
Internationalization choices: an ordered probit analysis at industrylevel

Journal name:

Empirical Economics

Author names:

Filomena Pietrovito - Alberto Pozzolo - Luca Salvatici


F. Pietrovito

Università degli Studi del Molise, Dipartimento di Economia, Gestione, Società e Istituzioni

II Edificio Polifunzionale

Via F. de Sanctis, snc

86100 Campobasso


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List of sectors and number of observations

Isic / Description / Obs.
151 / Production, processing and preservation of meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, oils and fats / 1,766
152 / Manufacture of dairyproducts / 760
153 / Manufacture of grain millproducts, starches and starchproducts, and prepared animal feeds / 1,216
154 / Manufacture of otherfoodproducts / 1,612
155 / Manufacture of beverages / 1,212
160 / Manufacture of tobaccoproducts / 270
171 / Spinning, weaving and finishing of textiles / 1,289
172 / Manufacture of other textiles / 1,539
173 / Manufacture of knitted and crochetedfabrics and articles / 731
181 / Manufacture of wearingapparel, except fur apparel / 1,166
182 / Dressing and dyeing of fur; manufacture of articles of fur / 189
191 / Tanning and dressing of leather; manufacture of luggage, handbags, saddlery and harness / 1,085
192 / Manufacture of footwear / 1,064
201 / Sawmilling and planing of wood / 652
202 / Manufacture of products of wood, cork, straw and plaitingmaterials / 1,139
210 / Manufacture of paper and paperproducts / 1,644
221 / Publishing / 1,274
222 / Printing and service activitiesrelated to printing / 1,123
231 / Manufacture of coke ovenproducts / 156
232 / Manufacture of refinedpetroleumproducts / 862
233 / Processing of nuclear fuel / 201
241 / Manufacture of basic chemicals / 1,627
242 / Manufacture of otherchemicalproducts / 1,640
243 / Manufacture of man-made fibres / 897
251 / Manufacture of rubberproducts / 1,115
252 / Manufacture of plastics products / 1,646
261 / Manufacture of glass and glass products / 836
269 / Manufacture of non-metallicmineralproductsn.e.c. / 1,731
271 / Manufacture of basic iron and steel / 1,255
272 / Manufacture of basic precious and non-ferrousmetals / 1,301
281 / Manufacture of structural metalproducts, tanks, reservoirs and steamgenerators / 1,364
289 / Manufacture of otherfabricatedmetalproducts; metalworking service activities / 1,719
291 / Manufacture of generalpurposemachinery / 1,667
292 / Manufacture of specialpurposemachinery / 1,655
293 / Manufacture of domesticappliancesn.e.c. / 1,508
300 / Manufacture of office, accounting and computingmachinery / 1,259
311 / Manufacture of electricmotors, generators and transformers / 1,408
312 / Manufacture of electricity distribution and control apparatus / 1,292
313 / Manufacture of insulatedwire and cable / 1,278
314 / Manufacture of accumulators, primarycells and primary batteries / 1,164
315 / Manufacture of electriclamps and lightingequipment / 1,348
319 / Manufacture of otherelectricalequipmentn.e.c. / 1,484
321 / Manufacture of electronic valves and tubes and otherelectronic components / 1,223

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322 / Manufacture of television and radio transmitters and apparatus for line telephony and line telegraphy / 1,211
323 / Manufacture of television and radio receivers, sound or videorecording or reproducingapparatus, and associatedgoods / 1,278
331 / Manufacture of medicalappliances and instruments and appliances for measuring, checking, testing, navigating and otherpurposes, exceptoptical instruments / 1,409
332 / Manufacture of optical instruments and photographicequipment / 1,297
333 / Manufacture of watches and clocks / 911
341 / Manufacture of motorvehicles / 1,066
342 / Manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motorvehicles; manufacture of trailers and semi-trailers / 1,220
343 / Manufacture of parts and accessories for motorvehicles and theirengines / 1,524
351 / Building and repairing of ships and boats / 927
352 / Manufacture of railway and tramway locomotives and rolling stock / 457
353 / Manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft / 941
359 / Manufacture of transport equipmentn.e.c. / 1,218
361 / Manufacture of furniture / 1,381
369 / Manufacturingn.e.c. / 1,689