Record of Proceedings - June 20, 2016

The regular meeting of Centre Pointe Station Condominiums Board of Directors was held

June 20, 2016 in the basement meeting room at 4600 E. Asbury Circle, Denver, CO. The Directors were present or absent as shown below. Phil Mills of Western States was present. John Murray, the resident manager was as well.

President / Jim Jones: / Absent / Treasurer / Justin Wimbish / Present
Vice President / Michael Beninati / Present / Director / Molly Sanchez: / Present
Secretary / Jarrod Keever / Absent

Call to Order Jim Jones called the meeting to order at 5:10pm. A quorum was present.

Homeowner Comments

·  None were presented for consideration.

Minutes The minutes of the Board meeting held May 16, 2016 were approved as presented.

Managing Agent’s Notes Mr. Mills reported on:

·  Stan and AE Design are working on the plans for the electrical modifications to the boiler room.

·  Marcan hasn’t scheduled the shrub and sod replacement due to weather.

·  Plumbing leaks in #106 and #104 were traced to rotted drain lines. Both were repaired and are waiting for drywall repairs.

·  The boilers are due for the annual inspection. An inspector has been contacted.

Resident Manager Report

·  John reported painting laundry rooms on the first and third floors.

·  There are eight holes from cigarette burns on the south canvas canopy. John suggested a newsletter to residents about throwing butts off the balconies.

·  The odor of marijuana smoke is prevalent from the doors of #101 and #110. Other residents have complained.

·  The resident in #312 was caught on camera vandalizing the security camera and furnishings in the first floor lobby.

·  A sprinkler leak by the basement controller was repaired by Marcan.

·  A missing wheel on the recycle dumpster may have caused it to wander into the street.

·  John reported that the laundry equipment continues to be abused with overloading and putting inappropriate material in the machines.

Financial Reports

·  The Board reviewed the cash position and financial activity of the Association during May.

·  Delinquencies were $12,653 from $12,107. Prepayments were $5,769.

·  The operating account had an ending balance of $-1,547 from $6,063 last month. The reserve account had $44,769.

·  Operating disbursements of $28,335 included $4,000 for gas line repairs and $7,184 for insurance premiums.

·  Year-to-date expenses 5 months) were $5,599 over budget.

Committee Reports

·  US Bank is issuing a credit card for the resident manager.

·  Justin had no report from the Rules and Regulations revision committee.

Unfinished Business (To Do List)

·  Nothing was brought up for consideration.

New Business

·  Several items for a newsletter were discussed.

Adjourn There being no further business to transact the meeting was declared adjourned at 5:45 PM. The next regular meeting will be Monday, July 18, 2016 at 5:00 PM in the Association meeting room, or at such other time and place as is mutually agreed to.

Respectfully submitted,

Phillip Mills, Acting Secretary