Wildfire Risk Assessment Write Up
(For Extreme or High Risk Areas)
Date: click here to enter a date Fire District: Click here to enter text. GIS Zone: Click here to enter text.
Location: Click here to enter text
Risk Level: Choose an item. Risk Score: Click here to enter text
The area assessed was located within the Choose an item.Choose an item., which Choose an item. The vegetation within 300 feet of the assessed area was predominantly Choose an item. There was choose an item defensible space for safe firefighting operation between the wildland fuels and structures. The average lot size in the neighborhood was Choose an item.
The zone was occupied primarily by choose an item. The structures exterior walls were primarily choose an item. The exterior roof surfaces in the area were primarily made of choose an item. choose an item Some structures had attached combustible click here to enter text which, if ignited, would be expected to provide enough fuel load (heat) to ignite the building. Many of the properties had other fuel loads stored within 30 feet of the structure, such as click here to enter text, which could contribute to the spread of a wildfire and to the ignition of the structure.
The local fire station was located Choose an item. Choose an item. Ingress for firefighting units and egress for evacuating citizens appeared to be Choose an item. There was/were Choose an item. of the neighborhood, Choose an item. The roads were Choose an item. and the width was predominantly Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item choose an item
There were approximately Choose an item. structures abutting the wildland interface, and a total of approximately Choose an item. homes, and Choose an item. businesses located in the neighborhood. The wildland interface includes publicly owned lands that are managed by the Choose an item.
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Recommended mitigation strategies:
☐Public education about risk and mitigation strategies for property owners
☐ Ingress/Egress plan
☐ Fuel reduction of surrounding wildland fuels
☐ Reduce structure ignitibility
☐ Grazing practices
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Example of wildland fuels
Example of structure issues
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