(UMH #202)
October 14, 2014
MUNCIE, IN 47304
(765) 282-2322
Office hours 8:30 am to 2:30 pm monday-Thursday; Friday 8:30 am to 1:30 pm / EAST DISTRICT WEBSITE
the call sunday date set
“putting the movement back into methodism in indiana”
africa university campaign
volunteer in missions teams needed
pre-retirement seminar
metlife retirement workshop
eo offering mission trip with bishop coyner to africa university, victoria falls
Fall Lay Servant Classes
covenant day for indiana conference clergy set for november 11
election of general and jurisdictional conference delegates
2014 cluster charge conference schedule
united announces women in ministry and leadership conference
East District Conference
africa university speakers available to local churches
fall youth workers retreat scheduled for epworth forest
Operation classroom workteam at baoma umc school
vital congregations goals
youth ministries
important dates for your calendar
important links
2014-2015 educational opportunities

the call sunday date set

When was the last time you shared your call story? The Indiana Conference Encourage the Call invites you to Call Sunday, May 24, 2015. The Call Sunday worship experience is designated for clergy and lay leaders to bear witness to the ways in which they responded to God. For more information, please visit www.encouragethecall.org.

“putting the movement back into methodism in indiana

A catalytic event for UM church teams and leaders
Alan Hirsch is a sought-after speaker and trainer who travels the world extensively sharing his missional church experience. He has agreed to work with Indiana Conference churches in order to do the following:
• Examine what is means to be missional
• Learn how to return to our Methodist roots as a movement, and
• Consider the barriers we will need to overcome in order to be a vital movement in Indiana in the 21st century.
WHEN? Saturday, December 6, 2014, 10am-3pm (Eastern Time)
WHERE? St. Lukes United Methodist Church
100 W 86th St., Indianapolis, IN 46260
This event is intentionally being offered for pastors and lay teams from Indiana
United Methodist churches that have or are currently participating in the Fruitful
Congregation Journey; churches that are involved in the 100 New Points of Light
outreach effort; multi-site churches and new-church plants; INUMC leadership –
Cabinet, Assoc. DSs, Conference Directors, Assoc. Directors, Church
Development Committee, FCJ leadership, and Board of Laity
COST? $15 per person (covers cost of lunch); non-refundable
Go to Alan Hirsch Event
(Note: Registration is open until Nov. 1st for those intentionally invited above. After that date, the event will be open to others up until the Dec. 1st deadline. Registration is limited to the first 500 people.
In preparation for the event, participants may wish to read Alan Hirsch’s book The Forgotten Ways and On the Verge. Additionally, an e-book from Amazon called “Fast Forward to Mission” is available for FREE.
SPONSORED by the Indiana Conference Church Development
QUESTIONS? Contact Ed Fenstermacher at
A SPECIAL THANKS to the INUMC Cabinet for helping underwriting the cost of this event.

africa university campaign

The Indiana Annual Conference committed to support Africa University through a $1.6 million campaign to endow scholarships and a Chair in the School of Agriculture and Natural Resources. We thank those churches that made a commitment to support the campaign during the Annual Conference and would like those churches to now indicate the amount of their pledge. We are also asking churches who have not made a commitment to prayerfully consider making a pledge.
During a visit to Africa University in March 2015, Bishop Coyner will report on the progress we have made with the Indiana Campaign. Our goal is to have the $1.6 million pledged before Bishop Coyner visits Africa University.
If your church has not already completed a card and would like to make a pledge, please complete this Church Pledge Card and turn it in during your Charge Conference.

volunteer in mission teams needed

UMCOR is responding to the flooding in Blackford and Jay counties. Catholic Charities, our partner in INVOAD (Indiana Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster) is handling Blackford County and has the 2 rebuilds covered. We will need teams in Jay County. We have 2 rebuilds and 1 total Build (from the ground up, including foundation). 1 of the rebuilds is already spoken for by Sullivan UMMen. There is a full 3 bedroom ranch style home that has to have new flooring and drywall and insulation for 4' up from the floor as well as new cabinets in the kitchen and bathroom. We also need a group willing to go into a garage that has been made into a home and finish tearing out the cabinets and boxing up the tools in the garage as well as moving boxes into a storage container that is beside the home. If you are interested in helping contact our East District Disaster Response Coordinator, John A. Young, , 765-278-8733.

Pre-Retirement seminar

A Pre-Retirement Seminar hosted by the Rejuvenate Ministry is offered to clergy and spouses who are eligible or plan to retire in the next 10 years.
The seminar will be Tuesday, October 28, 2014 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at North United Methodist Church, 3808 N. Meridian St, Indianapolis 46208. The cost is $35 for clergy (spouse may attend with clergy at no cost). Lunch will be provided.
Lynnette Rice from the General Board of Pensions and Health Benefits will be the presenter for the seminary and available to answer your questions.
Some of the topics that will be covered:
· Retirement eligibility
· Comprehensive Protection Plan Benefits
· Clergy Retirement Programs
· UMPIP savings program
· Investment program through General Board of Pension and Health Benefits
· Services offered by the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits
To register and receive your personal pension projections at this seminar, register online at http://tinyurl.com/lk9xdvs.
Registration deadline is October 17, 2014.
Please contact Rejuvenate at 1.877.391.8811 with any questions.

metlife retirement workshop

Do you have more than 10 years ofactive ministry before retirement? Rejuvenate Ministry is sponsoring a MetLife Retirement Workshop for you!
The face of retirement is changing and you may be concerned about some of the big questions in retirement:
·  How to plan for retirement
·  How to prevent running out of money
·  Howfuture health care costs can impact wealth
Don't miss this opportunity to help make the transition between active ministry and retirement with confidence!
The workshop will be Tuesday, November 4, 2014 from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. at North United Methodist Church, 3808 N. Meridian St, Indianapolis, 46208 and will be led by David Klaus, CFP, MetLife Resources.
Register online at: http://www.rejuvenateindiana.org
Registration deadline isOctober 27, 2014.
Registration is $25 for clergy. Spouses are invited to attend with clergy at no cost.
For more information, please contact Mary Ann Moman, Rejuvenate Ministry Director at or 1.877.391.8811 (toll free).

eo offering mission trip with bishop coyner to africa university, victoria falls

Join Bishop Mike on a special Educational Opportunities trip to Africa University March 17-27, 2015. We will be presenting our gifts of an endowed Chair of Agriculture & Natural Resources and several endowed student scholarships. Tour the campus and visit Fairfield Children’s Home. We also will visit Victoria Falls and several game preserves. Brochures for the trip are now available. For more information or a brochure, contact trip coordinator Norm Nellis at or 765-491-5011.

fall lay servant classes

Fall Lay Servant classes will be held ONLY in Portland. November 15th & 22nd from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Portland Trinity UMC, 325 S Meridian Street, Portland. Cost is $30 which includes text. Drinks and lunch will be provided. You must attend both sessions to receive credit. Click here for the brochure/registration form.

covenant day for indiana conference clergy set for november 11

INDIANAPOLIS – Bishop Mike Coyner, Leadership Development, and the Board and Chairs of the Indiana Conference Clergy Orders – call for a gathering of all clergy (active and retired, elders, deacons, local pastors) to cultivate our clergy covenant. According to Coyner, “This will be a Covenant Day for the clergy to worship, fellowship and focus upon our covenant together.” The day-long event will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 11, at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, 100 West 86th Street in Indianapolis. More information will be shared as leaders prepare this event. Registration deadline is November 4th at 11:59 p.m. Advance registration is requested in order to provide lunch for all. Click here to register

election of general and jurisdictional conference delegates

During the past Annual Conference session of the Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church, the legislative body passed a new procedure for the election of General and Jurisdictional Conference delegates. While delegates will be selected during the 2015 Annual Conference, a process whereby individuals from each district may be recommended was created. It is the hope of the Annual Conference that this process will allow for more persons to make themselves available to serve our Lord Jesus Christ and the United Methodist Church through our quadrennial General/Jurisdictional conferences. For complete details of the process for laity and clergy and the timeline click here.

2014 cluster charge conference schedule

2014 Cluster Charge Conference Schedule
“X”………………………………………………….Scott Bell…………...... ………………Oct. 15, 6:30 p.m.
Brownsville, College Corner, Greenwood, Liberty Edwards Memorial, Old Franklin
(Location: Liberty Edwards Memorial UMC)
Cluster of Grapes……………….……..Maureen Walby……………………………..…..….Oct. 19, 2:30 p.m.
Losantville, Modoc, Union Chapel (Randolph) (Location: Losantville UMC)
No Name Cluster…………….…….…..Jim Truelove………………………...……..………..Oct. 19, 2:30 p.m.
Bartonia, Mt. Zion (Randolph), Hopewell, Richmond Webster, Middleboro, Whitewater
(Location: Losantville UMC)
Peanut Buster……………..…………...Heather Foley…………………………….……...…..Oct. 19, 6:00 p.m.
Winchester, Saratoga, Spartanburg, Union City Wesley (Location: Winchester First UMC)
Blue Jay…………………………………Wes Schemenaur………………………..………………Oct. 26, 2:30 p.m.
Bellefountain, Fairview (Jay), Mt. Zion (Jay), Portland Asbury, Westchester
(Location: Westchester UMC)
Sod Buster……………………………Priscilla McFarland……………………………….………Oct. 26, 2:30 p.m.
Center, New Mt. Pleasant, Pennville, Oak Grove and Portland Trinity
(Location: Westchester UMC)
Wesley ……………………………..……Randy Davis………………………………………………Oct. 26, 6:00 p.m.
Dunkirk Bethel, Dunkirk Calvary, Dunkirk Mt. Tabor, Fairview (Randoph), Redkey,
Sugar Grove (Jay) (Location: Dunkirk Calvary UMC)
Nettle Creek………………………….Rodney Frieden…………………………….…………...Oct. 27, 6:30 p.m.
Economy, Hagerstown, Green’s Fork (Location: Hagerstown UMC)
Randolph Treasure Hunters…...Sandi Lumpkin/Sherrie Drake……………....…..Oct. 28, 6:30 p.m.
Deerfield, Farmland, Parker City, Rehoboth, Ridgeville Calvary (Location: Rehoboth UMC)
Elshaddai……………………………...Sam Dickson…....…………………………………….….Oct. 29, 6:30 p.m.
Boston, Cambridge City, Centerville, Milton, Richmond Central, Richmond
Faith-Trinity, Richmond First (Location: Richmond First UMC)
National Road…………………………Curt Hunt…………………………………………..….….Nov. 2, 2:30 p.m.
Carthage, Knightstown, Spiceland, Greensboro (Location: Knightstown UMC)
Believers……………………………….Tom McGilliard………………………………………..…Nov. 2, 6:00 p.m.
New Castle First, New Castle Christ’s, New Castle Trinity, Salem, Sugar Grove
(Henry) (Location: New Castle First UMC)
Blackford County…………………..….Gary Hall…………………………..………….…………Nov. 3, 6:30 p.m.
Hartford City Grace, Hartford City Trinity, Montpelier, Mt. Carmel, Pleasantdale,
Pleasant Grove (Location: Hartford City Grace UMC)
Nor Del Cluster………………………Frank Oakman…………….……………………………..Nov. 4, 6:30 p.m.
Albany, Albany Bethel, DeSoto, Eaton, Muncie Morningside (Location: Albany UMC)
North Muncie…………………………Rusty Clements…………………………………..……..Nov. 5, 6:30 p.m.
Muncie Center Chapel, Muncie College Avenue, Muncie Gethsemane, Muncie High
Street, Muncie Riverside, New Burlington, Selma Christ, Selma United (Location:
Muncie College Avenue UMC)
Crossroads………………………………..…Cindy Osgood…………………..…..………………Nov. 9, 2:30 p.m.
(Cammack, Corinth, Daleville, Gaston, Honey Creek, Middletown, Yorktown
(Location: Corinth UMC)

united announces women in ministry and leadership conference

DAYTON, OH – United Theological Seminary announces the second annual Deborah’s Daughters Women in Ministry and Leadership Conference, to be held October 22-24, 2014, at the seminary’s main campus at 4501 Denlinger Road, Dayton, OH and at the Hilton Garden Inn in Beavercreek, OH.
Recent research tells us that women are overworked in many areas of their lives – work, home and the church. Many women, especially church women – both clergy and lay, have been taught that it is godlier to put others first and in so doing so, often deny themselves the very self-care that would make them more effective. For more details, a complete list of speakers and to register, please visit www.deborahsdaughters.com or www. united.edu/deborahs-daughters-take-back-your-temple/. Course credit, CEUs and a one-day streaming option also are available.

east district conference

The East District Conference will take place Sunday, November 23rdat 3:00 p.m. at The Garden at Gethsemane UMC, 1201 W McGalliard Road, Muncie. A celebration of ministry with lots of music and testimonies willprecede our choosing of delegates from the East District to General and Jurisdictional Conference. We will also have a little business to do - approval of 2015 East District budget and approving our District Leadership Team for the year.
Please save the date and each church plan to bring a group. It will be inspiring to celebrate together as we give witness to some Glorysightings from around our District, and to bless those who are nominated as possible delegates to General andJurisdictionalConference.

africa university campaign speakers available to local churches

Local churches who would like to have a speaker come to their church to inform their congregation about Africa University and the Indiana A.U. Campaign can contact Ruth Ellen Stone at or 317-839-8873. For more information, please click here.

fall youth workers retreat scheduled for epworth forest

NORTH WEBSTER, Ind. – The Indiana Conference “Revive 2014 Fall Youth Worker Retreat” will be held Wednesday, Oct. 22, through Thursday, Oct. 23, at Epworth Forest Retreat and Conference Center, 8580 East Wesley Lane in North Webster. This retreat is for ANYONE who leads youth – pastors, church, staff, volunteer leaders, Sunday school teachers, small group leaders, etc. It is designed to help you experience a time of spiritual renewal through worship, rest, discussions and training opportunities that will send you home excited, refreshed, renewed and full of ideas for your ministry. Plus, some downtime to relax or play as you desire. Bring your whole team. Cost is $75 for the first person in your group and $50 for each additional person registered together and paid in the same group registration. Cost includes food, lodging, materials and programming. Want to stay until Friday for extra rest or team time? Optional extra night is $25 per person. For a map and directions, click here. For more information and registration, click here.

operation classroom workteam at baoma umc school