Student NameShort Story Synthesis Essay OutlineMonday, March 04, 2013

Texts / Author
1 / “Fumigating the Map” / Harold Horwood
2 / “Why My Mother Can’t Speak English” / Garry Engkent
The Question: In paragraph form and with reference to the text:
Discuss how effectively the theme/topic of / _FORCED CHANGE_ / is used by the authors in each of the two stories.
If there’s been no “question” assigned by your teacher, then you can make your own question. Start with your two chosen texts and ask yourself “Why do they have in common?” Your answer should then be the “question” that you will answer.
Step 1: The Introduction (you are allowed to preplan and write your introductory material):
Theme (what main theme from the text will you be using to look at connections & comparisons):
Societies often require individuals to adapt and change. In “Fumigating the Map” by Harold Horwood and “Why My Mother Can’t Speak English” by Garry Engkent, the people of Newfoundland and the narrator’s Chinese mother are both forced to make changes in order to conform to what is required by the Canadian government and its agencies.
The theme will be explored in the following way (choose one)
¨  As it emerges in the texts (NARROWING) – often shown as the plot moves forward
¨  How the authors/poets present this theme (METHOD) – characters, setting, literary devices
¨  How is it significant and why should we care? (MERIT) – theme, epiphany, value, meaning
As the stories progress, the authors’ portrayal of the characters through their narrative recollections clearly demonstrates the internal conflicts and dilemmas that are experienced.
The question will be answered because you have proven that:
As the characters deal with the pressure from their environment, their struggles and conflicts are placed in a realistic perspective that inevitably results in their acceptance if not embracing of the change. It is then apparent that in some instances, if one just accepts change early, it will avoid unnecessary stress and struggle.
General Idea / Quotations / Significance
Idea/Aspect: Environment/Setting
Story 1: FTM
Story 2: WMMCSE / -
Idea/Aspect: Dilemma /Conflict
Story 1: FTM
Story 2: WMMCSE
Idea/Aspect: Acceptance/Resistance
Story 1: FTM
Story 2: WMMCSE
Stylistic Devices highlighted
Dilemma, foreshadowing, setting, internal conflict, / Conclusion/Epiphany/Impact

Mr. Findley 2 English 11