SIHS Leadership Auditions 2016
I. Qualifications
The Leadership Positions for the South Iredell High School Marching Band are open to all upcoming second, third, and fourth year wind, flag and percussion members.
He/she must demonstrate to Mrs. Parker’s satisfaction an acceptable level of musical knowledge. Leadership experience in either the band or another organization is highly recommended. Candidates must meet and maintain ISS standards for academic eligibility in extracurricular activities.
The student and parent agreement form must be returned to Mrs. Parker by the appropriate deadline date. Students will not be included in the selection process after this date.
II. Leadership Positions: Attached
III. Requirements/Audition Process
Auditions for the position of Leadership will consist of three phases:
All candidates must answer the 3 questions on the leadership application to the best of their abilities. These answers must be written on the application and must be submitted with the essay
All candidates must write an essay explaining his/her reasons for wanting to hold a leadership position in band.. This essay should be a least one page, typed, double spaced with 12 point font in Times New Roman, and reflect the candidate’s leadership skills, his/her definition of a true leader, the goals he/she will set, and why he/she is best suited for this job. The essay must be typed and should conform to the rules of basic grammar and composition. The essays will be given to the selection committee for review and consideration. Essays must be PRINTED in HARD COPY and given to Mrs. Parker.
All candidates must have 2 teachers fill out the attached letters of recommendation and returned to Mrs. Parker in a sealed envelope by the same deadline as the essays.
All candidates must fill out and sign the attached leadership contract.
The second phase will consist of an VIDEO OF YOU ANSWERING THE ATTACHED QUESTIONS
· Section leaders will: Teach 8 measures of rhythm to their section from the Fussell book rhythm section or the I Recommend book.
· All Captains: Will teach the following marching techniques to a group of 4 students:
Ready, Attention, Mark Time, forward march, halt
YOU must pick and assemble the group you wish to teach. You can do this during ANY SMART LUNCH on Tuesdays and Thursdays, on your own time, or a prearranged time with Mrs. Parker.
Band President, Equipment Manager, Instrument Repair/Field Maintenance, Librarian, Uniform Manager – ONLY need to complete phases one and two.
III. Deadlines & Audition Dates*
Leadership Application and Questions/Essay Due/Teacher Recommendations/Leadership Contract: APRIL 4TH 2016—PLEASE TURN IN ALL PAPERWORK A THE SAME TIME
VIDEOS EMAILED OF Auditions and Interviews by APRIL 21ST 2016
*Mrs. Parker reserves the right to change any of the above dates if an emergency situation arises. THERE WILL BE NO DEADLINE EXTENSIONS OR MAKE-UP DATES!!!
IV. Guidelines and Other Stuff
1. It is very important to understand that this audition process will not be decided based solely on conducting. This process should be treated like a job interview and not a competition where the person with the highest score wins. The finalist(s) will be selected by a majority vote of the selection committee. Based on the information in the essay, interview, and audition, these people will do their best to make an unbiased decision when selecting the leadership.
2. There are no assistant positions. If more than one Drum Major or Leader is chosen they will share the responsibilities equally as partners. In the event that the new drum major (s) cannot fulfill their duties, Mrs. Parker will select any replacements or successors. Everyone needs to prepare him or herself for the possibility of defeat. This is not meant to sound cruel it is simply the truth of the matter.
3. It is recommended the candidates seek the assistance of former Drum Majors from SIHS and other schools in preparing for the conducting audition.
4. It is important to understand that you are auditioning for one of the top student leadership positions in the band. This is not a position to be taken lightly; we pride ourselves on the tradition and spirit that this band represents. You must be prepared to make this job your FIRST priority. The Leadership cannot miss rehearsals or performances, nor can they adopt sloppy etiquette and poor attitudes. All appointments, meetings, and athletic events must be scheduled around band activities. If you do not think you can handle this, drop out of the audition now!
5. It is important to realize that conducting is only a small portion of the section leader duties. In fact, this job consists of about 90% leadership and 10% conducting.Do not audition if you just want to tell people what to do and not work on music, marching, and character.
6. All deadlines and audition dates have been set. There will be NO make-up dates or deadline extensions. You must work around other conflicts to be at these functions. Plan accordingly.
7. If you do not feel that this selection process is fair, or if you do not feel that Ms. Barron and the selection committee can make an honest, justifiable decision on the finalists, please do not audition for this position. Please remember that we cannot have a band of 50 Drum Majors.
8. NOTE TO ALL PARENTS OF LEADERSHIP CANDIDATES: In order to be fair and unbiased to all of the candidates involved in the audition process, I will not discuss the audition process or the final outcome with any parent at any time. I ask that everyone please respect this policy.
Good luck to all!!!
South Iredell High School
Band Leadership Application
A complete application will include: 1) Answers to the questions and essay
2) Two teacher recommendations
3) Student leadership contract
Submit this application to Mrs. Parker by ______and thank you for your interest!
A student leader is someone who believes in the values of striving for musical excellence, discipline, persistence, responsibility, commitment, maturity, and respectfulness; and is committed to sharing these ideals with their peers. We are striving to make the South Iredell High School Band the best it can possibly be by setting high goals and encouraging students to do their personal best in all endeavors. Our program flourishes through hard-working, dedicated students who are committed to these goals.
Student Name: ______
Leadership position: ______
We ask that you please answer the following questions honestly in order to better understand your intentions and leadership ability.
1. Why are you applying for this leadership position?
2. Explain the importance of music in your life:
3. Describe why you would make a good candidate for a student leader:
What particular talents or interests do you think you can contribute to the band?
South Iredell High School
Band Leadership Application
Teacher Recommendation Form
B. This portion needs to be completed by your current or recent instructor:
The above named student is applying to be a member of the student leadership in the South Iredell Band program in the upcoming year. Please include any information that you feel is pertinent, and remember your prompt appraisal of the candidate will help to ensure full consideration. Thank you for taking time to complete this form!
1. Please relate the applicant in each of the following areas, where as 1 is below average and 5 is superior.
Creativity / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5Critical Thinking / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Motivation/Initiative / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Reliability / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Communication Skills / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Overall Evaluation / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
2. Please include any additional comments, if desired, to expand or qualify your appraisal of this applicant:
Teacher’s Name (Print) Teacher’s Signature
South Iredell High School
Band Leadership Application
Teacher Recommendation Form
B. This portion needs to be completed by your current or recent instructor:
The above named student is applying to be a member of the student leadership in the South Iredell Band program in the upcoming year. Please include any information that you feel is pertinent, and remember your prompt appraisal of the candidate will help to ensure full consideration. Thank you for taking time to complete this form!
3. Please relate the applicant in each of the following areas, where as 1 is below average and 5 is superior.
Creativity / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5Critical Thinking / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Motivation/Initiative / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Reliability / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Communication Skills / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Overall Evaluation / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
4. Please include any additional comments, if desired, to expand or qualify your appraisal of this applicant:
Teacher’s Name (Print) Teacher’s Signature
South Iredell High School
Band Leadership Contract
I hereby certify that I have been informed of the requirements I must meet and maintain to be a member of the Student Leadership of the South Iredell High School Band.
If I am appointed to a band leadership position I will:
a) Abide by and uphold all rules and regulations set forth in the South Iredell High School Band Handbook
b) Uphold the high standards of conduct expected of me as a band leader
c) Show an exemplary level of character, integrity, and high-moral standards
d) Demonstrate high musical and artistic standards to the best of my ability
e) Support and attend all band/leadership activities to the best of my abilities unless excused in advance by Mrs. Parker
f) Willingly attend all leadership meeting as scheduled by Drum Majors and/or Mrs. Parker
g) Participate in the planning/execution of all leadership activities
h) Complete all of my obligations as a student leader for the entire school year or forfeit my right to participate in subsequent years
I understand that unwillingness to abide by this agreement contract is sufficient cause for grounding, suspension, or impeachment from my leadership position. I also promise to serve the students and staff of the South Iredell Band program to the best of my ability.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
I have read and understand all of the requirements established for the South Iredell High School Band Leadership and give my permission for my son/daughter to be a member of the student leadership in the upcoming year.
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
Interview Questions:
Video yourself answering the following questions:
· Why do you think you would make a good section leader?
· What is your greatest strength?
· What is your greatest weakness?
· If someone in your section was not listening to you during a rehearsal or sectional, what would you do to get them to listen to you?
· What would you do if someone in your section just does not get a part of the music and they are hindering the performance of the section, and the rest of the band?
· How will you keep your section focused and on task without being over-controlling and disrespectful?
· Suppose there is a student in your section that just aggravates you, refuses to listen, and does not attend sectionals, how will you handle this student?
· It’s the day of competition and we’re in the warm up area, some one in your section has an instrument malfunction, how will you handle the emergency?
Leadership position list:
Equipment Manager
Instrument repair
Field Maintenance
Prop Manager
Uniform Manager
Drum Major
Field Assistant
Drum Captain
Marching Captain
Pit Captain
Flag Captain
Flute Section leader
Clarinet Section leader
Saxophone Section Leader
Low Brass Section Leader
Trumpet Section Leader
Band President
Leadership Positions may be added or removed depending on the needs of the band.
Please look in your Band Handbook for complete descriptions of each position.