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5th Grade Unit 6: / Balance/Equity / Suggested Time Frame: / 6 Weeks
TAKS Objectives: / 1, 2, 3, 4 / TEKS: / 5.1A, 5.1B, 5.1C, 5.2A, 5.2B, 5.2C, 5.2D,5.5A, 5.5B, 5.5C, 5.5D, 5.5E, 5.5F, 5.13A 5.13B, 5.13C,5.13E, 5.13F, 5.13G, 5.15C, 5.16A, 5.16B,5.19F, 5.19G, 5.19H, 5.19I
Unit Overview
Being in touch with one’s surroundings helps bring balance and equity to the universe. To be in touch with your surroundings, you have to inquire about things. Raising questions for inquiry and seeking solutions to problems bring understanding to the learner. The learner must first become proficient at framing questions in order to inquire about the universe. Inquiry requires the learner to probe for a deeper understanding and thus questions must reach for a deeper knowledge.
After framing questions, the learner needs to conduct research using a variety of resources. The learner needs to evaluate the resources for accuracy and depth of understanding. In gathering the data, the learner will use comprehension strategies to determine the importance of the material and the main idea of the text. At times, the inquiry may lead the learner to new ideas that need to be explored. During this inquiry the reader may need to determine if the literature shaped the idea/culture or if the literature is merely a reflection of the culture.
For the inquiry and research to be effective and contribute to balance and equity, it needs to be reported. Solving problems that are not reported does not bring the universe into balance. Learners design presentations and report findings to their peers in order to contribute to the further development of ideas. New ideas help contribute to the balance of the existing system and may lead to a more equitable existence for everyone. Unless the findings are reported, the universe remains stagnate and change does not occur. Chaos ensues and balance is not achieved.
Enduring Understandings
  • Balance in nature is important to preserving the planet and its resources.
  • Decisions cause changes that affect lives through chaos and order.
  • Research influences the reader’s perspective through drawing conclusions based on text.
/ Essential Questions
  • What is the importance of understanding balance within the planet?
  • What are the positive and negative aspects of both chaos and order in literature?
  • How do world politics, war, and cultural impact text?
  • How does research support understanding balance and equity?

Writing Purpose

Write to inform, explain, describe, report, or narrate
Use writing as a tool for learning research
Focus and Coherence
Sentence to Sentence connection
Paragraph Construction
Meaningful Transitions
Strong Lead
Conclusion completes the writing
Pre-writing, Creating a plan
Using Graphic Organizers
Logical Support of Ideas
Frame Questions to Direct Research
Depth of Development
Develop All Ideas Completely
Take Risks with your Ideas
Elaborate with prepositional phrases 5.18 E
Exhibit as Identifiable voice 5.15 E
Write with accurate spelling of syllable constructions including closed and open consonant before-le and syllable boundary patterns
Spell with accurate spelling roots such as drink, speak, read, or happy, inflections, such as those that change tense or number, suffixes such as –able or –less, and prefixes such as re- or un- 5.17 B
Use resources to find correct spellings 5.17 C
Spell accurately in final drafts 5.17 D
Regular and Irregular Plurals 5.18 A
Punctuate Compound Sentences (comma and conjunction)
Command of the Conventions page 4 number 7
Punctuate Complex Sentences (Dependent and Independent) 5.18 B
Command of the Conventions page 5 number 10
Objective Case Pronoun 5.18 H
Command of the Conventions page 14 number 3
Subject and Verb Agreement, pronoun referents 5.18 C
Command of the Conventions page 13 number 1 and page 18 number 1
Use conjunctions appropriately 5.18 F
Use apostrophes in contractions and possessives 5.18 G
Command of the Conventions page 7 and 8 number 15-18
Language of Instruction
oral presentation
pamphlet / software thesaurus
such as
synonym finder
table of contents
text organizers
Core Vocabulary
exhaust / interdependence
/ Products students will develop
  • Research project for nonfiction topic
Such as:
-Energy – global warming & alternative sources
-Food chain - Ecosystems
-Natural disasters
-Nuclear weapons
-Plagues – epidemics
-Economic imbalance
  • Outline for research
  • Visual aid for presentation
  • Speech
  • Technology based presentation (power point, video)
  • Theatrical presentation (perform skit, write a play)
  • Compose song
  • Research cube

Relationships and/or Connections that should emerge
  • Balance and equity are the result of a variety of causes.
  • Balance and equity affects learners understanding.
  • Research enhances understanding

5th Grade Unit 6: / Balance/Equity / Suggested Time Frame: / 6 Weeks
TAKS Objectives: / 1, 2, 3, 4 / TEKS: / 5.1A, 5.1B, 5.1C, 5.2A, 5.2B, 5.2C, 5.2D,5.5A, 5.5B, 5.5C, 5.5D, 5.5E, 5.5F, 5.13A 5.13B, 5.13C,5.13E, 5.13F, 5.13G, 5.15C, 5.16A, 5.16B,5.19F, 5.19G, 5.19H, 5.19I
Unit Overview
Being in touch with one’s surroundings helps bring balance and equity to the universe. To be in touch with your surroundings, you have to inquire about things. Raising questions for inquiry and seeking solutions to problems bring understanding to the learner. The learner must first become proficient at framing questions in order to inquire about the universe. Inquiry requires the learner to probe for a deeper understanding and thus questions must reach for a deeper knowledge.
After framing questions, the learner needs to conduct research using a variety of resources. The learner needs to evaluate the resources for accuracy and depth of understanding. In gathering the data, the learner will use comprehension strategies to determine the importance of the material and the main idea of the text. At times, the inquiry may lead the learner to new ideas that need to be explored. During this inquiry the reader may need to determine if the literature shaped the idea/culture or if the literature is merely a reflection of the culture.
For the inquiry and research to be effective and contribute to balance and equity, it needs to be reported. Solving problems that are not reported does not bring the universe into balance. Learners design presentations and report findings to their peers in order to contribute to the further development of ideas. New ideas help contribute to the balance of the existing system and may lead to a more equitable existence for everyone. Unless the findings are reported, the universe remains stagnate and change does not occur. Chaos ensues and balance is not achieved.
Text Resources
  • Nonfiction text
  • Dictionary
  • Encyclopedia
  • Thesaurus
  • Arthur Writes a Story by Marc Brown
Enrichment Workstations
  • Independent/Buddy Reading
  • Word Study/Vocabulary Station
  • Literature Circle/Book Club
  • Computer
/ Technology & Electronic Resources
*Due to periodic updates, choose areas that are applicable.
Other(i.e., Speakers, Field Trips) / Reading Skills/Processes
□5.5B / □5.5C
Writing Skills/Processes
Week 1 / L-18 Use a natural voice
D-10 Find the right distance by pulling in close
D-11 Find the right distance by pulling back
Week 2 / D-1 Anticipate what the audience expects
D-9 Capture the power of one
I-14 Use authentic details
Week 3 / D-6 Use subtitles to organize your writing
D-20 Open with a scene
D-18 Lead with a question
Week 4 / L-24 Use vocabulary specific to a subject
D-5 Use a transition between ideas
I-19 Make Comparison
Week 5 / P-4 Use commas to list ideas
P-7 Use ellipsis
L-16 Avoid Passive verbs
Week 6
/ NOTES / Method(s) of Assessment
AObservation evaluated by peers
BStudents engaged in learning activities
CDirect questioning
DObservation of performance or process
Constructed Response
  1. TEKSCheck
  2. Open-ended
  3. Essay
  4. Research Paper
  5. Log / Journal
  6. Story / Play / Poem
  7. Model / Map / Video
  8. Oral / Visual / Multimedia Presentation
Selected Response
1Fill-in-the-blank test
2Matching test
3Multiple choice test
4True/False test

5th Grade ELA 6th Six Weeks Summary


In this brief summary, dates will fluctuate according to your students, calendar, and special events.


April 10 –May 29

  • Week 1: Research
  • Week 2: Presentation of Products
  • Week 3: Listening skills
  • Week 4: Develop and demonstrate effective communication skills
  • Week 5: Develop presentation skills
  • Week 6: Interpret the speakers message both verbal and non-verbal, purposes, and perspectives

On-going TEKS must be taught throughout the six weeks.

8/27/2007DRAFT 3