(BMO 170)
(KCTCS BMO 170 Introduction to Business Management)
Fall 2012
18 Week Course
KY TECH—Carroll County Area Technology Center
Mr. David F. Pepper, Jr., Instructor
Contact Information
Phone: 502.732.4479
Fax: 502.732.4837
Planning: 7:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Dual Credit Statement
This course is being offered as part of the dual credit program at Jefferson Community and Technical College. Each student that successfully completes this course with a grade of “C” or above will earn college credit. Students must complete and sign a dual credit application and that application must be on file in the dual credit office for credit to be awarded. Each student will receive a student ID #, a student e-mail account and will be eligible to use any of Jefferson’s student services. Students may be eligible for additional articulated credit if they continue in the same technical program at Jefferson.”
Mission Statement
This course supports Jefferson’s mission to provide technical education.
Course Description
This course introduces the concepts and principles of effective business management and includes forms of business ownership, typical business organizational structures, relationship of business to the community, and the effect of government regulations on businesses.
Required Text and Course Requirements
Textbook and other resources supplied by the instructor to supplement the text and additional projects or activities.
Method of Evaluation
ü Class Participation
ü Daily Work
ü Quizzes
ü Exams
ü Special Projects
ü Workplace Principles
NOTE: Late work will not be accepted. A zero will be recorded for any late assignments. (Exception: Work missed as the result of an EXCUSED absence—determined by the home high school admit slip.)
Grading Scale
50% Class Participation, Daily Work, Workplace Principles
50% Quizzes, Tests, and Special Projects
Grades are recorded using a points system and are reported following the CCATC Grading Scale:
A / 93-100B / 85-92
C / 77-84
D / 70-76
F / 0-69
“I” or “W” Grades
Dual credit students cannot receive an “I” for a course. Any dual credit student earning less than a “C” at the end of the term will be administratively withdrawn from the class.
Attendance and Tardy Procedures
Each student is expected to attend classes regularly and at the prescribed time. An accurate record of attendance and absences will be kept in each course and reflected on the student’s transcript. Each student shall assume responsibility for regular attendance, completion of all assignments, completion of all examinations and completion of required laboratory, internship, and clinical time. An admit slip must be brought from the local high school. Students will be unexcused until an excused admit slip is brought to the teacher.
Students are expected to be on time at the beginning of each school day and at the beginning of each class session. Students are to report immediately to class upon arrival. A student is present only when he or she is in the classroom or shop, according tot the time schedule when he or she is supposed to be there. Students who come to class tardy must obtain a tardy slip from the ATC office. Students having excessive tardies will be turned in to the home high school according to the home high school policy.
Policy on Cheating and Plagiarism
Refer to page 11 of the KCTCS Student Code of Conduct. See:
Disabilities Statement
Dual credit students with an Individual Education Plan in place are expected to follow that plan as outlined while at their high school.
Protocol for Student Complaints
Dual credit students that have an issue with the grade they receive are to first discuss the issue with their instructor, then the principal at their school, then the Director of Dual Credit, Kitty Zachery, JEC 217, DT campus, 502-213-2443, .
Non-Discrimination Statement
Jefferson Community and Technical College is an Equal Opportunity Institution committed to providing educational opportunities to all qualified students regardless of economic or social status, beliefs, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or physical or mental disability.”
KY Tech Task List
Daily and/or Weekly course/content outlines will be provided throughout the semester. The following topics will be covered:
Office Systems TechnologyBMO 170 / Introduction to Business Management
Course Description
This course introduces the concepts and principles of effective business management and includes forms of business ownership, typical business organizational structures, relationship of business to the community, and the effect of government regulations on businesses.
Prerequisites: None
1 / Describe the economic system of the United States
2 / Explain the importance of private property in the American Private Enterprise System
3 / Explain the importance of profit motive in the American Private Enterprise System
4 / Describe how supply and demand affect the prices of goods and services
5 / Explain the importance of economic growth
6 / Compare the major economic systems
7 / Name the responsibilities of owning a business
8 / List advantages and disadvantages of sole proprietorship
9 / Identify kinds of businesses that are suited to sole proprietorship
10 / List advantages and disadvantages of partnership
11 / Identify kinds of businesses suited to a partnership
12 / Describe the formation of a corporation
13 / List advantages and disadvantages of a corporation
14 / Identify kinds of businesses suited to a corporation
15 / Identify basic functions of management
16 / Describe criteria used in setting and achieving goals
17 / Describe basic elements of the intra-structure of the business organization
18 / Identify leadership characteristics
19 / Choose standards for developing internal/external controls
20 / Identify ergonomics and understand why ergonomics is important from a health point of view.
21 / Demonstrate accountability of and the safe and responsible use of company resources, office equipment, machines, etc.
22 / Apply Internet etiquette and safety
23 / Identify safety rules applicable to this course and demonstrate appropriate observance of said rules, including but not limited to, trip hazards, electrical cords and outlets, evacuation procedures for emergency situations (including fire, tornado, bomb threat, earthquake, etc.), lockdown procedures for emergency situations, location and contents of first aid kit, MSDS sheets, etc.
___** Information pertaining to Dual Credit Fees will be provided by KCTCS during the first month of school
___** Students are encouraged to join the co-curricular student organization, Future Business Leaders of America, to enhance leadership opportunities related to this course.
The faculty and administration reserve the right to change the class schedule/syllabus as deemed necessary.