Evaluation of Ministry Received
Name: ______Date: ______
I ______(ministry recipient) have received ministry from ______(ministry facilitator) with my full knowledge that he/she would be using Theophostic Prayer Ministry as the primary prayer form during my ministry sessions. I have read the introductory materials concerning this ministry and understand the basic concepts. I have also read and signed the Hold Harmless Agreement acknowledging that I am fully responsible for my own mental and spiritual well-being. I have read and signed this page as acknowledgement that he/she stayed within these guidelines as described by this ministry and that I was in full agreement with what occurred. I fully recognize that the person providing this ministry may not be a mental health professional but rather a prayer facilitator. I understand that Theophostic Prayer Ministry is prayer and does not make any promise of outcome and has not yet been proven effective by way of professional research and or empirical evidence.
• During my ministry session the facilitator did not counsel me but rather ministered with me in prayer, and sought to help me discover, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the root sources of the emotional pain in my life.
• During my session the facilitator never pressured me to go to any particular memory, or to do anything that I did not choose do. It was left up to me to make all the decisions about how far I would move toward my pain, whether I would embrace the pain, identify the lies I believed and whether I would offer up what I discovered to the Lord for His truth. I also was given complete freedom to stop the process anytime I chose to do so.
• All information that I shared with the ministry facilitator during this ministry session has been held in utmost confidentiality. The ministry facilitator has not shared any information without first obtaining permission from me..
• The ministry facilitator avoided all forms of guided imagery and/or directed visualization, and sought to allow me to have a genuine mind renewal experience prayerfully directed by the Holy Spirit.
• The ministry facilitator did not make ANY suggestions as to what he or she thought my memory content might contain. He or she avoided making suggestions about what he or she may have assumed my lie-based thinking was. This allowed me to make these discoveries myself while relying on the Holy Spirit, and through the facilitator asking non-directive questions.
• The ministry facilitator asked only questions that were reflective of the actual memory content or other pertinent information that I alone surfaced, and avoided questions that might be leading or that reflected his or her assumptions. The ministry facilitator avoided ALL suggestive questions such as, “Do you think that you may have been abused?” “Do you think that so and so may be bad or evil?”
• The ministry facilitator did not do anything to move the ministry session in any direction that he or she thought it should go, but allowed the session to flow as I chose and the Holy Spirit directed.*
• The ministry facilitator did not attempt to interpret or give explanation to any information I surfaced. Rather, he or she encouraged me to listen and receive understanding from my own thoughts and the Holy Spirit. He or she did not interpret my dreams, visions, or other inner-mind realities, but rather encourage me to follow any negative emotions to their lie-based sources.
• The ministry facilitator withheld judgment about whether the content of my memory was true or false. He or she allowed me to come to my own conclusions in my own time concerning the validity of the content of my memories.
• The ministry facilitator was careful to identify and call attention to any message or visual I received during the ministry session that did not appear to be authentic and/or biblically consistent.
• The ministry facilitator did not make any assumption of the accuracy of the content of any memory that I surfaced, but rather will handled it with caution and care and allowed me to come to my own conclusions in my own time.
• The ministry facilitator did not share any visuals or pictures he or she may have had during my session less he or she put ideas and pictures in my mind that I did not surface on my own.
• The ministry facilitator did not hinder my mind renewal by inputting his or her personal assumptions, insights, or thoughts that were directive or leading in nature. He kept his or her “words of knowledge” and “prophetic insight” to him or herself. If he did share this information it was only after the Lord had brought me into perfect peace by way of His truth and intervention.
• The ministry facilitator did not make any diagnosis or give any suggestive opinion of what he or she believed my problem or emotional mental condition might be. (The only exception would be if he or she was a certified mental health professional qualified to make such a diagnosis. If this is the case any diagnosis has been viewed as separate from my Theophostic Ministry session.)
My ministry sessions with ______followed the above guidelines. No memory content was ever suggested, insinuated, or assumed by him/her during my ministry sessions. All memory information came about as a result of my own thinking and remembrance.
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* When it is stated that the “ministry facilitator did not do anything to move the ministry session in any direction that he or she thought it should go…” this means that the ministry facilitator diligently avoids planting his opinions, insights or interpretation into the memory content. It means that he avoids directing the session in any direction he feels it should flow other than the general direction of exposing the lie-based thinking of the person and toward the presence of Christ. He avoids all questions and comments that would lead the person to make assumptions that where not surfaced by the person himself.
The facilitator will encourage the recipient to identify, focus on and pursue negative emotions and false beliefshe or she may hold. He willchallenge reported “truth” that contradicts traditionally held Biblical theology and doctrine. He will encourage the person to identify earlier memory(s) in which the painful emotions might originate. However, while he may do this, he will be careful to avoid being directive in suggesting content or making interpretations via questions or statements. Therefore in this context, the facilitator is directing the process toward lie-based thinking and truth to be received from the presence of Christ, based upon what the person has surfaced. But he will continually resists suggesting memory content or the specific direction the session should flow.