UC IPM Advanced IPM Training for Master Gardeners Code Number______

(Number on your name tag)


1. List 3 key elements of a sustainable garden.

2. What is the most effective bait (active ingredient) for managing Argentine ants? ______

What percent solution should be used? ______

3. Where is the BEST location to place an ant bait dispenser/station for Argentine ants?

(Choose one)

a. In the house, near the food source that is attracting the ants

b. In the house, out-of-reach in kitchen cupboards

c. Outside in a dry, sunny location

d. Outside in a moist, shady location

4. Which of the following is true of Argentine Ants? (write True or False in front of each statement)

______They often sting or bite people.

______They give off a strong scent when squashed.

______They are two-node ants.

______They are one-node ants.

5. All of the following cause galls on plants, EXCEPT (Circle only one)

a. Western pine rust

b. Woolly apple aphid

c. Cottony cushion scale

d. Tiny wasps on oak

6. Which pest is NOT likely to cause holes or notches in leaves? (Circle only one)

a. Shothole fungus

b. Oak skeletonizer

c. Black vine weevil

d. Lace bug

7. On rose, what causes individual shoots to wilt, curl downwards, and then die while the rest of the plant remains healthy? (Circle only one)

a. Raspberry horntail

b. Roseslug

c. Powdery Mildew

d. Verticillium

8. Which of the features below are you aware of on the UC IPM web site?

READ CAREFULLY—Some of these are trick questions and not all of these features are

actually found on the UC IPM web site.

(Write in “yes or “no”)

AKEY to identifying insect pests in gardens

A KEY to identifying weeds in turf

A photo gallery of beneficial insects that can be sorted by the pests they attack

A list of all home and garden pesticides registered for use in California

A calculator for determining how long to irrigate your lawn taking into account your location in

California and the turf species you are growing

A calculator for determining how much fertilizer to apply to ornamental trees and shrubs

An online course on pesticides

A video on snail and slug management

Pest management information for Spanish-speaking audiences

A special page specifically for UC Master Gardeners


PRE/POST survey—Adv, IPM for MGs training

Revised 12/2009