Changes made to Fastrack from Version 2.2.0 through Version 2.2.15

  1. ALL – Set, Trim, and Dur keys – You no longer have to press the Set, Trim, and Dur keys twice. These functions will now work either the Super Edit way or the Fastrack way. Examples;

<type in a number> <press [Set-In]> will set that number in.


<press [Set-In]> <type in a number> <press [Set-In] or [Enter]>will set that number in.

  1. ALL – Event Duration – An option has been added to the Init page to allow the user to set a default Event duration for any Events added to a Track when pressing the [IN] or [Mark-In] keys.In the Init page, set 'DefaultEventDuration'to any size...ten seconds, two minutes, four hours, etc. When you create a new Event, its duration will be set accordingly.
  1. ALL – Mark In – Pressing [Mark-In] will now add an Event to a VTR track if it can, even during a Preview or Record.The maximum length of the Event is the value set by the new “DefaultEventDuration” entry on the Init page.
  1. ALL – Swap Source Assignments – You can now swap (exchange) Source Assignments on the Assignment Page automatically. On the Fastrack GUI, select the Track you wish to re-assign or swap. In the Assignment Page, select the Source you wish to swap. Press [EXCHG]. The two sources in the Assignment Page will be swapped.
  1. ALL - VTR Pre-roll – Global Pre-roll for VTRs has been added to the Init page. If the value is “0”, then the pre-roll for each device will be as defined in the original .DEV file for each VTR. If it is set to anything other than “0”, then that pre-roll value will be used for all VTRs.
  1. ALL – Monitor Switching – A new Source Track monitoring mode is available with the GV Performer 10X1 and the AVS-816 16X1. This feature allows source selection to be monitored on the BD1030 embedded preview monitor or other monitor, while the video switcher is being controlled manually. This mode is for monitoring only, and will not switch during a preview or record. The “monitor switch only” setting is located on the Assignment page in the Video Switcher section, and the device is selected in the Router section of the Assignment page.
  1. ALL – Genlock (Sync) – We have found & fixed a problem where Fastrack would intermittently not genlock when started.
  1. ALL – Add – [ADD], which used to need a gap on the Track of an equal to, or greater, length than the Event being ADDed to, will now fill in a smaller gap if applicable.
  1. ALL – FT Close 1 – A problem where Fastrack might unexpectedly terminate when entering or deleting numbers in the Out Time or Duration field of the Event dialog has been fixed.
  1. ALL – FT Close 2 – A problem where Fastrack might unexpectedly terminate if, while in the SPEED Dialog, you selected both “Ramp” and “Lock Source” and then enter a speed, has been fixed.
  1. ALL – Align CPI – Pressing [Ctrl][GOTO CTI] will now cue all CPIs from Hot Events to the CTI. The CTI need not be within the boundaries of the heated Events.
  1. ALL – Links –The Link option has been added to Init page. When 'LinkGangedTracks' is set to Yes, Set-In, Set-Out, Trim-In, Trim-Out, and Set-Dur commands are applied to the Hot Events on all Ganged Tracks.
  1. ALL – HD Mixed Mode – An option called True HD is now available that allows users to synchronize and edit with both 24p and 30fps VTRs simultaneously. Call Bob, Jay or Jerry for more information.
  1. ALL – Multi-Cam – The Multi-Cam feature has been temporarily disabled. It is being modified for additional functionality, and will be available for use again in the near future.
  1. ALL – Num-Lock - Numlock now automatically turns on and off when needed, making data entry into Dialogs easier.
  1. ALL – Data Fields – In both the Assignment and the Initialization dialogs, clicking on a data entry field now makes it ready for editing, rather than having to double click or press [ENTER] in the field. Moving off the field accepts the new data.
  1. ALL – New CLASS – A new CLASS has been added to the Assignment Dialog; XPNT. This class is to be selected when the Track is used as a cross point only.
  1. ALL – Key Selection – A problem where Key selection in the Effects Dialog would toggle alternately between Key 1, Key 2, etc. after each use, has been fixed.
  1. ALL – Auto Record – By request, a new feature has been added to allow an Event to be created and placed into record immediately and automatically. The procedure is as follows:
  1. Select a Track to Auto-mount a new Record Event
  2. With the [SHIFT] key depressed, press [RECORD] twice. A Record Event will be mounted on the selected Track and placed into record.

Note: The Event name will be the next Auto Record in sequence; for example “#5” if 4 previous Auto
Records already exist.

Note: The AutoRecord will be added to the Event as a Comment.

Note: If the Auto Record Event is not created, check the message window:

If the message displayed is: Crash Record not allowed, check the Crash Record Allowed box  in the Confg Dialog.

If the message displayed is: Hit Manual Record twice for Crash Record, with the [SHIFT] key depressed, you must press the Record key twice, faster.

  1. ALL - Ross CDK-111 – A new device driver has been created for the Ross CDK-111 switcher. This driver controls FTB/FFB, two source mix, and key with fill. See TechNote #1 later in this document for additional information.
  1. ALL – Type Deko - A new device driver has been created for the Pinnacle Type Deko character generator. See TechNote #2 later in this document for additional information.
  1. ALL – Zaxcom Arria - A new device driver has been created for the Zaxcom Arria digital audio mixer. See TechNote #3 later in this document for additional information.
  1. ALL - Yamaha 02R-96 - A new device driver has been created for the Yamaha 02R-96 digital mixer. See TechNote #4 later in this document for additional information.
  1. PROFILE – Job (make Movie) – By request, Events on Disabled Tracks are now ignored when making a Movie on the Profile.
  1. K6 – Keyboard Macros – A problem where the Macros on a K6 keyboard would send erratic commands when Num Lock was active, has been fixed.
  1. K6 – Data Entry - We have changed data entry on both the Init page and the Assignment page so that you do not have to press [Enter] prior to entering data.

TechNote #1 - Ross CDK-111


The Ross CDK-111 Video switcher is a card that plugs into a slot in the Ross DFR-8110A-C Frame.

Serial Interface Cable

The CDK-111 requires a special RS-422 to BNC connecter cable. It is necessary to either purchase the Ross Part number 1111C-301, or build this special cable. See Figure 1 in this document for instructions and pin-outs for this cable. Reference the Ross Operations manual at page 7-7 "Serial Interface Cable Assembly” for more information.

Set Jumpers

Before you can interface the Ross CDK-111 and the Fastrack, it is necessary to do the following:

  1. Remove the CDK-111 board and make sure that there is a jumper across pins 2 & 4 of J1. This will terminate the input signal (See page 2-7 of the CDK111 Owners Guide).
  1. Reinstall the CDK-111 board in the frame.
Connection (See Figure 2)
  1. On the back of the DFR-8110A-C Frame, connect a composite black reference to the REF input of the chassis. (The CDK-11 will work in PAL or NTSC based on which reference is used.)
  1. Connect digital video inputs to “IN” (input 1) and “1” (input 2)
  2. If you will be using the Key function, connect the Key fill to “7” and the Key Alpha to “8”.
  1. Use the PGM out (“5”) for main switcher output to monitor, record device, and/or to air.
  1. Monitor the Secondary Out (“6”) for menu setup.
The CDK-111 Menu System Setup

Note: It is necessary for the CDK-111 board to have valid inputs prior to Menu set-up.

  1. While monitoring the preview output (BNC 6), turn the Menu selector knob on the card edge to "F" (Bnc Listings). Confirm that BNC 3 is Comm: RX and BNC 4 is Comm: TX.
  2. Turn the Menu selector knob on the card edge to "D" (Card setup). Confirm that the "KeyerType" is set to "EDIT BAY KEYER", and that "PROTOCOL" is set to "GVG 100"
  3. Turn the Menu selector knob on the card edge to "C" (SECONDARY CARD SETUP). Confirm that the "BOARD ADDRESS" is "30H"
  4. Turn the Menu selector knob on the card edge to "9" (INPUT OUTPUT DELAYS). Confirm the correct "VIDEO FORMAT" (NTSC or PAL) and the “REFERENCE SOURCE SELECT" is set to "AUTO DETECT"
  5. Turn the Menu selector knob on the card edge to "2" (KEY 1 SETUP). This is where you can control the Key 1 parameters; Fastrack will turn the key ON and OFF; clip and gain are adjusted only through


  1. Turn the Menu selector knob on the card edge to "1" (RUNTIME PARAMETERS). Confirm that AUTO and FTB Trans rates match your video format (30 for NTSC, 25 for PAL). Confirm that the "KEY BUTTON CONTROLS" is set to KEY 1.
  2. Turn the Menu selector knob on the card edge back to "0". Make sure the Board ID switch (below) is set to "0".
  1. On the Fastrack Assignment Page, set the switcher to Ross111.swi. Note that if another type of switcher was assigned while the CDK111 was connected, it may be necessary to restart the card before it will communicate with the Fastrack.

Figure 1

Figure 2

TechNote #2 – Type Deko

Connecting the Deko to the Fastrack

Also consult the Deko Automation User Guide, PPN 221920 Rev A

There are two methods the Deko can be connected to the Fastrack:

Method 1 - Using a null modem cable, connect the Deko via com port one or com port two to either com 1 or com 2 on the Fastrack.

Method 2 - Using a RS-232 to RS-422 adapter, at the Deko com port one or com port two end attach a RS-422 crossover cable between the adaptor and any free P1-P8 port on the Fastrack break-out panel.

Note: The baud rate on the Deko (actually under the com control for windows 2000) must be set to 19200, and not 9600 as suggested in the Deko manual.

Note: Using a RS-232 null modem cable from the Deko and then an RS-232 to RS-422 adaptor attached to the Fastrack will not work.

To command the Deko from the Fastrack it is necessary to enter the Deko "K" commands in the Reel name of the CG Event on the Deko Track. A listing of all the commands can be found on the Deko Website.

TechNote #3 – Zaxcom Arria Digital Mixer w/ESAMII

This documents covers the basic set-up and operation of the Arria digital mixer in use with the Fastrack hybrid editing system:

Note: All connections should be made with Power OFF of the APU and control panel

  • Connect analog and/or digital inputs to the rear of the APU (main frame).
  • Connect APU to the Control Panel (suggest using the Zaxcom supplied cable)
  • Connect power cords to the APU and Control Panel
  • Connect RS-422 serial cable between Port 1 of the control panel to any serial or COM port
  • Connect black video reference (terminate if not looped thru to another device)

Virtual to Logical machine mapping

  1. Enter the ROUTER menu by selecting ROUTER in the Function Select section of the Arria control panel.
  2. Assign physical devices (plugged into the rear of the APU) to Logical Machines (VTR A, VTR B, VTR C, etc). Note the NUMBER column for the Physical Device ID (Fastrack uses 1 for VTR A, 2 for VTR B, etc. on the audio Crosspoint Assignment page, ([Shift][Asgn]).
  3. In the ROUTER menu, rotate soft knob F6 to position the cursor beside VTRA. Select the Virtual Source that is to be used as VTRA by rotating soft knob F7 until the appropriate Source Name is displayed (source names are set in the Setup dialogue). Press the TAKE key. VTRA should now be on the faders. Continue for other sources.

4. Verify or alter the Mix Bus assignments by pressing the CH key on the selected fader. Press
the BUS key on the Aux Select section of the control panel. The current Bus Assignment for
that channel is displayed. Utilizing the soft knob F6, select a Bus and F1 to set/remove the
checkmark for that Bus.


With Mix Bus assignments complete, one final setup aspect remains: Monitoring. Being completely independent from the Mix setups, the settings in the Mon Assign menu only affect how a source is heard when selected directly on the Monitor Bus – either manually or via edit system control. The operation of the Mon Assign menu is similar to the Mix Assign menu, except that the settings in the Mon Assign menu are only ON/OFF, as opposed to having gain trims. In the Arria, monitoring level trims are handled by the APVs.

Monitoring setup is completely a matter of personal choice, and often changes throughout a session. Some users want single-channel sources to feed all monitor buses; others may prefer to match the Mon setups with the Mix menu setups. For this part of the tutorial the user should experiment with different monitoring setups and note the interaction and differences between configurations.

Initial suggestion: Start with Source Monitor = VTR so that source selection will activate that channel (indicated by triple bars), but level is pre-fader (good for finding marks, poor for setting levels).

Switcher-To-Editor Connections

The Fastrack controls the Zaxcom Arria Mixer through a serial RS-422 cable with a 9-pin D connector from any serial port. The other end of the RS-422 cable connects to PORT 1 on the Arria Control Panel. The Mixer should be set to match the Editor’s default settings of 38.4 KBaud, 8 bits, 1 stop bit and ODD parity.

Editor I/F On/Off (EDITOR)

To enable "editor control," enter the Arria EDITOR menu by selecting EDITOR in the Function Select section of the control panel. Press EDITOR/F1 key to enable or disable the entire editor interface. When check-marked, the Arria accepts commands from an edit system and executes them based on the state of (F2) thru (F7). When disabled, all commands from an edit system are ignored.

Crosspoint Assignment

The Zaxcom Arria Mixer Crosspoint assignments are Virtual machines. Fastrack can use crosspoints numbered 1 through 99 for Virtual machines (The Arria can mix up to 22 audio input channels; 22 digital inputs [11 BNC connectors] or with the Analog Input Module, 8 analog inputs). The value of 0 is used for silence in the Fastrack audio crosspoints.

Note that this Technical Note is preliminary documentation regarding working with the Arria mixer. The protocol for controlling the Arria mixer is just beginning to be developed.

  • No split audio channel support: channel 1 must be included, else all is ignored.
  • No split variable level changes for any tracks (coming soon).
  • Virtual column on the Configuration page [Shift]+[Assign] is not yet supported (ignore).
  • Send/Get Assignments on the in [Shift]+[Assign] is not yet implemented (avoid).
  • "Source Selection" must be set to Source Monitor=VTR, hence PFL levels, faders ignored.


Assign the following audio Logical and Virtual values in the Source Assignment page
([SHIFT]+[ASGN] in Fastrack) for the Arria setup:

Note: Notice the different TYPE of audio mixer selected: Arria_2CH.MIX for two channels of audio.

Assign the following audio Logical and Virtual values in the Source Assignment page [SHIFT]+[ASGN] in Fastrack for the Arria setup:

Note: Notice the different TYPE of audio mixer selected: Arria_4CH.MIX for four channels of audio.


The specific Arria mixer protocol files to be used on the Assignment Page [Shift]+[Assign] are found at C:\Fastrack\Ftruntime\Mixer folder. The 2-channel version of the Arria driver is labeled Arria_2CH.MIX with the 4-channel version labeled Arria_4CH.MIX. If your system does not have either or both, you can edit and create the new file with Notepad. Please remember to save as *.MIX and not as a .txt file (select All Files in the save dialog window).

Note the differences from the 4 channel version are in the file's title, Name= and the FaderCount= portions of these *.MIX files.



Name the logical devices based on physical inputs/connections.

Select digital or analogue input type

Chose to use Sample Rate Conversion for each input


VTRA 1 = physical input 01

VTRA 2 = physical input 02

VTRB 1 = physical input 03
VTRB 2 = physical input 04

ROUTER INPUT (reached by Router/More)

Define/name inputs (max. of 8 channels per 'input' device)