“You Are My Witness” Final Holocaust Project

Background: Welcome to your final Holocaust project of the year! In this class, we have covered many topics, both through taking notes on the Holocaust and by reading Elie Wiesel’s book, Night. In many ways, your final Holocaust project will be a review of all of the information you have learned over the past three weeks; it will be your final chance to “bear witness” to insure that another Holocaust does not happen again!

The Assignment: You may wish to work in groups of two (2). Your assignment will be to create a 1 ½ to 2 minute iMovie that reviews and gives opinions on the material that we have covered since beginning our Holocaust unit. Specific instructions in greater detail will follow on the next few pages. Remember that all of your resources, including your notes and Night are available for you at any time during this project. Your assignment will have four (4) parts to it:

  • Part I: Three (3) things that you/your partner have learned about the Holocaust that you found surprising or interesting.
  • Part II: You and your partner’s opinion of the book, Night, along with two (2) memorable scenes that both of you will remember.
  • Part III: Two (2) things that you learned about the modern-day Holocaust happening right now in Darfur that you found surprising or interesting.
  • Part IV: Name one (1) thing that you can do to prevent a modern-day Holocaust.

Rubric: The rubric for this project is very specific, so please take note of it. For each of the four (4) parts of this project, you will receive a grade. You will also receive a grade for the length of your finished iMovie project.

Criteria/Grade / A / B / C / F
Part I / Has 3 statements about the Holocaust that the students found interesting/surprising. / Has 2-3 statements about the Holocaust that the students found interesting/surprising. / Has 1-2 statements about the Holocaust that the students found interesting/surprising, but the statements are not substantial. / Has no statements about the Holocaust
Part II / Has in-depth opinions of the book Night from BOTH group members. Also includes a description of 2memorable scenes from the book. / Has in-depth opinions from the book Night from only one group member. May also include 1-2 descriptions of memorable scenes from the book. / Has in-depth opinions from the book Night from one or two group members, but has 1 description of a memorable scene. / Has no in-depth opinions from the book Night, and may lack any descriptions of memorable scenes.
Part III / Has 2 statements about the Darfur holocaust from BOTH group members. / Has 1-2 statements about the Darfur holocaust from only one group member. / Has 1 statement about the Darfur Holocaust from one or two group members. / Has no statements about the Darfur Holocaust.
Part IV / Includes one opinion from BOTH group members about ways to insure a modern day Holocaust does not happen again. / Includes one opinion from one group member about ways to insure a modern day Holocaust does not happen again. / Includes one opinion, but that opinion is not fully developed. / Includes no opinions about ways to insure a modern day Holocaust does not happen again.
Length of iMovie / Is 1 ½ to 2 minutes or more. / Is between 1 minute to 1 ½ minutes. / Is less than 1 minute, but greater than 30 sec. / Is less than 30 seconds long.

Questions? If you have a question about the project itself, or the rubric, please see me in my classroom. If you have a question about iMovie, consult the “iMovie Bootcamp” sheet attached to this packet. If this does not answer your question, please see me in my classroom.

Directions: Please follow the directions in the order in which they appear. Any deviation from these instructions or tom-foolery on the laptops will result in a failing grade for this project. Your entire project should take you no less than 50 minutes and no more than 80 minutes to complete. Feel free to check off the boxes below once you have completed it.

(5 minutes) / Select a partner for this project.
Grab an Apple laptop from the cart.
Turn the Laptop on.
Click the iMovie icon on the bottom of the screen. (it looks like a giant star).
Click on FILE  New Project
Type BOTH of your last names and period number. Make sure Aspect Ratio is set to “Standard”. Click OK.
Part I
(15 minutes) / Think about 3 things that you/your partner learned during the Holocaust unit that you found interesting or surprising. Remember, you can use your notes!
  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
Create a new video in iMovie with your partner that explains 5 things that you and your partner found interesting or surprising while studying the Holocaust.
Part II
(20 minutes) / Think about what you and your group member thought about the book Night.
  1. ______
  2. ______
Now think about two memorable scenes from the book that you would describe as unforgettable.
  1. ______
  2. ______
Create a new video in iMovie with your partner that explains both of these opinions and both of the unforgettable scenes. Make sure BOTH of your give your opinion and unforgettable scenes.
Put this movie clip after the previously created one from Part I.
Part III
(15 minutes) / Think about two things you and your partner learned from the video about the modern-day Holocaust in Darfur.
  1. ______
  2. ______
Create a new video in iMovie with your partner that explains both of these things you and your partner learned about the modern day Holocaust. Make sure BOTH of you give your opinions.
Put this movie clip after the previously created one from Part II.
Part IV
(10 minutes) / Talk with your partner about ways you think Holocausts can be avoided—think about awareness, education, talking with survivors, taking field trips, etc.
  1. ______
Create a new video in iMovie with your partner that explains your one suggestion about how to avoid a Holocaust.
Put this movie clip after the previously created one from Part III.
(15 minutes) / At this time, add titles and transitions to your movie clips.
(Optional) Add pictures to your project using the USHMM.org website from your earlier Picture Project.
  • Load Safari (the compass on the bottom of the screen)
  • Go to USHMM.org
  • Navigate through the following links: Research Collections and Archives  Search The Collections Photo Archives
  • Type in what kind of image you are looking for (boy/girl/etc.)
  • Control click on the Photo and click “Add image to iPhoto library”
  • The iPhoto program will pop up. Change the “untitled event” to “HOLOCAUST PROJECT.”
  • Drag your photo(s) from HOLOCAUST folding in iPhoto into your iMovie project. Arrange them accordingly.
  • Add effects, titles, and transitions.
Save your video by following these steps:
  • Go to the iMovie program.
  • At the top click on SHARE  EXPORT USING QUICKTIME.
  • Name your Project as BOTH of your last names and period number (for example: HAMPTONSULLIVAN5).
  • Click SAVE.
See me personally to turn back in your laptop.