Dystopian Book Report

You will need to choose a book from the list provided of dystopian books, read the book and complete two of the activities from the list. Choose a book from the list below. Remember to give yourself enough time to complete the book and the project. Each activity is worth 50 points; you have to show creativity, knowledge of the book and be able to connect literary elements in reference to the book.

PROJECT DUE DATE: Monday, May 22, 2017

Book List:

Divergent by Veronica Roth

The Giver by Lois Lowry

Matched by Ally Condie

Delirium by Lauren Oliver

Insurgent by Veronica Roth

The Maze Runner by James Dashner

Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer

Unwind by Neal Shusterman

Enclave by Ann Aguirre

Shatter Me by TaherehMafi

Blood Red Road by Moria Young

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

Incarceron by Catherine Fisher

Legend by Marie Lu

The Scorch Trials by James Dasher (you can only chose this if you have The Maze Runner)

Article #5 by Kristen Simmons

The Great Collapse: Survivors of the Pulse by Jeff W. Horton

Arena One by Morgan Rice

Open Minds by Susan Kaye Quinn

The Iron Fye series by Julie Kagawa (you must read them in order and you only have to read one of the books)

The Last Prophet by Jeff W. Horton

The Fallen Star by Jessica Sorenson

The Death Cure by James Dashner

Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver

Gone series by Michael Grant

Monster of Men by Patrick Ness

Outpost by Ann Aguirre

The Pledge by Kimberly Derting

The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer

Ashes by Ilsa J. Bick

  • Author Research:
  1. Research your author to find out details of his/her life:
    where and how he/she grew up
    his/her personal relationships
    his/her works
    how his/her work has generally been received
    any other area of his/her life which interests you
  2. Develop an FAQ list about your author. What should be obvious to fans of this author? What pieces of trivia would fans enjoy knowing about this author? Remember, your FAQ list should include answers to what you believe may be the most common questions, curiosities, and confusions about your author. (Minimum of 1 page)
  • Create a Travel Brochure: If the story of your book takes place in another country, prepare a travel brochure using pictures you have found or drawn. Include details of where to visit while, highlights of where your character may have eaten, traveled to, slept, and went to for entertainment or where they went to for peace and quite. The brochure must include the title, author, genre, your name, date, section and a raking of the book on the last page. Use columns in word, or publisher to create the brochure.
  • Create a newspaper for your book. Summarize the plot in one article; cover the weather in another, do a feature story on one of the more interesting characters in another. Include an editorial and a collection of ads that would be pertinent to the story. Please use the columns or a table to create the newspaper. Using word, create three columns and use text boxes to create your stories. Please include your name, date, section, and author, title, and genre of the book you read.
  • Do a collage/poster showing pictures or 3-d items that related to the book, and then write a paragraph beside each one to show its significance. Please publish this on the computer using any software you want. The collage must have at least ten pictures and paragraphs. Please include your name, date, section, and author, title, and genre of the book you read.
  • Make a flow chart of all the events in the book. Use a software program like Mindomo or Word. Must have at least ten (10) important events.
  • Make a character tree, where one side is event, symmetrical side is emotion or growth. Find a picture that could represent the character and place it somewhere in your report. Use quotes from the book to prove the event, emotion, or sign of growth. Quotes need to include page number from the book. Please include at least ten events. Please include the author, title, and genre of the book.
  • Make a character tree, where one side shows the events, the other side shows emotion or growth. Find a picture that could represent the character and place it somewhere in your report. Use quotes from the book to prove the event, emotion, or sign of the growth. Quotes need to include page numbers from the book. Include at least 10 events. Please include the author, title, and genre of the book.
  • Write about one of the character's life twenty years from now. This report must be typed and at least one typed page in length. Please include some character trait details so the reader can get to know the character. Please include the author, title, and genre of the book.
  • Pretend that you are going to join the characters in the story. What things will you need to pack? Think carefully, for you will be there for a week, and there is no going back home to get something! Please include an explanation of why you need each item as it relates to the book (minimum 12 items). This report can be done with power point, word, or can be video taped.
  • Compare and Contrast this book with another book from the same genre you have read. This report can be typed (one page in length), or you can use Audacity to explain, or you can act out the differences on video. Please include author, title, and genre of the book.