SEC Video Facilitator’s Guide:

Working with SEC Data

Oregon SEC Collaborative

Video Title: Working With Survey of Enacted Curriculum Data

Running Time: 13:38 minutes Phase of the SEC Process: 301-After the Survey

Purpose: This video clip is intended to be used by district and school leadership after the surveys are completed to understand the process of moving toward analysis of the survey data.

Intended audience: District and School Leadership-301

Instructional staff after taking survey-301

Suggested time for viewing: After surveys are completed

Key idea: The purpose of analyzing SEC reports is to open doors to grade level and team discussions that can impact instruction for increased student success. This video helps leadership consider the potential of SEC report data and the staff training necessary for this potential to be unlocked. Short clips of this video may be used with teachers to prepare them for data analysis.

Outline of Video Content

“Opening Doors to Grade Level Discussions”

1. Discussions using SEC reports center on 3 key ideas:

·  Focus: Do we have a similar focus?

·  Rigor: Is teacher lesson rigor the same?

·  Coherence: Is there coherence across the district?

2.  What to expect with SEC data reports

a. Reports will be ready for viewing immediately following completion of online survey related to:

·  Professional setting

·  Instructional practice

·  Content alignment

b. Instructional practice reports may be sorted by:

·  Grade level

·  Level of student achievement

·  % of minority students

·  % of LEP students

·  Class size

·  Professional development in specific subject

c. Report limitations

·  Reports require 3 or more participants at a grade level or in a category to be viewed by school or district

·  A teacher’s individual reports may be viewed by that teacher after survey completion

3.  Staff training needs prior to data analysis

Prepare teachers regarding:

·  Types of reports that are available

·  Potential of investigating curriculum and their instructional practices

·  Looking at alignment

o  Horizontally among grade level teachers

o  Vertically across grade levels

4.  Teachers should review the following results:

·  Content alignment

·  Teacher characteristic

·  Target class description

·  Professional development

·  Teacher beliefs

5.  Analyzing data/Examining data results

·  Allow time for teachers to look at their individual data first

·  Allow them to pull up various graphs and charts and consider what

the data suggests related to their own instruction and practice

·  Provide questions to prompt grade level and small team discussion

Note: It is suggested that principals go to and pull up school-wide data. Consider what implications this data has on the school, instruction, students, etc., in order to be better prepared to guide teachers through their own analysis.

6.  Facilitator’s Guidance-principal and/or district leadership

·  Get prior experience, training (see note above)

·  Train in data analysis protocol (see 301 web page for resources)

·  Provide questions and processes to encourage discussion

Note: It is not recommended to leave teachers on their own to interpret the data. After the initial exploration, focused analysis can lead to grade level and school-wide instructional changes which more directly impact student learning.

7.  Special Issues

Pull-out programs

Reports can be disaggregated in order to get a full building view of how various populations are being served:

·  LEP students

·  Students with disabilities

·  Other pull-outs

Secondary schools

The beginning section of the survey related to instructional practice allows all staff to participate in discussions even if they do not all teach the same subject.

8. Report generator

·  This tool can be confusing. Leadership and facilitators should spend some time pulling up a variety of reports to better assist teachers in report generation

·  Screen shots of the report generator are helpful to create consistent replication of reports by a group of teachers

·  To access reports:

o  go to

o  enter username and password

o  click on report generator

o  model for teachers in a large group setting prior to individual work

The Oregon SEC Collaborative is a partnership between the OAESD Instructional Leadership Council and the Oregon Department of Education

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SEC 301 (Updated 05.07.07)