December 10, 2010
To:Federal Relations Coordinators, State Executive Directors
From:Michael Schooley, Deputy Executive Director
Abbie Evans, Executive Associate, Advocacy, Policy, and Outreach
RE:2011 Federal Relations Conference
CC:NAESP Board of Directors
We hope you will be able to join us for the ninth annual NAESP Federal Relations Conference, January 30-February 1, 2011, at the Westin Hotel Alexandria.Again this year, the FRC is being held in conjunction with the winter NAESP Board of Directors meeting, enabling the entire Board to join us during the meeting and on Capitol Hill.
Registration and a meet and greet reception will run from 5:30-6:30 p.m. on Sunday evening. Attendees will have a chance to pick up registration materials, meet and catch up with colleagues from around the nation, and have the opportunity to make individual dinner plans on your own. On Monday, congressional staff and several of our education association colleagues will serve on two panels and provide updates on ESEA reauthorization efforts, priorities, and timing. We will also discuss our own ESEA priorities and proposals, and thoroughly brief you about other federal issues in preparation for the day on Capitol Hill. This year, we will be hosting a dinner on Monday evening for all FRC attendees.
As usual, we’re reserving Tuesday for you to meet with your state’s federal legislators and aides. Please begin scheduling your Hill appointments now for Tuesday, February 1. If the legislator’s office asks for details about the meeting, please tell them you would like to discuss the reauthorization of the ESEA and other pertinent education issues.
NAESP is also working to arrange a briefing and panel for congressional staff on Tuesday morning on Capitol Hill to address the important issues surrounding the Pre-K through third grade alignment and the principals’ role in providing a seamless continuum of learning in these primary years. FRC attendees will be invited to attend this briefing; if you would like to attend, schedule your appointments beginning after 11 a.m. The Hill appointments are the most important aspect of the conference so if the schedule becomes difficult, please prioritize legislator meetings over the Early Education briefing. As always, throughout the conference, you can count on lots of information and opportunities to network and socialize with your fellow NAESP activists.
This year, the NAESP Board of Directors and all FRC attendees will be invited to attend a special event at the Smithsonian by NAESP’s strategic corporate partner, Lifetouch. Lifetouch will be donating one of their original cameras to the museum for its collection and will be extending special invitations to attend a reception at the Smithsonian on Tuesday evening.
Please read the NAESP Important Information sheet before you fill out the registration form. For information on reimbursable expenses, please read the guidelines for expense reimbursement.
All attendees must complete the registration form by Friday, January 7 (a faxable version is available to download, as well).You will be responsible for reserving your hotel room as outlined in the attached information.Conference registrants will receive additional information in mid-January.
Looking forward to seeing you in January!