Fuse Camp

July 12th-16th, 2015

Parent Packet

Fuse Student Ministries

Redeemer Evangelical Free Church

7735 W Howard Ave

Milwaukee, WI 53132


General Information-

Our Junior High summer trip has always been a hit for the students that have gone! We will be camping in tents on the Devil’s lake campgrounds, and throughout the week we will be encountering God through His word, worship, and His creation. We will allow time each day for students to get into God’s word by themselves, with a small group, and hear it taught from our pastors! This trip is a blast for current students, and it’s also proven to be an impactful trip for new students! This trip is a great way to meet God (perhaps for the first time), and to ignite an exciting and growing relationship with Him. This trip is potentially life-changing and will be loads of fun!

Basic Information

Trip dates- July 12th-16th (Sunday through Thursday)

Trip Cost-$250

Deposit-May 27th to assure a spot

Fundraiser/scholarships- Fuse is selling Seroogy’s chocolate bars for $1.50! Half of what is bought goes into an account for the student that can be applied to Fuse Camp. If this is a student’s first trip with us, they have an opportunity to receive a scholarship based on need. Talk to Mike about getting a scholarship sheet!

The Cost includes-

Camping Fees

Al meals at the campsite

Transpiration expenses

A night at the Kalahari Kondos

Afternoon options with Timber-Lee


After the progression of your student’s spiritual walk, his/her safety is our number one concern. We carefully plan our trips to reduce risk of injury for each person involved. We will have a very good adult-to-student ration, as always, and will be looking to help you mold your student into the young man/woman of God He has made them to be. We will be taking every precaution to ensure that the vehicles we take will be roadworthy. Our drivers will have the proper licenses and proper training to travel with your student in the vehicles we will take.

You can contact Mike Weiss (Interim Youth Director) at 414/687/7782 in case of an emergency

Trip Itinerary:


Leave Redeemer for Devil’s lake in the later afternoon

Set up/devotionals/lesson by the campfire

Monday-Wednesday Morning

In Devil’s Lake

Wednesday afternoon-Thursday

Staying at the Kalahari Resort

Leave for home Thursday afternoon

Daily Schedule:

Wake up


Morning devotional time

Free Time (Hiking, Rock climbing, and canoeing with Timber Lee on Mon-Tue)


Free time



Group meeting time

Departure time and details:

We’ll meet at the Ridge community church (4500 S 108th St, Greenfield, WI 53228) at 10AM (subject to change)

Supplies to bring:

Bible and pen, Tent (or find someone to share with), Sleeping bag or air mattress, swimsuit (modesty expected) and warm clothes for meeting times, toiletries and towels, clothes for 5 days, frisbee, football, cards, spending money for meals in Madison mall on way to dells and back ($30 should be enough), and a good attitude!

Permission slips are attached to this packet!

If any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Mike Weiss on his cell phone or email him at

Name (Parent): / Phone #:
City: / State: / Zip Code:
Work Phone #: / Cell Phone #:
Name (Other Parent/Guardian): / Phone #
Address: /  same as above
City: / State: / Zip Code:
Work Phone #: / Cell Phone #:

Signature of Parent or Guardian:

Medical Authorization Form

Authorizing emergency medical treatment for a student who has become ill or injured while under
Redeemer Evangelical Free Church’s authority, when parent(s) cannot be reached.

Student’s Name:
Date of Birth: / Age: / Grade in School:

This form allows for the:

  1. administration of any treatment deemed necessary by an attending physician/dentist
  2. transfer of the student to a nearby hospital
  3. responsibility for all cost not incurred by insurance will fall to the parent/guardian of the student

Facts concerning student’s medical history including allergies, medication being taken and any physical impairments to which a Physician should be alerted:


Date of last tetanus (DPT) immunization:
Family Doctor’s Name: / Phone #:
Health Insurance Company:
Health Policy #: / Phone #:
Family Dentist’s Name: / Phone #:
Dental Insurance Company:
Dental Policy #: / Phone #:

Signature of Parent/Guardian and Date:______