DATE OF BIRTH:- 28th July 1958
RELIGION & CASTE:- Hindu-Maratha
LANGUAGES KNOWN:- Marathi, Hindi, English, Gujarati.
PERMANENT ADDRESS:- At/Post - Wagholi, Tal- Koregaon
Dist - Satara (M.S.)
PRESENT ADDRESS:- 10, ‘Laxmi’, Gorakhpur (Pirwadi),
Satara – 415002 (M.S.)
TELEPHONE NO.:-OFF-(0231) 2654658
RES-(0231) 2654608- MOB- 9921777102
Essential qualification and experience
ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION:- Ph.D. in Botany, BhavnagarUniversity,
Bhavnagar, Gujarat,
M.Sc. (Botany) II Class – M.S. University of Baroda, Gujarat.
B.Sc. (Botony) I Class - M.S. University of Baroda, Gujarat.
TITLE OF PH.D. THESIS:- "Studies on Salt Tolerance of Aeluropus
lagopodes (Linn.) a Halophytic grass."
- Postal diploma in Advertising and Public Relation
M.S.P.I. (New Delhi)
- Computer Course -C.C.C.O. with M.S. Office (MaharashtraState Board of Vocational Examination Mumbai.)
Undergraduate - 23 Year
Postgraduate - 16 Year
College / Period / DesignationArts Science and CommerceCollege, Panvel / 2nd July 1988 to
8th Jan. 1989 / Part-time lecturer
DadaPatilCollege, Karjat, Dist-Ahmednagar / 9th Jan. 1989 to 15th June 1990 / Full-time lecturer
PandharpurCollege, Pandharpur / 16th June 1990 to 15th May 1995 / Full-time lecturer
Y.C.Institute of Science, Satara / 16th May 1995 to 31st Dec. 2004 / Full-time lecturer
Administrative Experience –
- Principal - RajarshiChh.ShahuCollege, Kolhapur
1/6/2011 till the date
- Secretary - Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara
9/5/2005 to 9/5/2008
- Principal - Y.C.Institute of science, Satara
10/9/2005 to 31/5/2011
- Principal - Arts Science & Commerce college, Malkapur, Dist-Kolhapur
(Now Dr.N.D.PatilCollege, Malkapur)
1/1/2005 to 9/9/2005
- Head - Department of Botany – DadaPatilCollege, Karjat
9/1/1989 to 15/6/1990
Sr.No / Title / Author / Place / Level / Year
1 / Mineral ion composition in Juncus Maritimus Lam. And Aeluropus lagopoides L. / A.J. Joshi, P.P. Khairatkar, &
A.S. Bhoite,
Department of life sciences.
BhavnagarUniversity, Bhavnagar, Gujarat / University of
Jaipur / National / Dec. 1984
2 / Proteins and Amino-acids content in salt
tolerant grass Aeluropus Lagopoides L / A.J. Joshi, & A.S. Bhoite Department of Life- Science
BhavnagarUniversity, Bhavnagar, Gujrat / Manipur
University, Imphal / National / Dec. 1985
3 / Effect of Seawater salinity on Germination of
a salt tolerant grass Aeluropus Lagopoides L / A.J. Joshi, & A.S. Bhoite Department of Life-Science
BhavnagarUniversity, Bhavnagar, Gujrat / University of
Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad. / National / Dec. 30th 1986 to Jan 1st 1987
4 / Effect of VAM as Bioinoculant on Growth
and yield of Finger millet / Bhoite A.S., Pandhure N.B. and Kadam D.A, Dept. of Botany, Y.C.I.S.Satara / Department of Zoology. Yashavantrao Chavan Institute of Science,
Satara / National / 2006
5 / Micropropagation Studies in ElettariaCardamomum (Mat). / Bhoite A.S., Pandhure N.B. and Kadam D.A
Dept. of Botany, Y.C.I.S.Satara / Department of Zoology. Yashavantrao Chavan Institute of Science,
Satara / National / 2006
6 / In Vitro Propagation in Glycerrhiza glabra
Linn. Var. glandulifolia / Bhoite A.S., Pandhure N.B. and Kadam D.A
Dept. of Botany, Y.C.I.S.Satara / Department of Botany, Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada
University, Aurangabad / National / 2007
7 / Multipurpose in vitro clonal propagation in Musa paradisica L / Bhoite A.S., Pandhure N.B. and Kadam D.A.
Dept. of Botany, Y.C.I.S.Satara / In proceedings: National Seminar on, Recent Trends in Plant Sciences Organized by: Department of Botany, Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada
University, Aurangabad / National / 2007
8 / Pictorial survey of Angiosperms in Satara Region / Bhoite A.S., Pandhure N.B. and Kadam D.A
Dept. of Botany, Y.C.I.S.Satara / SSGMCollege, Kopargaon.
423601, Dist Ahmadnagar, (MS) / State / Dec. 2007
9 / In Vitro Rapid Multiplication in Musa
Paradisiaca L / Bhoite A.S., Pandhure N.B. and Kadam D.A
Dept. of Botany, Y.C.I.S.Satara / SSGMCollege, Kopargaon-
423601, Dist Ahmadnagar, (MS / State / Dec. 2007
10 / VAM as Bio inoculants- A Novel Growth.
And yield Promoter for Finger millet / Bhoite A.S., Pandhure N.B. and Kadam D.A
Dept. of Botany, Y.C.I.S.Satara / SSGMCollege, Kopargaon-
423601, Dist Ahmadnagar, (MS / State / Dec. 2007
11 / Occurrence of Pteridophyte Selaginella tenera (Hook. Et. Grev) Spring on Ghatdara
Range. / Bhoite A.S., Pandhure N.B. and Kadam D.A
Dept. of Botany, Y.C.I.S.Satara / SSGMCollege, Kopargaon-
423601, Dist Ahmadnagar, (MS / State / Dec. 2007
- "Fluctuation of mineral ions in saline soils andHalophytic grass Aeluropus lagopoides."Annuals of Arid Zone 2 (3 and 4): 191-196, (1988).
- "Variations of proteins and free amino acidsin a salt tolerant grass Aeluropos lagopoides"Linn. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India 59 (b) I, (1989).
- "Studies in Folicolous Fungi". XI GenusChaetothyring Thesis, Geobios news reports 10,41-46 (1991).
- "Effects of Seawater on accumulation oforganic and inorganic metabolites in Aeluropuslagopoides Linn". Physoil Mol Biol, plants2,149-152, (1996)
- Effect of Sulphr dioxide on seeding growth of “Pisum satium Linn. (Pea) Rayat Research Journal 1997
- "Micro propagation Studies in ElettariaCardamomum (Linn.)".In proceedings:National Symposium in Zoology with special reference to Bioinformatics and Biotechnology.Organized by: Department of Zoology,Yashavantrao Chavan Institute of Science,Satara. (2006).
- Multipurpose in vitro propagation of Banana (Musa paradisiacal Linn.)In proceedings : National Seminar on,Recent Trends in Plant SciencesOrganized by: Department of Botany,Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar MarathwadaUniversity, Aurangabad (2007).
- "In vitro propagation in Glycerrhizaglabra. Linn var. glandulifolia".In Proceedings National Seminar on,Recent Trends in Plant Science,Organized by : Department of Botany,Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar MarathwadaUniversity, Aurangabad (2007).
- "In vitro Studies in Elettaria cardamomum(Linn.)".Nanobio-Fronteer, Vol-I (2007)
- "Multipurpose in vitro propagation of Banana (Musa paradisiacal L.)".In International Seminar on Plant Biodiversityand Utilization.Department of Botany,ShivajiUniversity, Kolhapur. (2007)
- In vitro culture of some orchids fromWestern Ghats (UGC Research grant)
- Social Forestry research project (under COSIP)
- " Biodiversity of weeds in the crops From Satara and around (UGC Research
- Concepts in Botany Vol. I for B.Sc-ISheth Publishers. (2003).
- Practical course in Botany B.Sc.-ISheth Publishers. (2003).
- Steps in practical Botany B.Sc.-IRayat Prasad Prakashan, Satara (2003)
- Concepts in Botany, for B.Sc.II, P-IIISheth Publishers (2004).
- Concepts in Botany, for B.Sc.-II, P-IV
- Practical Course in Botany for B.Sc.-II ShethPublishers (2004).
- Steps in Biology for Std. XINilkantha Publishers (2006).
- Text Book of Fundamental Biologyfor Std. XI.Nirali Publishers (2007).
- Steps in Biology for Std. XIINilkantha Publisher (2007).
- Participation in senate and other university meetings called by vice chancellor / BCUD.
- Worked as a member of selection committeefor lectures in Botany for colleges.Affiliated to University of Pune.
- Worked as a member of sub committeeappointed by the B.O.S. to revise the syllabus inthe subject of Plant Protection at B.Sc. II
- Worked as a Senior Supervisor.
- Worked as an additional Sr. Supervisor.````
- Worked as an external Sr. Supervisor for the Annual Examination at Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil College of Engg. &Polytechnic, Satara.
- Attended one-day workshop of cultural officersorganized by ShivajiUniversity, Kolhapur on 24.09.2001.
- Participated in the workshop organized by ShivajiUniversity, Kolhapur on AIDS control on 18 & 19 Oct. 2001.
- Worked as an Examiner at M.Sc. I & II yearExaminations in BotanyBy Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
- Acted as a member of Sub committeeAppointed by the Board of Studies,ShivajiUniversity, Kolhapur.To revise syllabus in the subject of Plant Protection at B.Sc.II and III.
- Delivered talks on pollution, in the programme of "Dainandin Vidnyan" on AllIndia Radio, Satara.
- Written Marathi Stories in Daily Sakal, TarunBharat and Aikya.
- Written Poems & Child Stories in Daily Sakal.
- Delivered Scientific talks on Horticulture andPollution.
- Help was rendered to rain affected villagers of Sangli & Kolhapur district in June 2005 (When working as a Secretary, Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara)
- Financial assistance was given to the ‘Martyrs’, of Mumbai terrorist attack on 26 Nov. 2008, which hail from Satara district. (When working as Principal Y.C.Institute of Science, Satara)
- “Lek Ladki Abiyan” in RajarshiChh.ShahuCollege, Kolhapur
- “Shikshak Apalyadari” in RajarshiChh.ShahuCollege, Kolhapur
Forwarded Books namely
1)‘Gitgandhali’, by Sambhaji Patil
2)N.D.Patil- Ek Vadal’
3) ‘VAT- Kaydyachi Garaj’, by Vinayakrao Agashe.
4)‘Swagtadhyaksha’ – 15th Vicharvedh Samelan.
" Held During 28-30 December 2007 at Satara.”
- Lecturer in Botany - 23 years in variousBranches of Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara.
- As a Principal in Sansthas N.D.Patil Mahavidyalaya, Malkapur, Dist - Kolhapur.(Jan. to Sept. 2005)
- Secretary, Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara from (May 2005 to May 2008)
(Largest Educational Institute having 41-Colleges, 8-Jr.Colleges, 439-Secondary schools, 26-Primary schools, 19-Pri-primary schools, 68-Cosmopolitan hostels,
8-Ashramshalas, 7-Administrative offices, 2-ITI, 56 Ancillary branches, Total-674)
- Secretary, Satara District Principals Association Since 2008 to 2011
Principal, Yashwantrao Chavan Institute of Science, Satara
(Sept. – 2005 to May 2011) College is reaccredited by NAAC with ‘A’ grade with
CGPA- 3.37.
- Senate member ShivajiUniversity, Kolhapur.
- Member of Prospective plan CommitteeShivajiUniversity, Kolhapur.
- Ex-Officio, Rayat Sevak Co-op. Bank Satara.(May 2005 to May 2008)
- President, Satara District Educational Institute Director’s Association. (2005 to 2008)
- Member of Board of Studies asSecondary and Higher Secondary EducationalBoard, Government of Maharashtra for fourYears Since October 2007 to Sept. 2011.
- LMCMemberAbhaysinhrajeBhosaleCollege of Engineering, Shendre, Satara.
- LMC Member Kisan Veer Mahavidyalya, Wai.
- Life Member, Rayat Shikshan Santha, Satara.
- Member of Grievance Committee, ShivajiUniversity, Kolhapur
- Member, General Body, Rayat Shikshan Santha, Satara.
- Member, Higher Education Committee, Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara.
- Member of Academic Council,ShivajiUniversity, Kolhapur
- Member of Vision 2025 appointed by Honb’le Vice Channcellar, ShivajiUniversity, Kolhapur
SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ORGANIZED :- In Y. C. Institute of Science, Satara
- National seminar on “Development in Graduate & Post-graduate level in Mathematics” held on 22-24 Dec. 2005. Sponsored by UGC & ShivajiUniversity, Kolhapur.
- A National seminar on “Human Rights & Women Empowerment” held on 29, 30th Dec. 2005. Sponsored by UGC & ShivajiUniversity, Kolhapur.
- TechnologyEnabled State level workshop of Principals of accredited Institutions in Maharashtra Sponsored by Govt. of Maharashtra on 24 Feb 2006
- National seminar on “New Horizons in Physics” held on 20, 21 Jan. 2007. Sponsored by UGC, DST & ShivajiUniversity, Kolhapur.
- National symposium in Zoology with special reference to Biotechnology & Bioinformatics” held on 10, 11 Feb. 2007, Sponsored by UGC.
- State level workshop on “Farmers & Laborers” held on 23, 24 Aug 2008. Sponsored by UGC.
- National seminar on “Recent trends in Statistics” held on 15, 16 Oct. 2008. Sponsored by UGC.
- A two day state level seminar on “Role of IQAC as a tool for Reaccreditation with special reference to Student activities, progression & Innovative practices” held on 10, 11 Feb. 2009. Sponsored by NAAC, Bangalore.
- Two day National Conference on Plant Biodiversity held on 23rd and 24th April 2010
Grants Received from UGC – during the year 2005 to 2011 = 18,6,04,959/-
Kolhapur(During 2011-12)
- National seminar on Economic Development and Global worming Dt. 27/9/2011 to 28/9/2011
- National seminar on Ekkisavi Sadi Ka Hindi Upanyas Sahitya Dt. 29/9/2011 to 30/9/2011
- National seminar on Problems and prospects of Agricultural Development
Dt. 14/12/2011 to 15/12/2011
- NAAC Sponsored National Conference on Preparing for Reaccreditation and Third Cycle of Accreditation to be organized on 24th and 25th August, 2012
(Grants Received from NAAC – Rs. 75,000/- )
Grants Received from UGC – during the year 2011 to 2012 = 1,33,41000/-
Duration – from Sept.2005- to 31 May 2011
A)Administrative buildingArea – 1528.38 sq.meterRs. 1,18,90,700/-
B)ClassroomsU.G.Area – 349.0187 sq.meterRs. 9,20,456/-
C)Laboratory P.G.Area – 149.187 sq.meterRs. 5,43,572/-
D)Women’s hostelArea – 1073.80 sq.meterRs. 22,61,675/-
E) Extension of women’s hostel Area – 1073.80 sq.meterRs. 97,50,155/-
(1st & 2nd Floor)
F) XI Plan U.G. Lecture hallsArea – 316.39 sq.meterRs. 25,49,080/-
G) Post Graduate laboratory Build. Area – 316.39 sq.meterRs. 28,13.725/-
H) Additional ladies RoomArea – 153.755 sq.meterRs. 8,68,119/-
I) College Campus Beautification
Academic courses started form Sept. 2005 to May 2011
- M.Phil – Botany & Zoology (2006-07) - Sub-centre of ShivajiUniversity, Kolhapur.
- M.Sc. – Zoology, Microbiology & Chemistry (Year 2008-09)
C) B.Sc. – Biotechnology (Year 2009-10)
D) Certificate courses approved by Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education –
- C & C++ (Certificate Course)
- Certificate course in ASP.NET with VB.NET.
- Certificate course in PC maintenance.
- Agri-information technology
Duration – from 1 June 2011- till the date
A)Construction of ladies hostel under special grant of UGC
B)Construction of four lecture halls, Geography Laboratory and Department
C)Renovation of Conference hall, Principal Cabin, Administrative Office
D)Renovation of Chemistry Senior & Junior Laboratory, Junior Biology
E)Renovation of Old Canteen, Gymkhana etc.
F)Construction of Swimming pool (Amount Sanctioned from UGC Rs. 1,00,000,00/-).
G)College Campus Beautification
Academic courses started form 1 June, 2011 till the date
A)Carrier Oriented Courses of UGC –
i)Event Management (Faculty of Commerce)
ii)Translation and Communication English (Faculty of Arts)
iii)Foundry Technology (Faculty of Science)
B)M.A. Marathi, B. Lib. (Y.C.M.O.U., Nashik)
(Dr. Ashok S. Bhoite)