The Watson’s Go To Birmingham Study Guide

Chapter 1

  1. How many children are in the Watson family and what are their names?
  2. What is the setting of the story? (Time AND place)
  3. How would you describe Byron?
  4. Draw a picture of Byron’s “accident.”

Chapter 2

  1. There are two reasons that Kenny gets picked on. What are they?
  2. Who is Kenny’s personal savior?
  3. Why do you think that the bus driver sticks up for the new kids?
  4. Think of a time when you have been picked on. Describe who helped you or how you dealt with it.

Chapter 3

  1. What are some differences between the North and South?
  2. What happened to all of Kenny’s dinosaurs?
  3. How would you describe the friendship between Kenny and Rufus? What happens to that friendship in this chapter?

Chapter 5

Imagine that you are Kenny and you just witnessed the filming of Byron’s so called “movie” and the punishment that followed. Create a letter to Rufus describing what happened. Be sure to predict what you think will happen to Byron if he keeps getting into trouble.

Things to think about: What do you think about Byron? What do you think about what he did? How do you feel about what Momma did?

Chapter 6

  1. What made Byron get sick?
  2. Why do YOU think Byron buried the bird?
  3. Write about a time when you have felt badly about something you did. It should be something that you said or did that you feel sorry for. It should be something that you wish you could take back.

Chapter 9

  1. What does Mrs. Davidson give Joey as a gift before the Watsons leave? What does she think of it?
  2. Momma has a notebook. What is written on the cover and what is if for?
  3. What does Byron refuse to do while he is in the car? Do you think it will last?

Chapter 10

Describe a time when you have been on a road trip. Tell me who was in the car and where you were going. What did you do to pass time? What kind of music did you listen to? Is your experience similar to the Watsons’? Why or why not.

If you cannot remember a road trip you have been on, create one. Where would you want to go and what would you want to do? What kind of music would you listen to?

Chapter 12

  1. Who is Mr. Robert and what does Momma think about him? What does Byron seem to think about him?
  2. How do Momma and Grandma Sands interact?
  3. Mr. Roberts talks about his dog Toddy. What does he say?
  4. What do YOU THINK the title of the chapter, “That Dog Won’t Hunt No More” means?

Chapter 13

  1. What does Byron say Wool Pooh is? What is it really?
  2. What changes to you see happening to Byron? Do you think the changes will stay?
  3. What happens to Kenny as he tries to catch the turtle?
  4. Who or what was pulling on Kenny’s ankles?
  5. What is Byron’s reaction and how is it abnormal for him?