Police Department 301-390-2100

Fire Department 249-6525

BowieCity Hall 262-6200

MD Poison Control 429-2424

D.H. Bader Mgt. Co. 953-1955

(John Sheehy: ext 11)


HOA Annual Meeting

The Annual Tall Oaks Crossing Homeowners Meeting and Election was scheduled and held on September 7, 2006. We were not able to hold elections at this meeting because we did not have a quorum of members necessary to achieve this goal. We did not have a sufficient number of proxy forms either from the homeowners. Your home is your largest investment and we all picked Tall Oaks Crossings development to live because of the many amenities that it offered. I know we are all busy and possibly over burden in our everyday lives, but . . .The next scheduled meeting is Thursday, October 5, 2006, if you are not able to attend this meeting, please send in your proxy form or call Bader Management (301) 953-1955x 11 and give them your proxy. Your homeowner’s Association is important to keep our neighborhood the way it is, the best if can be and protect our investment.

Twelve Tall Oaks

Proper drainage, environmental concerns (for the deer’s and such) were amongst the items discuss at meeting with the engineer team of this project. Equally important the annexation to Tall Oaks Crossing. A stakeholders meeting was also held late September where the engineers identified the start of the project as Spring 07, construction crews in the community between 7:00 a.m.-6:oo p.m.

Sheep Farm

We all heard the rumors, we all were happy that it took a long time coming, but early on Saturday morning, August 4th, we all saw the fire department burning the white farm house, leaving only the chimneys, our beloved sheep farm was gone. The sheep farm was a symbol that we were still in the country and our children and grand children enjoyed riding by and seeing the sheep and baby lambs. A bit of nostalgia hit us all. Good bye dear sheep farm, we will miss you. We must be positive; more houses will be built for more families.

PointerRidgeShopping Center

Board members from Tall Oaks Crossing, Devonshire, and Citizens Assoc. of South Bowie, met with Mr. Rappaport in July concerning the condition of PointerRidgeShopping Center and AmberRidgeCenter (to be constructed). Mr. Rappaport agreed that Pointer Ridge needed to be improved and that he was committed to making the needed improvements. He will not demolish the shopping center to make improvements. He will improve lighting and cleaning up the grounds. His overall plans are to incorporate the two shopping centers so that their appearance will look compatible. He expects to move the food store (Safeway or Shoppers) and drug store (CVS) to the new center, AmberRidge. He is aware of our concerns with traffic and will work with us on that matter. It appears that it will be at least 4 years away before the AmberRidgeCenter will begin construction. Presently a bank is there. He expects to make the upgrades for Pointer Ridge within a year. He was also considering having new tenants in Pointer Ridge. He was reminded of the list of tenants not acceptable for the Hall Rd. project. He expressed that it would hold true for Pointer Ridge and AmberRidge as well. Mr. Rappaport will keep in contact.


In My Opinion

I am voicing my opinion to you and ALL of the members of Tall Oaks Crossing HOA. I think it has been very displeasing to see the lack of attention we are truly giving to our community safety and flow of information. I have been living in this well kept community for six years. During that time I have gone to the website eight times only to see the SAME OUTDATED INFORMATION and not to mention the UNACCURATE information listed in the news bulletins. Sure, we patrol the community and overzealously write violations to home owners who seem to do something wrong. But, what about the UPDATING the website, having more community involvement meetings, displaying dates and times a week prior rather than a day or two ahead? MOST of all tell/remind our community and Ashley community to SLOW DOWN while driving on – not Pin Oak Raceway but 25mph Pin Oak Parkway!!! Concerned Resident

In My Opinion

While walking the hiker biker trail recently (after the last heavy rainfall & storm), I noticed many things. One observation was all the debris tossed on the path under trees. The limbs placed there wasn't from the tree where it was laying. It appeared that persons had discarded broken branches off their property onto common grounds. This gesture may rid the debris from your property and relieve you of a problem, but by tossing it onto common ground has created another problem. The common ground is maintained under contract by our landscaping company. Getting rid of homeowners debris isn't part of the contract. When homeowners insist on participating in such acts because they think it will be taken care of, just remember this. There is an extra charge for the landscaping company to clean up such messes. When the H.O.A. has to be increased because of such actions, everybody pays. The second observation was all the broken glass on the trail itself. There was a time no such sight was seen on our trails. Are we becoming careless or don't care? My fellow neighbors, we can do better. It takes everyone to do their part to continue the upkeep of the neighborhood. Don't expect a few to do the job. Concerned Resident

Web Page update:

The web page is being updated. There is still some sections yet to be completed. Many sections are complete with updated information. The minutes will always be at least a month behind due to approval at the following meeting. There is an e-mail address listed twice on the web page. This address will be maintained by two bd. members. The address is: If you have any difficulty assessing this address by clicking on it on the web site, then put it in your address book. This e-mail address is to make contact with your bd. members and committee chairs.


Received a few phone call in regards to our neighborhood watch program. As far as the police are concern we have a program but no volunteers. Let’s see if we can reenergize this program. Contact Mary Mauck.



Rebecca Ligon-Lewis, Pres

Deborah Stafford, VP

Rene Buckman, Sec

Lee Veri, Treas

Mildred Tyler, Director

Robert Owens, Director

Board meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month (except January and July), at 7 p.m., SouthBowieRecreationCenter on Pittsfield Lane in Pointer Ridge.


Eugene Cunningham, Chairman

Letters were sent out to many of the homeowners early in the spring, requesting repairs from power washing of siding and decks, trimming bushes and painting of wood trim on homes. Most of these requested repairs have been performed. Warning letters will be forthcoming to those home owners who have not completed these requests.


Garland Greene

Members of the board meet with the contractor to discuss front entrance holiday decoration.


Eugene Cunningham, Chairman


Velvenia Minor


Submit through the website

Resident Rates:

Business card (2in H x 3.5 W) : $15.00

Quarter Page (4x6): $25.00

Half page: $45.00

Full page $70.00