Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes Coalition of Indiana | CADI

Systems of Care Workgroup Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: / 5/13/14
Meeting Time: / 9:00am to 10:30am
Meeting Location: / Indiana Public Health Association,
English Foundation Building, 615 N Alabama St Ste 426 Indianapolis IN 46204
Conference Line: / Number: (877) 422-1931
Passcode: 4717625879
Recorded By: / Caitlin Neal


  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. Approve April meeting minutes
  3. Presentation on the Development and Data of the Statewide Trauma System
  4. Katie Gatz – Interim Director, Division of Trauma and Injury Prevention,ISDH
  5. Community Health Worker Symposium Planning (
  6. Date/Time and Location
  7. Marketing to target audience/attendees
  8. Sponsors and Vendors/Exhibitors
  9. Continuing Education Credits (see next page)
  10. Agenda (see next page)
  11. Budget (

Continuing Education Credits:

Profession/Certification / Credentialing Agency / Notes/Cost
Dietitians/Nutritionists / Commission on Dietetic Registration

Certified Diabetes Educators / National Certification Board for Diabetes Educators (NCBDE)

Health Education Specialists / The National Commission For Health Education Credentialing (NCHEC)
and INSOPHE (Indiana Society for Public Health Education)
Social Workers / National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

Health Coaches / National Society of Health Coaches

and American College of Sports Medicine

Draft Agenda:

Topic / Speaker
8:00 to 8:30 / Registration / N/A
8:30 to 9:00 / Greetings, CADI introduction / CADI Steering Committee/Symposium Planning Committee
9:00 to 10:00 / Diabetes Education / Healthy Bartholomew County
10:00 to 10:15 / Break / N/A
10:15 to 11:00 / Stroke and FAST initiatives / AHA or Genentech
11:15 to 12:00 / Cholesterol or Cultural competency / Margarita Hart, Esperanza Ministries
12:00 to 1:00 / Lunch
Resource Directory Presentation / CADI Community Linkages Workgroup
1:00 to 2:00 / Motivational interviewing / Leslie Zanetti from Sanofi,
Patient centered medical home from Anthem
Carrie Maffeo at Butler has recommendation
2:00 to 2:15 / Break / N/A
2:15 to 3:15 / MI (myocardial ifarction)
Emergency Medical Systems of Care (ambulance to ER) / Bruce A. Berger, PhD, RPh

2. Attendance:

First / Last / Title / Organization
Teasa / Thompson / Program Manager and Assistant Director of Outreach / Purdue University Center for Cancer Research
Katie / Gatz / Interim Director / Division of Trauma and Injury Prevention at Indiana State Department of Health
Jennifer / Cohn / Clinical Director / St. Vincent Neuroscience Institute
Hanna / Kelley / Executive Director / Indiana Dietetic Association
Ruth / Rench / Senior Clinical Specialist / Genentech
TJ / Smithey / Manager, Healthcare Solution Specialist / Sanofi
Teasa / Thompson / Program Manager and Assistant Director of Outreach / Purdue University Center for Cancer Research

3. Discussion

  1. Welcome and introduction
  2. Previous meeting minutes
  3. Group was not able to approve previous minutes as they were accidentally deleted. Important information can be found in the Google document links at the end of this document.
  4. Presentation on the Development and Data of the Statewide Trauma System by Katie Gatz – Interim Director, Division of Trauma and Injury Prevention, ISDH
  5. Katie Gatz gave a presentation on the trauma system and registry. The slides from her presentation can be found on the Systems of Care workgroup page on Some major takeaways from her presentation and the following discussion included:
  6. Injury – or trauma, as we often refer to it – is the No. 1 killer of Hoosiers under the age of 45.
  7. Problems posed by injury are most acute in our rural areas: 60% of all trauma deaths occur in areas of the United States where only 25% of the population lives. Indiana’s special injury challenge is that we rank first in the nation for interstate highway miles per land area.
  8. When trauma patients are transported, by ground or air, to trauma centers the preventable death rate DROPS by 15-30% and there are significant reductions of chronic disabilities and overall community care costs.
  9. 2006 - IC 16-19-3-28 (Public Law 155) named the State Health Department the lead agency for statewide trauma system. 2011 - ISDH created the Trauma and Injury Prevention Division.
  10. 2012 – EMS Commission adopted the Triage and Transport Rule
  11. The most seriously injured patients should go to a trauma center no matter how long it takes to get them there. EMS Commission’s rule offers two qualifications to this:
  12. If the patient’s life is in danger
  13. If the nearest trauma center is more than 45 minutes away (see presentation for a map of areas covered by trauma centers within 45 minutes)
  14. Patients are allowed to decide as well
  15. Permits hospitals to be considered “trauma centers” if the hospital is either:
  16. Verified by the American College of Surgeons (ACS)
  17. Designated a “trauma center” by a neighboring state’s trauma center designation system (if comparable to ACS’ system)
  18. In the process of ACS verification
  19. Indiana Trauma Centers
  20. Level I Trauma Centers: Eskenazi, IU Health Methodist, IU Health Riley
  21. Level II Trauma Centers: Deaconess, Lutheran, Memorial Hospital SB, Parkview RMC, St. Mary’s Evansville, St. Vincent Indy
  22. In the Process: IU Health Arnett, IU Health Ball Memorial, St. Elizabeth – East, St. Vincent - Anderson
  23. 2013 – Adoption of the Trauma Registry Rule
  24. Rule that requires following providers to report data to the trauma registry:EMS providers, all hospitals with EDs, and Rehabilitation hospitals
  25. Reporting EMS Services as of November 2013: 25; February 2014: 75; April 2014: 109.
  26. Reporting hospitals as of December 2013: 9 trauma centers, 51 non-trauma centers
  27. Reporting rehabilitation facilities: Have not started collecting the data yet, 9 facilities around the state will be required to report, Collect CMS required data elements
  28. This is an opportunity for systems improvement.
  29. Trauma Care Committee (public advisory board)
  30. Made up of Trauma and Emergency Medicine experts from across the state
  31. Work on performance improvement
  32. Working on Trauma System Plan:
  33. Trauma Registry
  34. Injury Prevention
  35. System-wide issues
  36. Miscellaneous
  37. When do we advocate for stroke/STEMI systems of care?
  38. This is another area of opportunity for CADI.
  39. The group asked Katie about increasing the number of EMS providers that are reporting.
  40. She said that ISDH has funded software for all providers that is internet-based and free to providers. They also have dedicated staff to provide support using the software.
  41. There may be an opportunity for CADI to improve awareness of this system.
  42. Community Health Worker Symposium
  43. The group discussed the proposed dates of the Symposium. They decided that November 14 was preferable.
  44. Exhibitors
  45. The group decided that non-profit exhibitors would be $100, for-profit will be $500
  46. Pharmaceutical companies will need to exhibit in a room separate from the speakers.
  47. They would like to come up with a clever way to draw attention to exhibitors, such as a game, or having the drinks in the same area.
  48. Intern – Ben Rush
  49. Ben is interning with this workgroup over the summer and is going to target potential sponsors, vendors, and participants. The group recommended he look into organizations working on Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) in Indiana.
  50. Ruth volunteered to share some potential exhibitor contacts.
  51. Amy David was recommended as a potential contact or even speaker on PCMH.
  52. Cost of attendance
  53. The group wants to keep the attendance cost low enough that CHWs can afford it, but not so low that people will feel free to skip the event.
  54. They decided the cost would be $25 for non-CADI members, $20 for CADI members
  55. Continuing education credits
  56. Offering these credits is key to strong attendance.
  57. Caitlin and Kiran are looking into the process for offering CEUs.
  58. Evaluation
  59. The group recognizes the importance of evaluating the symposium and will focus on the specific evaluation questions in the future.

4. Post-Meeting Action Items

Action Items (NEW) / Assigned To / Timeline
Gather final quotes / Caitlin / ASAP
Look into CEU credits / Caitlin / On Going
Send intern’s contact information to committee / Caitlin
Set up page for symposium on CADI website / Caitlin
Send potential vendor contacts to Caitlin / Ruth and TJ / ASAP

5.Decisions Made

  • The symposium will be held on November 14 unless the group decides to have it at Valle Vista, which is only available on the 7th.

6.Next Meeting

Next Quarterly Meeting:Wednesday, June 11, 2014 1pm to 4pm
Location: Marion County Public Health Department
Speaker: TovaWiegandGreen, Dean of School of Health Sciences, Ivy Tech Ft. Wayne
Online Registration

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