneedinorderto manage complexity and take responsible action for the future

•ensures breadth and depth of understanding through study in eight subjectgroups

•requires the study of at least two languages to support students in understanding their owncultures and those of others

•empowers students to participate in service with thecommunity

•helps to prepare students for further education, the workplace and a lifetime oflearning.

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The IB learnerprofilerepresents10 attributesvaluedbyIB WorldSchools.Webelievetheseattributes,andotherslikethem,canhelpindividualsandgroupsbecomeresponsiblemembersoflocal,nationalandglobalcommunities.

As IB learners we strive tobe:


Wenurtureourcuriosity,developingskillsforinquiryand research.Weknowhowtolearnindependentlyandwithothers.Welearnwithenthusiasmandsustainourloveoflearningthroughoutlife.


We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploringknowledgeacrossarangeofdisciplines.Weengagewithissuesand ideas that have local and globalsignificance.


Weusecriticalandcreativethinkingskillstoanalyseandtakeresponsibleactiononcomplexproblems.Weexerciseinitiativeinmaking reasoned,ethicaldecisions.


We express ourselves confidently and creatively in morethanone language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively,listeningcarefullytotheperspectivesofotherindividualsandgroups.


We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense offairnessandjustice,and withrespectforthedignityandrightsofpeopleeverywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and theirconsequences.


We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories,aswellasthevalues andtraditionsofothers.Weseekandevaluatearange of points of view, and we are willing to grow from theexperience.


We show empathy, compassion and respect We haveacommitment to service, and we act to make a positive differencein the lives of others and in the world aroundus.




Weunderstandtheimportanceofbalancingdifferentaspectsofour lives-intellectual, physical, and emotional-toachieve

well-beingforourselvesandothers.We recognizeourinterdependencewith other people and with the world in which welive.


We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas andexperience. We work to understand our strengths andweaknessesin order to support our learning and personal development.



TheaimsofallMYPsubjectsstatewhatateachermayexpecttoteachandwhatastudentmayexpecttoexperience and learn. These aims suggest how the student may be changed by the learningexperience.

The aims of MYP design are to encourage and enable studentsto:

•enjoy the design process, develop an appreciation of its elegance andpower

•develop knowledge, understanding and skills from different disciplines to design and createsolutions to problems using the designcycle

•useandapplytechnologyeffectivelyasameanstoaccess,processandcommunicateinformation,model and create solutions, and to solveproblems

•develop an appreciation of the impact of design innovations for life, global society andenvironments

•appreciatepast,presentandemergingdesignwithincultural,political,social,historicalandenvironmental contexts

•develop respect for others’ viewpoints and appreciate alternative solutions toproblems

•actwithintegrityandhonesty,andtakeresponsibilityfortheirownactionsdevelopingeffectiveworking practices.


TheobjectivesofanyMYPsubjectstatethespecifictargetsthataresetforlearninginthesubject.Theydefine what the student will be able to accomplish as a result of studying the subject.

TheobjectivesofMYPdesignencompassthefactual,conceptual,proceduralandmetacognitivedimensions ofknowledge.


The objectives for years 3 and 5 of the programme are provided in the guide and their use is mandatory.These objectives relate directly to the assessment criteria found in the “Assessed curriculum” section ofthis guide.Together these objectives reflect the knowledge, skills and attitudes that students need in order toengage with and solve complex, real-life problems in both familiar and unfamiliar contexts; they representessential aspects of designmethodology.

AInquiring andanalysing

Students are presented with a design situation, from which they identify a problem that needs to besolved. They analyse the need for a solution and conduct an inquiry into the nature of theproblem.

In order to reach the aims of design, students should be ableto:

i.explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem for a specified client/targetaudience


iii.analyse a range of existing products that inspire a solution to theproblem

iv.develop a detailed design brief which summarizes the analysis of relevantresearch.



In order to reach the aims of design, students should be ableto:

i.develop a design specification which clearly states the success criteria for the design of asolution

ii.develop a range of feasible design ideas which can be correctly interpreted byothers

iii.present the final chosen design and justify itsselection

iv.developaccurateanddetailedplanningdrawings/diagramsandoutlinetherequirementsforthecreation of the chosensolution.

CCreating thesolution

Studentsplanthecreationofthechosensolutionandfollowtheplantocreateaprototypesufficientfortesting andevaluation.

In order to reach the aims of design, students should be ableto:

i.construct a logical plan, which describes the efficient use of time and resources, sufficient for peersto be able to follow to create thesolution

ii.demonstrate excellent technical skills when making thesolution

iii.follow the plan to create the solution, which functions asintended

iv.fully justify changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution

v.present the solution as a whole,either: electronic form, or

b.through photographs of the solution from different angles, showingdetails.

D Evaluating

Studentsdesignteststoevaluatethesolution,carryoutthosetestsandobjectivelyevaluateitssuccess.Students identify areas where the solution could be improved and explain how their solution will impacton the client or targetaudience.

In order to reach the aims of design, students should be ableto:


ii.critically evaluate the success of the solution against the designspecification

iii.explain how the solution could beimproved

iv.explain the impact of the solution on the client/target audience.

Conceptual understanding

Aconceptisa“bigidea”—aprincipleornotionthatisenduring,thesignificanceofwhichgoesbeyondparticularorigins,subjectmatterorplaceintime.Conceptsrepresentthevehicleforstudents’inquiryinto the issues and ideas of personal, local and global significance, providing the means by which theycan explore the essence ofdesign.

Conceptshaveanimportantplaceinthestructureofknowledgethatrequiresstudentsandteacherstothink with increasing complexity as they organize and relate facts andtopics.

Conceptsexpressunderstandingthatstudentstakewiththemintolifelongadventuresoflearning.Theyhelpstudentstodevelopprinciples,generalizationsandtheories.Studentsuseconceptualunderstandingas they solve problems, analyse issues, and evaluate decisions that can have an impact on themselves,their communities and the widerworld.


Keyconceptspromotethedevelopmentofabroadcurriculum.Theyrepresentbigideasthatarebothrelevantwithinandacrossdisciplinesandsubjects.Inquiryintokeyconceptscanfacilitateconnectionsbetween andamong:

•courses within the design subject group (intra-disciplinarylearning)

•other subject groups (interdisciplinarylearning).


Whileexploringtheconceptofcommunication,studentsdevelopanawarenessandunderstandingofhow, why and when we need to ensure that clear messages are given and received throughout thedesign process.Itensuresthatideascanbecommunicatedclearlyandeachpersoninvolvedinthedevelopmentofanideafromconceptiontousehasacommonandconsistentunderstandingofthesolutionanditsfunction. Communication drives invention to becomeinnovation.

Wheninquiringandanalysing,studentsneedtocommunicatewithclientsandtargetmarketstoidentifythe design need. When developing ideas, students engage in internal dialogue, using design sketchesand models to think through the feasibility of their ideas. When creating the solution, students need todevelop clear plans that can be followed easily. The final product must also clearly communicate its intent andhow a user interacts withit.

Communitiesaregroupsthatexistinproximitydefinedbyspace,timeorrelationship.Communitiesinclude, for example, groups of people sharing particular characteristics, beliefs or values, as well asgroups of interdependent organisms living together in a specifichabitat.

ThroughMYPdesign,studentswilldevelopanunderstandingthatasolutiontoaproblemforone communitywillcreateproblemsforanother,someonasmallorevenpersonalscale,whileothersmaybefar-reaching, affecting communities thousands of miles away or the globalcommunity.

When establishing the need and developing the design brief, the student always considers thecommunity, whetherthisisacommunitythataffectsthedesign(targetaudience)oronethatisaffectedbyit.Whendevelopingideas,engagementwiththetargetaudienceandclientdrivesthedevelopmenttoensureitisfit-for-purpose,andthestudentmustengagewiththecommunitiesthateffectandareaffectedbythesolution when evaluating its effectiveness in solving theproblem.

Developmentistheactorprocessofgrowth,progressorevolution,sometimesthroughiterative improvements.

Allideasneedrefinement,throughdevelopment,tobecomesuccessful,appropriateandfeasible.Thedevelopment of solutions allows problems to be solved with greatersuccess.

Even though the name suggests that the main focus of development would be found in developingideas, studentshavetodevelopresearchplansasandwhentheyrealizethatthereisfurtherinformationtheyneedinordertosolvetheproblem.Studentsconstantlyadaptandchangetheirplanswhencreatingthesolution, dependent on the thoroughness of their planning and, when evaluating, students developtesting methods to assess the success of thesolution.

Systemsaresetsofinteractingorinterdependentcomponents.Systemsprovidestructureandorderinhuman, natural and built environments. Systems can be static or dynamic, simple orcomplex.

Whileexploringtheconceptofsystems,studentsdevelopanawarenessandunderstandingthateverything isconnectedtoasinglesystemormultiplesystems.Productsandsolutionsaresystemsofcomponentscombinedtocarryoutaspecificfunction.Systemsalsostructureprocesses:thedesigncycleisanexampleofasystem.Openloopsystemshaveaninput,processandoutput.Closedloopsystemshaveaninput,process, output and mechanism forfeedback.


Relatedconceptspromotedeeplearning.Theyaregroundedinspecificdisciplinesandareusefulforexploringkeyconceptsingreaterdetail.Inquiryintorelatedconceptshelpsstudentsdevelopmorecomplex andsophisticatedconceptualunderstanding.Relatedconceptsmayarisefromthesubjectmatterofaunitor the craft of a subject—its features andprocesses.

Related concepts indesign
Adaptation / Collaboration / Ergonomics
Evaluation / Form / Function
Innovation / Invention / Markets and trends
Perspective / Resources / Sustainability

Global contexts for teaching and learning

Global contexts direct learning towards independent and shared inquiry into our common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet. Using the world as the broadest context for learning, MYP mathematics can develop meaningful explorations of:

• identities and relationships

Who I am? Who are we?

• orientation in space and time

What is the meaning of ‘when’ and ‘where’?

• personal and cultural expression

What is the nature and purpose of creative expression?

• scientific and technical innovation

How do we understand the world in which we live?

• globalization and sustainability

How is everything connected?

• fairness and development

What are the consequences of our common humanity?

Course Content and MYP Units

(See attachments)

Design Cycle

Criterion A: Inquiring andanalyzing Year 3


At the end of year 3, students should be ableto:

i.explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem

ii.construct a research plan, which states and prioritizes the primary and secondary research neededto develop a solution to theproblem

iii.analyse a group of similar products that inspire a solution to theproblem

iv.develop a design brief, which presents the analysis of relevantresearch.

Achievementlevel / Leveldescriptor
0 / Thestudentdoesnotreachastandarddescribedbyanyofthedescriptorsbelow.
1–2 / Thestudent:
i.statesthe need for a solution to aproblem
ii.states some of the main findings of relevantresearch.
3–4 / Thestudent:
i.outlinesthe need for a solution to aproblem
ii.statesthe research needed to develop a solution to the problem,with some guidance
iii.outlines one existing product that inspires a solution to theproblem
iv.developsa basic design brief, which outlines some of relevantresearch.
5–6 / Thestudent:
i.explainsthe need for a solution to aproblem
ii.constructsaresearchplan,whichstatesandprioritizestheprimaryandsecondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem, withsome guidance
iii.describesa group of similar products that inspire a solution tothe problem
iv.developsa design brief, which outlines the findings of relevantresearch.
7–8 / Thestudent:
i.explainsand justifies the need for a solution to aproblem
ii.constructsaresearchplan,whichstatesandprioritizestheprimaryand secondary research needed to develop a solution to theproblem independently

Criterion B: DevelopingideasYear 3


At the end of year 3, students should be ableto:

i.developadesignspecificationwhichoutlinesthesuccesscriteriaforthedesignofasolutionbasedon the data collected

ii.present a range of feasible design ideas, which can be correctly interpreted byothers

iii.present the chosen design and outline the reasons for its selection

iv.developaccurateplanningdrawings/diagramsandoutlinerequirementsforthecreationofthechosen solution.

Achievementlevel / Leveldescriptor
0 / Thestudentdoesnotreachastandarddescribedbyanyofthedescriptorsbelow.
1–2 / Thestudent:
i.listsa few basic success criteria for the design of asolution
ii.presentsone design idea, which can be interpreted byothers
iii.createsincomplete planning drawings/diagrams.
3–4 / Thestudent:
i.constructsa list of the success criteria for the design of a solution
ii.presents a few feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s)orexplains key features, which can be interpreted byothers
iii.outlinesthe main reasons for choosing the design with reference tothe design specification
iv.createsplanning drawings/diagrams or lists requirements for thechosen solution.
5–6 / Thestudent:
i.developsdesign specifications, which identify the success criteria forthe design of asolution
ii.presents a range of feasible design ideas, using anappropriate medium(s) and explains key features, which can be interpreted byothers
iii.presentsthe chosen design and outlines the main reasons forits selection with reference to the designspecification
iv.developsaccurate planning drawings/diagrams and listsrequirements for the creation of the chosensolution.
7–8 / Thestudent:
i.developsa design specification which outlines the success criteriafor the design of a solution based on the data collected
ii.presentsa range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriatemedium(s)
and annotation, which can be correctly interpreted byothers
iii.presentsthe chosen design and outlines the reasons for itsselection with reference to the designspecification
iv.developsaccurate planning drawings/diagrams andoutlines
requirements for the creation of the chosensolution.

Criterion C: Creating thesolutionYear 3


At the end of year 3, students should be ableto:

i.constructalogicalplan,whichoutlinestheefficientuseoftimeandresources,sufficientforpeerstobe able to follow to create thesolution

ii.demonstrate excellent technical skills when making thesolution

iii.followtheplantocreatethesolution,whichfunctionsasintendedexplainchangesmadetothe chosen design and the plan when making the solution.

iv.present the solution as awhole

Achievementlevel / Leveldescriptor
0 / Thestudentdoesnotreachastandarddescribedbyanyofthedescriptorsbelow.
1–2 / Thestudent:
i.demonstrates minimal technical skills when making thesolution
ii.createsthe solution, which functions poorly and is presented inan incomplete form.
3–4 / Thestudent:
i.outlineseach step in a plan that contains some details, resulting inpeers having difficulty following the plan to create the solution
ii.demonstrates satisfactory technical skills when making thesolution
iii.createsthe solution, which partially functions and isadequately
iv.outlineschanges made to the chosen design or plan when makingthe solution.
5–6 / Thestudent:
i.constructsaplan,whichconsiderstimeandresources,sufficientforpeers to be able to follow to create thesolution
ii.demonstrates competent technical skills when making thesolution
iii.createsthe solution, which functions as intended and ispresented
iv.outlineschanges made to the chosen design and plan when makingthe solution.
7–8 / Thestudent:
i.constructsalogicalplan,whichoutlinestheefficientuseoftimeandresources, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create thesolution
ii.demonstrates excellent technical skills when making thesolution
iii.follows the plan to create the solution, which functions as intendedand is presented appropriately
iv.explainschanges made to the chosen design and plan when makingthe solution.

Criterion D:EvaluatingYear 3


At the end of year 3, students should be ableto:

i.describedetailedandrelevanttestingmethods,whichgenerateaccuratedata,tomeasurethesuccess of the solution

ii.explain the success of the solution against the designspecification

iii.describe how the solution could beimproved

iv.describe the impact of the solution on the client/target audience.

Achievementlevel / Leveldescriptor
0 / Thestudentdoesnotreachastandarddescribedbyanyofthedescriptorsbelow.
1–2 / Thestudent:
i.describes a testing method, which is used to measure the success ofthe solution
ii.statesthe success of thesolution.
3–4 / Thestudent:
i.describes a relevant testing method, which generates data, tomeasure the success of thesolution
ii.outlinesthe success of the solution against the designspecification based on relevant product testing
iii.liststhe ways in which the solution could be improved
iv.outlinesthe impact of the solution on the client/targetaudience.
5–6 / Thestudent:
i.describes relevant testing methods, which generate data, tomeasure the success of thesolution
ii.describesthe success of the solution against the designspecification based on relevant product testing
iii.outlineshow the solution could beimproved
iv.describesthe impact of the solution on the client/target audience,with guidance.
7–8 / Thestudent:
i.describes detailed and relevant testing methods, whichgenerate
accuratedata, to measure the success of thesolution
ii.explainsthe success of the solution against the designspecification based on authentic producttesting
iii.describeshow the solution could beimproved
iv.describesthe impact of the solution on the client/targetaudience.