We had just started summer break the day he took us from our parents. My three brothers, my 3-month sisters and I. When the detective arrived he ordered my mother to take us all in the house and pack our things. My mom took us up to our room, and told us just think of it as a vacation even though I knew it was not. I felt a cascading tear fall down my cheek and watch them hit the floor. I just didn't understand why they had to take us. I wanted to stay with my mother I don't want to go with them. So why are they still taking me? As I begged the man to let my mother at least keep my infant sister. He answered my question with a grave no! I was the oldest of 4 kids so I felt I had to keep a calm attitude, but it was my second time being in foster care. I already had an idea of what was going to happen but all of my thoughts and my emotions I tried my best to keep to myself. A short time later my mom walked us all to the van buckled us in and said our last goodbyes for the time being. On the way to wherever we were going, I tried guessing where he was taking us. I did not have the slightest clue. I remember asking the man if he could LET my siblings and me at least be placed together in a home. He replied “You need to be focused on being a child, and stop acting like you’re their mother.” I felt angry I clenched my fisted and wanted to scream, scream everything bit of emotions I was feeling deep inside me out. Right at his impulsive looking face. But I know my place and I didn't want to make anything worse. So I just sat back in my seat and looked up at the clouds. While driving I ignored every question he asked me and replied with I'm only a kid so what do I know. Finally we arrived at this huge plain building with probably over 100 windows. Going up the elevator I thought to myself is this where we're going to be staying? What is this place? We got to a room where two girls were sitting at a desk and in front of them, were a bunch a toy's thrashed across the floors. Next to those toy's where plain gray offices chairs I walked to the chairs my brothers followed and we sat there, for the whole time we were there. The ladies tried to persuade my brothers to go play with the toy's but they wouldn't move like they were forever glued to those chairs. They sat there shaking their head no at them, no matter what they said or asked them to do. A few hours past and they took us to separate homes one by one. The first foster home was nice, I think I only stayed for a day or two until my uncle got custody of us. I’ve only seen this uncle a few times when I was very little so I didn't know very much about him. All I knew was he's my dad's brother and we're going to be staying with him for a while. The first few days of living with him were nice he took us out to eat one let us stay up late and watch movies. But that all ended. I had a red Verizon flip phone that my mother gave me. I would text and talk to my mom, and was to update her on how my siblings and I and how we were doing. I told her sometimes he would get irritated and put my brothers in time out for nothing. She would ask for daily pictures of us and she would mention how my little brothers were losing weight. I found out later that he would sneak in my room and read the messages He did not like that I was talking to my mom one bit and he called my mom and blew up on her telling me to stop watching his every move. Or else he would give us back and she better hope that we don't end up with the wrong people. He ended up giving us away anyways. Looking out my window one day that same white van pulled into the narrow driveway and at that moment I knew we were going to a new home. I packed up the few clothes that I had without anyone notifying me to do so. My uncle came upstairs and immediately saw the bags outside my bedroom door. "What are you doing," he said. I'm packing my things to leave. I then picked up my things and walked downstairs, towards the lady. She took us to a new house my two siblings and I got placed together. My other two siblings were placed together in a separate home. My two brothers and I got sent to some pretty horrible people, the lady, and her husband was Pilipino so they cooked Pilipino food. She made us call her Nanay which means mother in Filipino. And her husband tatay which means father. The first night we were there she made octopus or maybe it was squid I honestly couldn’t tell the difference I just knew I wasn’t eating it. She made all of our plates and called us into the kitchen. I pretty much threw up in my mouth. I told her I wasn’t hungry, and asked if I could go to bed. She said yes. I walked down the long hallway to my room that I shared with a girl. My little brother who was only 4 at the time he told her that he didn’t want that he wanted something else. Nanay said you eat this our you get nothing. He bolted to the living room in tears. Mind you I was listening to all of this while in my room. She screamed time out now! Placed him in a chair in the middle of the kitchen. After that the house was pretty quiet everyone went to bed after a while I went up to use the bathroom and to my surprise, my brother was still there I then looked at the big round clock and it was 11:00p.m. All of this because he wouldn’t eat her octopus or whatever it was? I told him to use the bathroom and go to bed. The next morning I was so angry I wouldn’t talk to anyone besides my brothers. Every time she called my name I would turn my head away. Even if it meant staring at a wall. The next day my brothers, teddy and I were playing with army men and logo blocks and I believe we argued over who could have the last three Lego blocks to build a castle for out army men. We both were pulling and tugging and pulling and tugging until I overpowered him and got the Lego blocks. we glanced at each other for a split second and BAM! His fist went full throttle right at my left eye. I sat there for like 8 secondsI believe looking at him in shock until I ran into the bathroom and started to cry. My was face full of tears my hands were shaking. I went to go look in the mirror and a red mark began to form under my eye. It started throbbing. Nanay got home and by that time my eye was already purple. She kind of took it as a joke I say that because she called her husband he came in the room pulled out his phone started recording and asked me what happened I told him then he said how did that make you feel with that question I was confused I said to myself how and I supposed to feel I literally got punched in the face am I supposed to feel happy? I replied sad? He put his phone away and left teddy didn’t get in trouble for this. This incident happened twice in the care of this women and I would tell her and she shrugged it off. After 2 months with this woman I finally got to live with my mom only on one condition we had to stay in a shelter. From this experience I’ve developed major anxiety which has forced me to do online schooling. I also can't trust people except for my parents because after all the stuff CPS put her through she still fought for us and got us back. The law and Riverside County doesn’t care about the placement of children all they care about is how heavy their pockets are and making people’s lives miserable.