Writing Distance Education Courses
What items do curriculum reviewers look for when approving online course addenda?
For online courses, course content and objectives do not change, but methods of instruction, methods of evaluation, and assignments must demonstrate how the course will be adapted to the online format yet maintain the regular effective contact students in face-to-face classes receive.
Pay attention to whether a course is marked HYBRID ONLY or HYBRID/FULLY ONLINE as requirements differ. For example, face-to-face meetings cannot be required for online courses. For a course marked HYBRID ONLY, the face-to-face to Online ratio should be described. In other words, how often is it anticipated that that course will meet FTF? What elements will be online versus taught face-to-face?
Methods of instruction (MOI): Methods of instruction need to demonstrate how each method will be plausibly taught through the online format. A variety of online delivery methods should be used and should link back to the course objectives. Each MOI should have a DE method adaptation that is specific. Do not accept general statements like, “Digital techniques will be used.” Some specific possibilities include the following: PowerPoint presentations converted to web format, digital video clips, instructor developed web pages, web tutorials and informational sites appropriate to the discipline, discussion forums, email attachments, images and screen shots for diagrams, graphs and other visual information formatted for online use, online quizzes and tests, proctored tests, online lectures, etc.
Methods of evaluation (MOE): Methods of evaluation need to demonstrate how each method will be evaluated through the online format. As with the MOI, a variety of evaluation methods should be used, and they should link back to the course objectives. Each MOE should have a DE method adaptation that is specific. Again, general statements should be avoided. In addition, proctored testing cannot be required to be done at an MSJC site. Alternative arrangements should be made for students who cannot get to an MSJC site.
Course Author should have some technical experience and online savvy to ensure the online sections of the course outline demonstrate the same rigor as found in the other areas of the course.
Avoid “boiler plate” verbiage. Just as course outlines differ based on content specific to each class, so should distance education content be differentiated. Avoid duplicated content across addenda. Not all courses in the same discipline will have the same adaptation, although it may be similar across the discipline. In other words, beware of cut and paste!
Sample assignments: Sample assignments should show appropriate use of the Internet and courseware management tools that are available at the college. Simply having students submit the assignments through the CMS (Course Management System) does not demonstrate all that should be expected for an online course.
Consideration should be given to compliance with accessibility guidelines (Sec. 508)
Regular Effective Contact should be described specifically and include reference to instructor initiated-use of discussion forums. The policies of the MSJC curriculum committee require the use of discussion forums in fully online courses. See the Regular Effective Contact Policy for reference.