Millington Central High School
Introduction to Collision Repair:
Syllabus 2017-2018
Teacher: Mr. C. Malone
Objective: To equip students with essential knowledge needed to complete structural repairs.
Textbook: Auto Body Repair Technology
Course Description Introduction to Collision Repair is a foundational course in the Automotive Collision Repair program of study for students interested in learning more about automotive collision repair technician careers. Upon completion of this course, proficient students will be able to identify and explain the basic steps in the collision repair process, emphasizing the tools, equipment, and materials used. They will be able to describe the major parts of an automobile body and safely perform basic procedures in preparing automotive panels for repair, applying body filling, and preparing surfaces for painting. Standards in this course include career investigation of the opportunities in automotive collision repair as well as an overview of the history of automobile design and construction.
Teacher Grading Categories (%)
Shop Participation 30% (shop projects, group assignments)
Class Assignments 30%
Test 20%
Uniforms 10%
Attendance 5%
Bell work 5%
MCHS Grading Scale
Excellent (93-100) A
Good (85-92) B
Average (76-84) C
Low Average (70-75) D
Failure (Below 70) F
Make-up Policy
Student can receive extra credit assignments at their request only if all other assignments have been completed. Make-u work will be given to student on the same day he/she returns to class. It is the student’s responsibility to ask teacher for any assignments given on the day(s) of their absence.
Criteria for Conduct
1. Actual behavior of student while in class.
2. Respect for teachers’ authority.
3. Proper compliance with teacher’s direction.
4. Attitude in class/shop.
5. Respect for property related to classroom activities.
6. Reporting to class on time.
Conduct policy
Excellent (1) E
Satisfactory (2) S
Needs improvement (3) N
Unsatisfactory (4) U
Parent or Guardian signature______Date______
Your child has been given a copy of this document for you to keep. Student will be held accountable to return this form on the next day of school. Thank you for your cooperation.