Information Society and Media Directorate-General
ICT addressing Societal Challenges
ICT for Inclusion

Workshop on Theme 2 "ICT for accessibility, ageing and social integration" opened in Call 1 of CIP ICT PSP programme

Brussels, 25th of May 2007

The objective of the workshop is to bring together stakeholders interested in exploring the topics listed under Theme 2 "ICT for accessibility, ageing and social integration" of the new deployment programme ICT PolicySupport. ICT PSP is acomponent of the CIP(Competitiveness and Innovation) Framework. This workshop is organised in conjunction with a general launching event for the ICT PSP, to take place on the 24thofMay 2007 in Brussels.

Both events correspond to the opening of the 1stcall for proposals of the ICT PSP. As regards the theme of ICT and ageing, the workshop will also offer the possibility to discuss innovative public procurement (beyond the ICT Policy Support Programme).

Draft Agenda

10.00 – 10.45Welcome + setting the scene (European Commission)

ICT Policy Support Programme – brief presentation of Theme 2 contents

10.45–12:30Two parallel sessions:

Room S1 / Room S5
Objective 2.2:
ICT for ageing well (Pilot B) / Objective 2.1:
Accessible digital Audiovisual (AV) systems – focus on
accessible Digital Television (Pilot B)
- Setting the scene
- Regional Examples on "ICT for aging well"
- Short presentations on expressions of interest for collaboration / - Setting the scene
- Presentation of the UK accessibility scheme
- Example of IPTVfor Deaf People – VeeSee TV
- Short presentations on expressions of interest for collaboration / discussion

12:30 – 13:30Lunch

Coordinated Public Procurements

13:30 – 14:00Consecutive sessions, Room S1:

2) Objective 2.2: ICT for ageing well (Pilot B) - continued

14:00 – 17:00

3)Objective 2.3: Experience sharing and consensus building in ICT for inclusion – threeThematic Networks topics:

  • Best use of ICT to support active ageing at work
  • Best use of ICTfor social integration and cultural diversity
  • Making inclusiona mainstream consideration in innovation in ICT and allowing all citizens to reap the benefits of ICT innovations

- Thematic Networks explained

- Short presentations on expressions of interest for collaboration

* * *

This Workshop is also aimed at offering a forum to exchange ideas and build partnerships in line with the set objectives of the Work Programme. To this end attendees are invited to submit a PowerPoint presentation including:

–1 slide - short CV of yourself or your organisation

–4 slides - explaining the topic you wish to propose in the 1st Call

Your presentation should not be longer than 5 minutes. Please send it to: no later than 22nd of May.

The documents you send will be put on a website which will be publicly available before and after the event. You are therefore requested to make sure that no confidential or sensitive information is included in your presentation.

Further information:


DG Information Society and Media, Avenue de Beaulieu 25, room 0/S1, 1160 Brussels

Information about the CIP ICT PSP programme: _psp

Contact persons:

For questions regarding the Workshop please contact:Katarzyna Balucka-Debska,