COBASE, Cooperativa Tecnico Scientifica di Base, a production and research organization, was constituted by a team of researchers and professionals, is a Major Group with the UN Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD) and is granted the special consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

The Organization is a member of the International Committee for Food Security, Climate Change and Bio-energy.

It participates to the works of Subsidiary Body for Scientific Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) of UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

The Italian Minister of Environment has formerly nominated COBASE as a member of the Commission on Global Environment. It has been nominated as delegate of several government delegations to the UN and EU negotiations and participates to the programs of CBD, UNCCD, UNFCCC, UNCSD, WSSD, MDGs, WSIS, WG8J and PFII.

The Organization has designed and built solar greenhouses and other technological solar structures and made air, water, electric, solar plants and biogas plant.

COBASE has been issued patents by Ministry of Industry.

COBASE has been member to The Environment Control Commission for the Electrical Power Plan and realized environmental traffic plans. It has been invited to participate to the Italian Syrian Economic Forum and other several economic fora, particularly African countries where have been presented projects.

COBASE developed specific competences in the following fields:

- Green Economy Programs. Sustainable Development Systems

- Energetic and environmental plans

- Security and Quality Procedures

- Foodstuff production and sustainability.

- Restoration and recovery of environmental, agricultural, architectonic patrimony;

- Renewable energy in agriculture, buildings, electricity, heat and cool production

- Biological waste treatment of and biogas production.

- Fund raising

The aims of the Organization are:

- to produce research, projects, studies, in the fields of sustainability: environment, food

security, sustainable management of natural resources and renewable energy,

biodiversity, climate change, water, sanitation and human settlement;

- to plan energetic and environmental systems with the implementation of the

informative base of e-governance and capacity building projects;

- to formulate new strategies for cooperation with developing countries with specific

competences in analysis and planning of emergency and quality, in industrial

protection and security systems;

- to formulate a cultural diversity oriented approach to training and education off-line and

on-line using databases and techniques for accessibility and the getting over of the

digital-divide and knowledge-for- decision divide.

COBASE is the promoter of international projects on Environmental and Economic Risks and Sustainability Management that, following an interdisciplinary approach and new informative strategies, propose to ensure sustainability process. Among many it can be interesting to mention the followings:

The elaboration of a project for the building of a bioclimatic baobab factory in Sudan for curative and nutritional programs.

The carrying out of the project “The Impact of Desertification, Watershed Management, and Wild Fires on Rural Development and Poverty in one Coastal Area of Syria (Latakia Governorate) with the Syrian Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform.

Organization and chair of the workshop “Risks and Sustainability of Land Resources”

held on 18 December 2006, Semiramis Hotel, Damascus

The carrying out of the project “Communication for Sustainability System” Tunis, also presented at the World Summit on the Information Society WSIS, Tunis, 16-18 November 2005.

The elaboration of the project: “Integrated and sustainable resources management in Lattakia” that has been approved by the Syrian Ministry of Environment and Local Administration.

The elaboration of the project: “Forest Fire Early Alert & Control System in Lattakia” that has been approved by the Syrian Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform

The elaboration of the Program: “Al-Badia Development Syria” that has been officially presented during the Syrian Italian Economic Forum and approved by the Prime Minister Office, the General Commission for Al-Badia Management and Development (GCA) and met the interest of other entities,

Finally COBASE is the holder of international project: “Italy for Sustainability.

Massimo Pieri

President of COBASE, physicist, mathematician, qualified university lecturer in thermodynamics and green economy , specialist in Industrial and Environmental Security and Protection, in Systems for referentiation and analysis, in Procedures and systems of quality in agriculture, adviser of the Italian delegation to the Commission for Sustainable Development, to the UN Convention on Biodiversity and UN Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC), to the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) and to Permanent UN Forum on Indigenous Peoples (UNPFII), accredited to the UN High Commissioner's office on Human Rights, to the FAO Commission for Genetic Resources, member of the Commission for Global Environment of the Italian Ministry of the Environment, author of numerous publications, book and articles including:

-  Biodiversity

-  Gas Emissions and Climatic Change

-  Poverty and Sustainability

-  Science behind Poverty

-  Italy for Sustainability

-  Green Economy and Kyoto Protocol