St. John Chrysostom Parish Council Meeting Minutes
November 12, 2017
Present: Fr. Mike Tobin, Deacon Butch Kinsella, Fred Kemen,Pat Smith, Mary Howard,Joann Goodwin,and Joanne Ashby. Absent: Gary Scharfenberger and Pat Conroy.Guest: Stephany Ivers. The meeting opened at 10:55 a.m. with prayer led by Fr. Mike. The October minutes were accepted as written.
Stephany Ivers askedthe parish council to review a CD on marriage. She suggested using the CD in conjunction with a future liturgy referencing the Wedding Feast in Cana. Fr. Mike, Joann Goodwin and Pat Smith received the CD to review and to provide feedback. Another suggestion was to include the Pope’s monthly prayer intentions in the bulletin. Stephany presented an idea to increase donations to Water with Blessings. Council members discussed the good will that exists whenever Sr.Larraine Lauter leaves on her missions as well as Arnold LeMay. The many parishioners volunteering to prepare water filter kits was noted from St. John and the Joy Club at Annunciation. A report on parish stewardship is published annually to update parishioners on our giving. Individual parishioners make donations to Water with Blessings which is not publicized by the parish, but it all helps. At this time then, the parish will wait for input from Sr. Larraine in the coming months as she continues her ministry. We encourage parishioners to personally donate time and treasure to Water with Blessings.
Financial Report: Fred reported that he had received the October financial statement. Deacon Butch reported the weekly collection is up.
Worship Report: Deacon Butch reported there will be a Communal PenanceService on Thursday, December 14, at 7:00 p.m. Fr. Mike shared the Mass schedule at St. John/Annunciation: Thanksgivingday Mass at Annunciation at 8:00 a.m; Feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8 at 7:00 pm; 4th Sunday of Advent, December 24 at 9:30am; Christmas Eve, December 24 at 5:00pm; and Christmas Day, December 25 at 9:30 am. This year the Solemnity of Mary, January 1 is a holyday, but the obligation is lifted. There will be no Mass at St. John, however Fr. Cousens will celebrate Mass at Annunciation at 8:00 a.m. Fred will chair an ad hoc committee to plan a mission centered on St. John Chrysostom..The St. John and Presbyterian combined choir will sing at the Christmas Eve mass at St. John and at the Presbyterian Church service later on Christmas Eve. A simple meal will be served at St. John between the two services.
Maintenance Report: It was reported Gary has ordered the diaper changing stations and will install them in the near future. A thank you goes out to Sharon Silvers for repainting the sign in front of church.
Formation: The adult faith formation will utilize the Renew program Advent Awakeningsstarting November 26 after Mass. This program will go for four weeks ending on the 3rd Sunday of Advent. Aflyer will be in the bulletin. To ensure enough materials are available, signups are requested. Response has been very good. Deacon Butch has ordered an additional ten books.
Missions: Joanne Ashby coordinated the Christmas Shoebox Project. Eighteen boxes were filled. Deacon Butch will present a summary of the tithing at St. John for 2017.
Altar Society:Joanne Ashby reported the 2018 quilt is underway. Packets will be available in November for piecing.
Eminence Council of Churches:Mary reported there will be a community Thanksgiving program/meal on November 19. St. John choir will participate in the program. The host church is Eminence Christian Church. The meal will be served at 6:00 and the service will begin at 7:00
Other Business: There was brief discussion concerning safety in church. Deacon Butch will consult with the Archdiocese and Catholic Mutual Insurance for recommendations.
Next Meeting:The next meeting will be January 28, 2018 after Mass. Deacon Butch closed with prayer at 11:50.