Name:,Appointment Date:, Appointment Time:
For DLA Admin – After Advising, check all that apply: Authorized?Notes updated? N/S? Prep?

Students: Please complete the following worksheet by logging onto myUMBC and viewing your DegreeAudit.
For support in using Degree Audit go to:

  1. General Info (GPA and Credits). For the following, please provide:

Academic CreditsListed(includes current semester & SU/WI)[1]: / _____Minimum of 120 required– includes in progress
In Progress Credits at UMBC (current and SU/WI) / _____Delete these to get credits completed
Credits for repeated courses with grade of “D”? / _____Will show up twice in 120
GPA / _____out of 4.0
Upper-Level CreditsListed (out of 45 required) / _____Minimum of 45 required– includes in progress
Credits to transfer (from outside institution – not yet listed) / _____Verify that these will transfer
Risk of D, F, or W? / _____
Anticipatedgraduation date? / Applied? / _____
Completedboth PE classes (Y/N)? or list Waiver: / _____
Other Info/Waivers? / _____
  1. General Education Requirements.
    Have you satisfied all of these? Check all requirements that have been MET:

Gen Eds you follow, as indicated in your DegreeAudit: GEP GFR

 / Requirement[2] / Notes
ENGL [Required for USG Program]
AH (need 3 from at least 2 disciplines -- can complete at USG)
SS (need 3 from at least 2 disciplines -- can complete at USG)
M (Statistics requiredas prerequisite for PSYC 311; recommended forothers)[3]
BPS non-lab
BPS with Lab
C (need 2 -- can complete at USG)
WI Course (required for GEP Students only)
  1. Major Requirements for the PsychologyB.A.
    Have you satisfied all of these? Check all requirements that have been MET:

 / Major Requirement / Notes
CORE: PSYC 100 (Required for entry into USG Program)
CORE: PSYC 211, 393, or 309 (Alternative: PSYC 331 no longer offered)
CORE: PSYC 311(Alternative: PSYC 332no longer offered)
DOMAIN: L&C: PSYC 210, 316, 317, 360
DOMAIN: SP&A: PSYC 285, 340, 380, 382
DOMAIN: BBB: PSYC 335, 370, 375, 390
DOMAIN: DEV: PSYC 200, 304, 305, 306, 307, 365
DOMAIN: CD&C: PSYC 230, 330, 356, 357, 387
DOMAIN: AP: PSYC 308, 320, 324, 342, 345, 346, 385
Additional 300-level PSYC: (Can be a domain course if domain already met)
400-level PSYC: (To be takenafter PSYC 332 or PSYC 311)
  1. Schedule. What courses do you plan on registering for next semester?
    (Review UMBC@USG’s Schedule of Classes prior to your advising session)

 / Course(s) / Institution / Credits / Comments
Alternative courses if one or more of the above are filled OR for Summer or Winter courses)
TOTAL: / FT = 12 credits per semester for Reg. Sem.
  1. Additional questions: Are you interested in, or have questions about, any of the following?

Course Sharing
Research Opportunities
Post-baccalaureate plans
Graduate or Professional School
Other UMBC or USG opportunities
2nd Major or Minor? If so, completed?
  1. At your advising session. What do you need to do next?

Notes based on our advising session (please write down what you need to do):

You are cleared to register as of your Registration Appointment on

If you are not cleared, this is what you need to do to get cleared:

Signature (to complete at advising appointment): I met with my advisor and understand what we discussed in this advising session. I also understand that I am ultimately responsible for checking my online transcripts (from the UMBC web site, ) and verifying that all of my information is correct to the best of my knowledge.

Signature of Student: / Date: / / /

Updated 10/28/15 by DLA

[1]For students repeating a course in which they earned a grade of “D” the credits will be listed twice in the 120 credit list.

[2]Gen Ed courses listed in boldface are not offered at the USG campus.

[3] As of Spring 2015, the PSYC 211  PSYC 311 sequence replaced PSYC 331  332.