Marshfield Youth Hockey Association, Inc.

(Approved) Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Marshfield Youth Hockey Recreation Center

May 19, 2004

Present: Dean Fenhaus, Cathy Marx, Stephanie Alboreo, Monte Lamer, Deb Johansson, Jeff Graves, Jim Edwards and Rod Newmann

Absent: John Peters and Percy Stephenson

Guests: Pete Haferman

1. Meeting called to order at 6:05 PM by President Dean Fenhaus

2. Approval of April 21st , 2004 minutes

Motion was made by Deb Johansson and 2nd by Stephanie to accept the minutes as corrected. Motion passed unanimously.

3. Financial reports

  1. Treasurers report by Cathy Marx
  2. General Checkbook - $15,599.66
  3. MYIce - $12,251.38
  4. Scrip report by Cathy Marx
  5. Scrip grossed $10,000.00 with $6,000.00 going to the members and $4,000.00 going to the Association
  6. Motion made by Stephanie Alboreo and 2nd by Deb Johansson to accept the Treasurers report. Motion passed unanimously.
  7. MYICE update by Monte Lamer
  8. Monte indicated the 1st Brat Fry went well and raised $500.00

4. Old Business

  1. Does MYHA need a line-based phone?
  2. Motion made by Monte Lamer and 2nd by Stephanie Alboreo to keep the current line-based phone service in-place. Motion passed unanimously.
  1. Committee positions and vacancies
  2. See attached for positions, a motion was made by Cathy Marx to allow Stephanie Alboreo a key to the equipment room so she can have access to equipment for the initiation program, 2nd by Monte Lamer. Motion passed unanimously.
  1. Girls skate Girls issue
  2. This item was tabled for further research and discussion.
  1. Playmaker party tickets on registration form?
  2. Item was discussed and decided it the Playmaker Party Tickets should not be included on the Registration Form, it was also decided to start planning the Playmaker Party in December in lieu of January or February as has been done in the past.
  1. Dairyfest Parade update
  2. Jim Edwards contacted MACCI to find out the age limitations on participating in the Dairyfest Parade, the youngest participant must be 12 or older. It was decided not to participate in the parade due to the age limitation.

5. New Business

  1. WAHA meeting report by Monte Lamer, Cathy Marx and Dean Fenhaus
  2. Monte Lamer handed out the Annual WAHA Report for information, Cathy Marx indicated we will be hosting the Bantam A State Tournament for the 04/05 season, Cathy sent in for the High School Club Team 2006 Tournament and indicated we will be notified in the near future if we will receive the Tournament. Blue pucks will be used for the age 8 and under skaters only and not for the Squirt Level skaters. Cathy is going to purchase the Code of Conduct DVD which will be shown at registration to all participants for the upcoming season. Motion made by Jim Edwards and 2nd by Stephanie Alboreo to accept the report given by Monte, Cathy and Dean. Motion passed unanimously.
  1. Look into cost of Liability Insurance. Is there a better deal out there?
  2. Jeff Graves is looking into this issue and will bring back more information and pricing at the next meeting.
  1. Sled Hockey
  2. Monte Lamer gave a report on Sled Hockey and proposed the question if there is an interest in starting a Sled Hockey program in Marshfield, Monte will follow up on this issue and report his findings at the next meeting.
  1. Ice Times articles – Cathy Marx
  2. Dixie Schroeder would like the information and articles in a timely fashion, Cathy Marx will make sure articles will be turned in promptly and will bring the Ice Times deadlines for the upcoming season to the next meeting.
  1. Voting policy to be reviewed.
  2. Dean Fenhaus would like the current policy reviewed and brought back to the next meeting for further discussion.
  1. Zamboni contract to be signed.
  2. Dean Fenhaus indicated that the Zamboni contract has already been signed and is in-place.
  1. Fall registration to be reviewed and approved.
  2. Cathy Marx presented the 04/05 registration form for approval and comment. Corrections were made to the buy-out option for work hours the buy-out option was raised from the current amount of $10.00 to $12.00. Motion was made by Monte Lamer to accept the changes and approve the registration form 2nd by Rod Neuman. Motion carried 7 to 1.
  1. Make Scrip available to Silver Laces.
  2. Dave Wunrow is going to make a presentation to Silver Laces if they would like to participate in the Scrip Program it will be made available to them.
  1. Mites to play 10 –15 games.
  2. Stephanie Alboreo is going to take this item to the Initiation Program for further review and recommendation for the next Board Meeting.
  1. Purchase orders? Or some kind of accountability with creditors.
  2. We need more accountability for who can charge items to MYHA and who has the authority to charge items to MYHA. Receipts need to be turned into Cathy Marx for accountability purposes, this item will be included in the upcoming season registration pack and in a future Ice Times article.
  1. Discuss fees for Silver Laces.

1. Item was discussed and decided to raise the fees for Silver Laces by 5%. Motion was made by Jim Edwards 2nd by Jeff Graves. Motion passed unanimous.

  1. Game scheduler ideas.
  2. NOTE: The following items were presented for discussion only!
  1. Phone card for Game Scheduler.
  2. Team Representatives should contact upcoming opponents prior to games to verify if game is still on.
  3. Laptop computer for Game Scheduler so they can have instant access to schedule games and events.
  1. Get our tournament schedule in “Let’s Play Hockey” book.
  2. This item will be brought back to the next Board Meeting, the Board needs to have a defined Tournament Policy format.

N. Start fall checklist of jobs to be done for registration

-Advertising (who, how, etc).

-Tournaments (advertising for WAHA booklet, Let's Play Hockey, etc.)

-Contact Silver Laces about having their date the same as MYHA's

-Set the open skate schedule with the City (their deadline can be found out from Kelly at Parks & Rec)

-Consider working with Parks & Rec to better get the word out about registration

-Finalize fall fundraising (will it be Fantasy Hockey and Skate-a-thon, Dog Show and/or others) Monte proposed getting new ideas from members for fundraising ideas in lieu of the Board being in charge of all such events, this item will be put on the next Board Meeting agenda for brainstorming to come up with fundraising ideas.

  1. Fall camps - Same format or what?
  2. This item will be brought back to next months Board Meeting for review.
  1. What percent of fundraisers will be for MYICE
  2. No discussion at this time.

Other Business

  1. Pete Haferman gave an the Board an update on the Summer In-Line Adult 18 and over League, Pete will make sure all participants sign the Waiver of Liability and turn them over to Cathy Marx.
  2. Monte Lamer suggested a place be given on the agenda for any items that may come up after the agenda has been set and if they are pertinent they will be placed on the agenda at that time and discussed.

Motion made by Stephanie Alboreo to adjourn 2nd by Rod Neuman. Motion passed unaninmous.

Meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM

Next meeting June 16th, 2004 at 6:00 pm