Two-year School Plan for Deeping and Sustaining
the Implementation of the Common Core Standards
SCHOOL: DSCYF Principal –Mr. Sterling Seemans
“Every single student in our system will graduate college and career ready, with the freedom to choose his or her life’s success. Our education system needs to change because the world is changing, and because it’s the right thing to do. We must prepare our students to meet new standards, or we limit their life choices.”
Aspiration excerpt from Delaware Education Plan Overview (2010), DE Department of Education (DDOE)
The mission of the school plan is to deepen and sustain a Common Core culture in ALL Delaware classrooms. Schools are encouraged to work with other schools within and/or across districts.
The school plan must be submitted to Shelley Rouser at no later than July 15, 2015.
The role of the guiding team is to craft a school level plan to
· Maintain and/or revise school structures to build and support a school-wide Common Core culture;
· Ensure teachers receive the correct messages and training;
· Provide expert knowledge of the Standards–what they really imply for teaching and learning;
· Identify the characteristics of effective teaching and learning within the CCSS;
· Train teachers in the use of tools to identify materials supporting the teaching of CCSS;
· Translate standards into concrete instructional best practices;
· Foster the development of local assessments to determine if students are on track and initiate intervention practices when they are not.
v Mission: Deepen and Sustain a Common Core Culture in ALL classrooms
v Our team is looking at the majority of these outcomes as “red” since our unit has limited human resources and materials.
Goal 1: Identify and develop school structures to build and support an inclusive, school-wide Common Core culture to close the achievement gap.
Guiding questions:
· How will we improve and sustain communication with stakeholders (students, teachers, parents, community and leadership)?
· How will we ensure consistency and a two-way structure for communication?
· What existing school structures (PLCs, faculty meetings, in-service days) can be leveraged to sustain a school-wide Common Core culture of differentiated and inclusive practices?
· How will we use these structures effectively to establish high expectations with supports for all students?
· How will ALL teachers be supported and empowered to sustain implementation?
· What kind of processes will be in place to monitor the implementation of CCSS with fidelity?
· How can we ensure that all instructional resources and units are aligned to Common Core Standards?
· What additional guiding questions, about school structure and culture, do we need to consider, specific to the needs of our school and closing the achievement gap?
OutcomeMust be measurable with evidence / Actions Steps
What will be done? / Responsibilities
Who will do it? / Resources
Time; Structures, Budget, Material / Timeline
By when? (Month/Year) / Status with Evidence
What evidence do you have that demonstrates that your outcome had been achieved?
(Red; Yellow; Green) /
100% of education members, parents and DSCYF staff will be informed of the Common Ground implementation and progress. / *Progress will be shared with unit and DSCYF members through newsletters, wiki and information provided in the weekly DMSS report to the Cabinet Secretary.
*Instructional Leaders will conduct PD with their schools to explain plan.
*Educators may direct Common Ground questions to Curriculum Office and answers will be posted to wiki.
*Parents will be notified of progress quarterly via student report cards and email / Leadership team members, Common Ground Guiding Team Members, Curriculum Office team
Leadership Team Members
Curriculum Office team
Educational Diagnosticians / Microsoft Publisher, DSCYF Education Wiki
Educational Planning Team (EPT) PLC team members will take turns sending reports to curriculum office each month.
DSCYF Education Wiki
Quarterly Data / Monthly
Uploaded Monthly
Reports need to be turned into curriculum office by the end of the third week in the month.
Information forwarded to Education Supervisor by end of each month.
Four times a Year / Wiki Updates
PowerPoint presentation for online trainings
DMSS Report
Monthly List of Frequently Asked Questions with feedback posted on wiki
Notice of progress will be documented in parent contact logs.
100% of Educational Planning Team Meeting (EPT) PLCs will report progress monthly to leadership team. / *Each Educational Planning PLC will report progress monthly to leadership team member and in turn to Curriculum Coordinator.
*EPT visit results will be reported out quarterly via newsletter discussing progress on the focus CCSS interventions
*Principal attends 90% of Educational Planning Team PLCs and teams complete self-assessments of EPT outcomes
*District visits three times a year / Leadership team members, Common Ground Guiding Team Members, Curriculum Office team
Curriculum Office team
EPT members
Curriculum Office team / EPT Rubric, PLC self-reflections sheets, leadership team minutes template
Newsletter, EPT briefs
EPT Rubric
EPT Rubric, District reports / Monthly
Reports need to be turned into curriculum office by the end of the third week in the month.
Information forwarded to Education Supervisor by end of each month.
Ongoing / EPT PLC Monthly Report
Educators will use rubrics to reflect on their group’s progress toward making successful data based decisions
District EPT Visit Feedback to principals
100% of all DPAS II post-observation meetings will focus on interventions, classroom activities, strategies, assessments and assignments and how they relate to CCSS / *All pre and post-observations will address CCSS literacy practices and math shifts discussed in goal 2 below.
*All formative walk-throughs conducted by principals will promote constructive feedback to promote change in teacher practice and student outcomes. / Leadership team members, Common Ground Guiding Team Members, Curriculum Office team
Principals (instructional leaders) / DPAS II formative and summative feedback forms
Formative walkthrough tools that are uniformed across sites. / Yearly
Weekly / Pre/Post-Observation formative and summative Feedback
Data from walkthroughs will be shared with leadership team members via Schoology monthly
Put structures in place to support implementation plan and report progress frequently. / *Site based coaching via Southern Delaware Professional Development Center/Instructional Leaders on data-based decision making/CCSS interventions
*Site EPT PLCs conducted monthly for each student
*Increase behavior intervention supports (reflection time-out room for 30’s) / Southern Delaware Professional Development Center/Instructional Leaders
Instructional Leaders, Educational Diagnosticians, specialists and teachers
Youth Rehabilitative Counselors and treatment specialists, etc. / Snapshot feedback forms
EPT forms, intervention documents, Curriculum Frameworks -Intervention Plan
Reflection Form, CBT point sheet / Monthly-Coaching for educators who are struggling during the Educational Planning Team process to begin after initial review in October 2015.
PLCs will meet weekly to review students’ progress & evaluate multi-tiered systems of academic supports chosen.
As needed / Coaching Reports –Monthly
EPT PLC Monthly Report
Time-out report for 5’s and 30’s.
Leaders will consistently use a variety of metrics to determine if unit is meeting goal to build and support a school-wide Common Core culture to close achievement gaps / *Survey teachers and leadership team two times per year regarding implementation and efficacy
*Administer the MAP assessment four times a year to monitor student achievement & collect intervention data weekly, monthly, etc.
*Evaluate educator via DPAS II guidelines / Guiding team will create and analyze surveys
Educational Diagnosticians, teachers, specialists
Instructional Leaders / Teacher and Leadership Member Surveys
MAP Assessment, laptops, Internet, intervention plan, Intervention resources on the DSCYF Education Wiki, Mini Lessons, My Path, Skills Tutor, Study Island, Moby Max, etc.
DPAS II Forms / Twice a Year -Surveys will be completed in September and April
Monthly report will be generated and assessment will be administered during the fall, winter, spring, and summer sessions.
Interventions administered weekly when necessary.
Yearly / Survey information will be shared with Common Core Guiding Team and uploaded to the DSCYF Education Wiki
-90% of educators will report increased knowledge of CCSS as measured by pre/post surveys
Report Progress monitoring & Intervention Data Results
MAP assessment data will be reported monthly to leadership team and placed on the Education Wiki Intervention results
-70% of students will demonstrate at least three months growth in reading and mathematics as assessed by the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)
-95% of students needing interventions will receive them in a timely manner –EPT Monthly Reports
DPAS II evaluation overall scores will be averaged to create a department report
-Currently, baseline is an average of 3.0 across all components. By 6/16, DPASA II component average will increase to a score of 3.2.
School leaders will participate in deep learning surrounding the CCSS and closing the achievement gaps / *All leadership team members will attend three Common Ground CCSS trainings per year
*Renee Parsley & Theresa Bennett will conduct additional trainings based on leadership survey needs
*Leadership Team members will support EPT PLCs by attending 80% of meetings and videotaping when necessary
*Leadership team members will participate in at least one book study per year surrounding CCSS and closing the achievement gap
*EPT & Walkthrough Visits are guided by strand specific rubrics / Leadership team members, Common Ground Guiding Team, education staff, DOE liaison
DOE Members
Leadership team members
Leadership team members
Common Ground Guiding Team will develop rubric/walkthrough tools / Common Ground Resources
Survey data, DOE members
Video camera, EPT rubric
“20 Literacy Strategies to Meet the Common Core”
Rubrics, walkthrough tools, etc.
Rubrics, walkthrough tools, etc. / See attached calendar
As needed
Monthly and reflections completed weekly
August 30th 2015
EPT visits conducted three times a year: completed by Curriculum Office personnel / Sign-in Sheets
Survey Data, PowerPoint Presentations
Video of EPT and reflections completed
Book Blog Reflections
Tools, Agendas, EPT feedback
v Mission: Deepen and Sustain a Common Core Culture in ALL classrooms
Goal 2: Ensure that all educators implement instructional practices aligned to Common Core Standards to improve student learning and close the achievement gap.
Guiding questions:
· What instructional practices must be implemented in all content area classrooms to prepare all students to be college and career ready?
o What needs to be done to improve and sustain focus, coherence, and rigor in math classrooms?
o What needs to be done to improve and sustain reading, writing, speaking & listening grounded in evidence?
· What additional guiding questions, about comparably rigorous instruction, do we need to consider to close the achievement gap?
OutcomeMust be measurable with evidence / Actions Steps
What will be done? / Responsibilities
Who will do it? / Resources
Time; Structures, Budget, Material / Timeline
By when? (Month/Year) / Status with Evidence
What evidence do you have that demonstrates that your outcome had been achieved?
(Red; Yellow; Green) /
Instructional Practices: (Math & Literacy Shifts)
All educators will utilize instructional practices that support the integration of the math and literacy shifts within all content areas. / *Identify 3 CCSS shifts and/or practices (vocab, citing evidence, persevering through challenging tasks) to help improve students in all context levels for CCSS and have them as the focal point during lessons
* Train teachers on expectations
* Continuous focus on 3 items during EPT PLCs
*Implement targeted interventions when necessary
ELA teachers are trained in the Strategic Instruction Model provided by the U of D ACCESS program (six ELA teachers have taken part in this process and we will be adding five additional educators this year). In class coaching is provided by Ms. DeMayo from the U of D. Will add five more educators to this cohort in the 2015 school year
Math teachers are trained in the New Normal process (Currently, five math teachers are taking part in this professional development – one is beginning cohort three this year). The math coalition has been unable to set up individualized coaching for our teachers but have offered to allow our teachers to visit other New Normal classes across the state.
All educators will be trained on all of Literacy and Mathematics CCSS shifts but specific focus for year one will concentrate on the above shifts & practices (see attached training schedule). Book study for teachers and instructional leaders instituted.
Currently, the core mathematics program is Pearson Common Core for the high school students and Envision for the elementary students.
Teams will be trained in the Eureka Mathematics program and use portions of the curriculum to supplement our current core curriculum. / Administrators
Lead Teachers
Ms. DeMayo – U of D
Coalition Trainers
Southern Delaware Professional Development Center
Math primary and secondary educators, Math PLC members / Upload and show videos of exemplar strategies from outside schools
Upload and show videos of exemplar strategies from DSCYF schools
Exemplar lesson plans
Intervention Plan (See Attached Plan and Rubric)
Mini-lessons –small group interventions
Computer Based Interventions (See Curriculum Frameworks for specific plan)
SIM materials
New Normal Materials
“20 Literacy Strategies to Meet the Common Core”
Pearson Online Materials, Eureka Online lesson samples / Train teachers on expectations in September
Administrators will target a specific focus each month and collect data on the implementation weekly
Instructional leaders provide feedback to educators weekly (1:1 or during EPT PLC)
When students do not learn via supports and scaffolds in lesson plans, incorporate targeted interventions and monitor progress weekly
The SIM professional development trainings will be ongoing throughout the next two years.
The New Normal professional development trainings will be ongoing throughout the next two years.
Ongoing throughout the year (see attached Calendar)
Evaluation and recommendation completed by June 2016 / ELA/Mathematics Shift integration
Reflections on videos viewed
Instructional leaders feedback
District walkthroughs three times a year: LFS/CCSS Shifts
-By 4/16, all sites will be performing at 80% quality implementation of LFS strategies within the focus areas (essential question, student engagement and vocabulary instruction) and 60% implementation of the following CCSS shifts academic vocabulary, Persevering through Challenging Tasks, Text-Based Questions and Argumentative Writing.
Intervention Data
-By 4/16, 80% of students with a targeted math or reading intervention using Skills Tutor, My Path, Study Island or Moby Max will complete both pre/posttests and demonstrate growth.
Monitor teacher trainings and provide feedback in the use of strategies via walkthrough data and DPAS II formative & summative feedback.
Sheets, teacher surveys, EPT & CCSS/LFAA data
Math core program will be evaluated based on student outcomes with lesson assignments and exit tickets.
Teachers and
students will be
able to
struggle (grapple) in order to make
sense of new
content / CCSS Mathematical, literacy and science practices will be implemented within all classrooms. / Administrators
Lead Teachers
Educators / CCSS Mathematical, literacy and science practices posters, pinch cards reflection logs, and video cameras / Ongoing throughout the year / Videos and reflection logs depicting CCSS practices in action.
**Targets will be adjusted based on data collected