Introduction to Information Management

Exam I

Study Guide

Exam: Friday, February 22

This exam is made up of multiple choice and short answer questions. The exam is worth 100 points. The exam will include information from Chapters 1-5, HTML, and VBA. Chapter concepts and terms to study are listed below. Be sure to know the terms and their acronyms. Study your blogs, too.

Chapter 1

·  Business process

·  Key corporate assets of a business

·  Business model

·  Complementary assets

·  Information technology (IT)

·  Data

·  Information

·  Management Information Systems (MIS)

·  Information Systems literacy

·  Knowledge worker

·  Business function

·  Hardware (and examples)

·  Software (and examples)

·  Sociotechnical approach of information systems

Chapter 2

·  Business Intelligence (BI)

·  Business Process (different functional areas)

·  Chief Information Officer (CIO)

·  Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO)

·  Chief Privacy Officer (CPO)

·  Chief Security Officer (CSO)

·  Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

·  Decision Support System (DSS)

·  Digital Dashboard

·  E-Business

·  E-Commerce

·  E-Government

·  Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)

·  Knowledge Management Systems (KMS)

·  Supply Chain Management (SCM)

Chapter 3

·  Disruptive technologies

·  Organization

·  Routines

·  Features of organizations (review subheadings of this section of the text on pages 84-89)

·  Transaction costs

·  Porter's Competitive forces model (be able to explain and define all 5 forces)

·  Information system strategies fordealing with competitive forces (Be able to explain and define all 4)

·  Support activities

·  Primary activities

·  Value chain

·  Value web

·  Core competency

·  Strategic transitions

·  Business Ecosystem

Chapter 4

·  Ethics

·  Five moral dimensions of the information age

·  Profiling

·  Responsibility

·  Liability

·  Accountability

·  Informed consent

·  Cookies

·  Spyware

·  Safe harbor

·  Intellectual property

·  Trade secret

·  Copyright

·  Patents

·  Computer Crime

·  Computer abuse

·  Digital divide

Chapter 5

·  IT Infrastructure

·  Client/server computing

·  Moore's Law

·  Law of Mass Digital Storage

·  Metcalfe's Law

·  Technology standards (review page 175)

·  7 components for IT infrastructure (review beginning on Chapter 176)

·  Legacy system

·  Grid computing

·  Virtualization

·  Green computing

·  Cloud computing (also know definition of public vs private cloud)

·  Open source software

·  Service Oriented architecture (SOA)

·  Software as a Service (SaaS)

·  Mashup

·  Scalability


·  Definition of VBA

·  Module

·  Sub procedure

·  Function

·  Macro procedure


Be able to answer some general questions about html code (i.e. code for bold, italics, underline, etc.). Know what tags are. Define html.