NEWS RELEASE - May 17, 2017

New Dawn Resources Inc. Acquires the Steep Nap/Bergs
Epithermal LS Gold/Silver Property near Manuels, CBS, NL

New Dawn Resources Inc. (NDRI) is pleased to advise its shareholders that it has finalized an Option Agreement with White Fox Silver Resources Inc. (WFSR) on the Steep Nap/Bergs epithermal, low sulphidation (LS), gold/silver property near Manuels, Conception Bay South, in eastern Newfoundland. The property, which consists of 8 claims on NTS 1N/7,10, hosts two significant gold/silver mineral occurrences, the Steep Nap and Bergs Prospects. Historical exploration on the prospects has identified alteration, textures and mineralization typical of a shallowly eroded, robust, volcanic hosted, epithermal, LS, precious metal system. Past exploration results include:

Bergs Prospect – hosts N/S trending veins with

·  Hydrothermal eruption breccias carrying gold bearing, banded, vein clasts.

·  Chalcedonic quartz/hematite veins (up to 1m wide) giving grab sample values up to 54 g/t Au.

·  Extensive silica alteration in rhyolite ash fall tuffs and flows.

Steep Nap Prospect – a NW/SE trending, 1 km plus long, chalcedonic quartz/hematite/adularia vein/breccia system with grab sample values up to 9 g/t Au.

Highlights from trenching and drilling include:

·  0.39 g/t Au over 18.5 m including 4.7 g/t Au over 0.25 m in channel samples.

·  Drilling over a 400 m section of the extensive vein/breccia zone gave assay values up to 1.2 g/t Au over 1.6 m and 1.94 g/t Au over 0.7 m in chalcedonic quartz/adularia veins in a wider quartz/hematite breccia zone.

·  The vein/breccia zone is open to the north and south and down dip.

·  The property is strategically located to the north, and northeast, of an operating pyrophyllite mine, owned by Trinity Resources Inc., which is developed in a high sulphidation (HS) epithermal system, and is contiguous with claims owned by NDRI located to the east of the pyrophyllite mine.

·  Exploration permits are in place for trenching and diamond drilling on this underexplored precious metal property, with exploration activities planned to commence in mid-June, 2017.

Epithermal, LS systems typically show weak anomalous gold/silver values in the upper parts of the systems with bonanza gold/silver values, which can be multi oz/ t Au and multi kg / tonne Ag, located at depth, 150 to 200 m plus vertically below the surface expression of the system. The Steep Nap / Bergs system is considered to be in the upper part of one of these systems and therefore the best potential lies at depth. This potential has not been completely evaluated by past exploration.

This news release has been approved by Peter M. Dimmell, P.Geo, FGC, a director of NDRI, who is a Qualified Person (QP), as defined in National Instrument 43-101, in NL and ON.

About New Dawn Resources Inc.

New Dawn Resources Inc. (NDRI) is a private, junior exploration company with a copper / gold (Cu/Au) porphyry target on the Butler’s Pond property and a LS epithermal, gold/silver (Au/Ag) prospect on the Manuel’s property, both in the Avalon Zone in eastern Newfoundland, and an early stage gold/silver property in central Newfoundland located between properties owned by Altius Resources Inc and Stratton / Torq Resources.

NDRI’s focus is on acquiring, assessing and exploring attractive, early stage, porphyry copper-gold-silver and epithermal gold-silver properties, mainly in the Avalon Geological Terrane, however the company continues to evaluate and acquire opportunities elsewhere in Newfoundland. Shareholders, and other interested parties, can view information on the company and our properties, including pictures, on our website at

Kevin P. Ryan, President, CEO
on behalf of the Board of Directors of New Dawn Resources Inc.

For more information please contact:

Kevin Ryan
Tel: (709) 221-6024 or Mobile: (709) 764-4997
Norm Mercer, VP Corporate Development
Tel: (709) 364-7029 or Mobile: (709) 740-6000

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