Box Hill Reporter District Cricket Association Inc

Founded - 1890





~ Presented to the AGM on Tuesday 21 August 2012 ~

Registered No: A 0032112 P

Australian Business No: 87 914 990 60


Box Hill Reporter District Cricket Association Inc

Founded - 1890

Teams Census 2006/07 - 2011/12
06/07 / 07/08 / %Shift / 08/09 / %Shift / 09/10 / %Shift / 10/11 / %Shift
Over-50 (1-Day Sun PM) / -- / 4 / n/a / 6 / +50 / 7 / +16.67 / 6 / -14.29
Over-40 (1-Day Sun PM) / 36 / 41 / +13.89 / 46 / +12.2 / 48 / +4.35 / 48 / 00
Open (2-Day Sat PM) / 104 / 102 / -1.92 / 96 / -5.88 / 93 / -3.13 / 91 / -2.15
Open (1-Day Sat PM) / 26 / 20 / -23.08 / 26 / +30 / 23 / -11.54 / 24 / +4.35
Open (T20 Tue Twilight) / -- / -- / n/a / -- / n/a / -- / n/a / 14 / n/a
Under-18 (2-Day Fri Twilight) / 4 / 7 / +75.00 / 8 / +14.29 / 12 / +50 / 8 / -33.33
Under-16 (2-Day Sat AM) / 25 / 24 / -4.00 / 27 / +12.5 / 24 / -11.11 / 24 / 00
Under-14 (2-Day Sat AM) / 33 / 31 / -18.18 / 30 / -3.23 / 32 / +6.67 / 27 / -15.63
Under-14 (2-Day Fri Twilight) / -- / -- / n/a / -- / n/a / 6 / n/a / 6 / 00
Under-12 (2-Day Sat AM) / 37 / 43 / +18.18 / 39 / -9.30 / 31 / -20.51 / 29 / -6.45
Under-12 (2-Day Fri Twilight) / -- / -- / n/a / 6 / n/a / 16 / +166.67 / 15 / -6.25
Anklbytrs (Fri Twilight) / 17 / 26 / +52.94 / 24 / -7.69 / 24 / 00 / 27 / +12.5
Totals: / 282 / 298 / +6.74 / 308 / +3.4 / 316 / +2.6 / 319 / +0.95
10/11(fwd) / 11/12 / %Shift / 12/13 / %Shift / 13/14 / %Shift / 14/15 / %Shift
Over-50 (1-Day Sun PM) / 6 / 8 / +33.33
Over-40 (1-Day Sun PM) / 48 / 49 / +2.08
Open (2-Day Sat PM) / 91 / 91 / 00
Open (1-Day Sat PM) / 24 / 24 / 00
Open (T20 Tue Twilight) / 14 / 19 / +35.71
Under-18 (2-Day Fri Twilight) / 8 / 9 / +12.50
Under-16 (2-Day Sat AM) / 24 / 25 / +4.17
Under-14 (2-Day Sat AM) / 27 / 21 / -22.22
Under-14 (2-Day Fri Twilight) / 6 / 9 / +50.00
Under-12 (2-Day Sat AM) / 29 / 22 / -24.14
Under-12 (2-Day Fri Twilight) / 15 / 18 / +20.00
Anklbytrs (Fri Twilight) / 27 / 29 / +7.41
Totals: / 319 / 324 / +1.57


Given that there is a high degree of relevance to our efforts delivering Cricket within the “Inner-East Metro’ Region”, I have included their VMCU Director’s Annual Report, so I won’t dwell too much on points already covered therein.

Profile - The Box Hill Reporter District Cricket Association, so named for the local newspaper publishedbetween 1889and 1964, emerged from an 1890/91 competition comprising 7 Clubs fielding 1 team eachthat played for the "Reporter Trophy". It has since grown to accommodate 55 Clubsand one umpires' Associationregistering 324 teamsand nearly 60 professional umpiresfor round-robinfixtures andprovides a range ofopportunities forinvolvementfrom pre-competition introductory cricket through to Over-60 Veterans. Participation is drawn largely fromMelbourne's easternsuburbs of Whitehorse, Manninghamand Monash but also attracts Clubs from Boroondara, Maroondah,Yarra andBanyule, with early involvement from as far a field as Fern Tree Gully.

Despite oft' reported trends to the contrary, cricket in our corner of the cosmos seems to beexperiencing consistent, albeit diversifyinggrowth. A decade ago BHRDCAwas comprised of 38 Clubs (and 1 umpires' Association)with a total of 233 registered teams. Season 2011/12 has seen 55 Clubsand 1 Umpires' Association (BHRDCUA) accommodate 324 teams with individual weekly participation rates approaching 6,000. Our Clubs delivered opportunities for cricket to all abilitiesand age-groups fromCricket Australia's‘in2CRICKET’ entry level programme progressing through Anklbytr development, under-12, 14,and 16 juniors, to under-18, openand veterans (over-40, over-50) competitions. We also had over-60players competing through one of our Associate Member Clubs in the VOSCA.

Our premiergrade comprising the 12 best open teams plays for the McIntosh Shield. In 2011/12 our 55 Clubs and 324 teams were made up of - 8 x O/50, 49 x O/40, 91 x Open 2-day, 24 x Open 1-day, 19 x Open T20, 9 x U/18, 25 x U/16, 30 x U/14,40 x U/12, 29 x Anklbytrteams and 30 x Milo ‘in2CRICKET’ centres scheduled as follows -

Pre-Competition Introductory Programmes.

  • IN2Cricket
    (Cricket AustraliaEntry LevelProgramme for Clubs),
  • Anklbytr Cricket (1-Day Friday Twilight)
    (BHRDCA Pre-Competition Team Introductory Programme - drawn round-robin in 4 geographic zones).

Junior Competition Cricket.

  • Friday Twilight (2-Day)
  • Under-12 (non-pennant),
  • Under-12,
  • Under-14.
  • Saturday AM(2-Day)
  • Under-12 (non-pennant),
  • Under-12,
  • Under-14,
  • Under-16.

Senior Competition Cricket.

  • Tuesday Twilight
  • Open T20 (Drawn Round-Robin in 3 grades).
  • Friday Twilight
  • Under-18 (2-Day withsix T20 rounds).
  • Saturday PM
  • Open 2-Day,
  • Open 1-Day.
  • Sunday PM
  • Over-40 (1-Day),
  • Over-50 (1-Day).

Representative Cricket.

  • Our teams compete annually in the various VMCU Competitions for -
  • Neil Wright Shield (Under-21 turf),
  • Keith Mackay Shield (Under-16 synthetic),
  • Russell AllenShield (Under-14 synthetic)and
  • Keith Mitchell Shield/Cup (Under-12 synthetic).
  • Additionallyour teams in
  • Open (x 2),
  • Over-40,
  • Over-50 and
  • Over-60,

with the 3Jnr age-groups, compete in an Annual Challenge series against neighbouring RDCA ECA teams.

The substantial increase inboth Clubs and teamsregistered withthe BHRDCA can be attributed in large part toour provisionfor Clubs to diversify.By the end of season 2011/12 the number of Clubs and teams registered with the Association has grown over the last decade by 17 and 91 respectively. Reductions in team numbers for traditional Saturday AM/PM cricket have been more than off-set by increases in alternative game-days and formats. Eg. Veterans, Sundays, Twilight, 1-Day, T20, Modified Introductory etc(see the “teams census”).

As far back as the late 1970s BHRDCA accommodated 120 open and almost 100 junior teams in Saturday competitions and still had room to grow. Over time fluctuations in age-specific team numbers areat the mercy of regional population demographics andover all team numbers therefore provide a more useful point of comparison. For many years Clubs in our sphere of influence have suffered from ever reducing venue availability as housing developments and alternative sports encroach on what had been considered ‘sacred ground’. As much as anything else this has contributed to a relative stagnation in team numbers at the Association until the expansion of our membership ‘zone’, the advent of wider access to alternative game-days/formats and the logical progression to Veterans’ Cricket.

If the 2012 pre-season period is any indication, BHRDCA seems set to continue growing. At the time of writing at least five more Clubs have applied to register teams for season 2012/13. In most cases these represent new teams and not simply shifting allegiances. This indicates a rise in participation by existing players increasing their commitment, those who have drifted away from the game returning or an infusion of ‘new blood’ into the ranks ... and probably all three.

Teams currentlyregistered with the Association are based from Mulgrave Wheeler's Hill in the South to Templestowe in the North and from Heathmont in the East to Burwood District in the West. Some Veterans teams come from a little further a field.

  • Volunteers - As with all Not-for-Profit Organizations we owe a debt to our Volunteers that will never be paid. Many put in more hours than in their full-time paid jobs and it is because of them that we have Community groups geared to deliver a bewildering array of services, in our case Cricket. The Committee of Management, itself comprising Volunteers, wishes to thank those who gave their time over the past year and in particular John Toogood (Secretary), Peter Alderton (Jnr Section Manager) and Maurie O’Dal (Tribunal, P&C Committee) who will not seek to continue in 2012/13.

Also congratulations to Trevor McGary on being elected to Life Membership at the 2011 Annual General Meeting.

Inter-Association Challenges v ECA & RDCA

(over-60, 50 & 40, Open)

The outcomes of these annual contests were as follows -

  • Veterans.

Over-60:RDCA def BHRDCA
Over-50:RDCA def BHRDCA

Over-40:RDCA def BHRDCA

  • Open Age T20 Rep’ Challenge.

MS1:BHRDCA def ECA (McGibbon)

RDCA (Trollope) def by BHRDCA
WS1:BHRDCA def byECA (Burt)

RDCA (Wilkins) def by BHRDCA

For the second successive season BHRDCA took on both ECA and RDCA in an Open T20 Representative Tournament with new shields up for grabs in recognition of our change to the short-format game the previous season and the fact that for the first time ECA and RDCA were also testing each other at T20. Due to rain the contest at Quambee Reserve was re-scheduled from 27 November to 4 December with BHRDCA ultimately accounting for both opponents. The collapse of ECA's "Macgibbon Shield" batting for just 75 runs set the stage for a crushing victory by the BHRDCA "McIntosh Shield" team which, despite the loss of two early wickets, passed ECA without further loss.

Likewise our team was too strong in their second match of the day, defeating RDCA's "Trollope Shield" to finish undefeated and in possession of both the Shield and bragging rights.

Great action as it was on the main ground a choice of two migratory paths to Quambee Reserve #2 was worth the hike to see our "Wilson Shield" team polish-off RDCA's "Wilkins Shield" after an unfortunate loss to ECA's "Burt Shield" in their earlier match.

Our thanks to the team management group Marty Fincher [MS Manager], Bill Karametos [WS Manger] and Jasvinder (Bobby) Mudher [Coach/Assistant Teams’ Manager]. Thanks also to the RDCA and Warranwood CC for their excellent hosting of the tournament.

The following Reports are offered from the respective Team Managers.

McIntosh Shield - “The McIntosh Shield representative team won their 2011/12 Open T20 Representative Cricket Challenge. The short-format pitted the best talent from the Eastern Cricket Association and Ringwood District Cricket Association. ECA defeated RDCA in game one before the might of the BHRDCA took on ECA at North Ringwood’s Quambee Reserve.

After losing the toss our boys made solid inroads into the ECA batting line up with the spoils shared in an even performance. The ECA could only muster 75 with BHRDCA captain Damien Yze starring with 3/19. Pat Luby (Eley Park) 3/13, Rohan Obst (Mitcham) 2/6, Andrew McFarlane (Blackburn South) 1/13 and 2 catches and Josh Bell (Heatherdale) 1/6 all contributed in a very even team performance.

BHRDCA started poorly and were in trouble at 2/16. This was to be the last wicket ECA would take as Sean DeKretser (Heatherdale) 42no and Damien Vozzo (East Box Hill) 16no cruising to victory in the 12th over. This was a sensational reversal of form given that the ECA easily accounted for BHRDCA in the corresponding fixture last year.

RDCA fielded a stronger team in the second game with former Ringwood Premier League premiership opening bowler Drew McKay leading their attack. The BHRDCA struggled to gain momentum against a disciplined RDCA attack. Damien Vozzo (23), Sean DeKretser (20) and Brendt Henricus (East Box Hill) (19) were the top scorers at the BHRDCA compiled 123. This total required a strong bowling and fielding performance to defend.

A spirited fielding performance kept the pressure on the RDCA batting line up as wickets fell frequently and the RDCA were eventually bowled out for 102 courtesy of a Henricus direct hit run out. Damien Yze 3/9, Damien Cupido (Blackburn) 2/23 and Josh Bell 2/22 all contributed. The highlight of the innings being a brilliant diving catch in the deep by Damian Cupido.

The result meant that BHRDCA won the newly struck Challenge Shield in its first season. Full credit to the guys that made themselves available in a brilliant initiative of 3 T20s on the one day. Thanks goes out to Damien Yze who captained the side and was also voted the Player of the Series and to members of the team management group."

Marty Fincher - BHRDCA Team Manager

Wilson Shield - "The BHRDCA Wilson Shield representative team were very competitive in their 2011/12 Open T20 Representative Cricket Challenge. In a very even competition where all three associations won one game it came down to a net run rate and ECA were crowned the inaugural winners.

In the 1st game against ECA, we lost the toss and were thrown into the field. Within three overs we had the opposition 3/18 with Ashley Keys (Nunawading C of C) the destroyer (4/13 off four overs). However, the man of the series Mark Quamil (ECA)made a game turning 51 and we were set 149 to win. Jordan Wise (Kerrimuir) also bowled well taking 3/36. The boys were quietly confident of chasing these runs down. However, with four run outs we were bowled out for 112.

Having known that ECA lost their first game, the boys never gave up hope of winning their second game and forcing the series to be decided by net run rate. Won the toss and batted, we started magnificently with BHRDCA being 0/105 of 10 overs. Arthur McKenzie (58) & Sam Noble (52) both from Doncaster clubbed the RDCA bowlers to all parts of the ground. James Moyes (Heatherdale) contributed 39 at the death. We finished 5/177 and definitely back in the competition.

Again we started well with the ball having RDCA 4/41 off 7 overs with Ross Henderson (2/7 off 4 overs) from Nunawading C of C the man to rip through their top order. Unfortunately, it got away from us a little bit and RDCA finished 8/161. A good win but sadly not enough to win the day.

In both games we started magnificently with the ball but in 20/20 making no mistakes in the field is crucial. Unfortunately in both games we made one crucial mistake which enabled batsman from the opposition to make 50+.

Thank you to the players for making themselves available, especially to Jordan Wise (c) and Ashley Keys (vc) who worked hard behind the scenes to ensure we had 11 players on the field. The boys enjoyed the 20/20 concept and the opportunity to catch up with other club players within the BHRDCA.

Congratulations to the McIntosh Shield side. For Wilson Shield to go down by net run rate is disappointing as it would have been nice to win both of them in the competitions inaugural season."

Bill Karametos - BHRDCA Teams Manager

VMCU Competitions

(Neil Wright Shield, Keith Mackay Shield, Russell Allen Shield, Keith Mitchell Shield):

A brief account of our teams’ achievements in the various VMCU Competitions is provided by the Region Director’s Annual Report to the VMCU a copy of which is provided herewith.

(extract from “A Centenary of Grass-Roots Cricket” pre-publication draft)

On Fri 29 Aug 1890 proprietors of the ‘Reporter Newspaper’ announced they would give a trophy to be played for by Clubs in the district. An invitation was sent for 2 delegates each to a meeting on Mon 1 Sep at the Railway Hotel Box Hill. 5 Clubs attended to establish a competition with Mr J. William Meander Snr as Chair and Mr John Toon as Secretary and a trophy sub-committee comprising the Secretaries of competing Clubs. By the start of season 1890/91 there were 7 Clubs each entering one team.

This embryonic ‘association’ of Clubs was the first to compete under auspices of the ‘Reporter’ and despite playing on-and-off for a variety of trophies had, by the early 1900s, tenuously evolved into a more familiar structure of the modern cricket Association. The ‘Reporter District Cricket Association’ (“Box Hill” was added to the name in 1933) continued to find its way through the tumultuous years of early 20th Century Melbourne, ultimately surviving the two world wars to play its part in enhancing the fabric of our State Capital’s east suburban communities.

Joining in 1920/21, the Association remained a member of the “Victorian Junior Cricket Union” until 1961/62 when it was one of several that then left following a disagreement over umpires’ fees and didn’t re-join until 1978/79. By then the Union had undergone a name change to the “Cricket Union of Victoria”. Juniors were introduced in 1957/58 with ten U-16 teams joining the 32 seniors. By the time of their split with the Union BHRDCA included 40 open and 18 under-age teams that grew to 120 and 96 respectively during their period of exile.

BHRDCA has always been well served by ‘long-suffering’ administrators and the following are among those to have given a decade or more of service as Office-Bearers - Allan Berry (Secretary, President), Ben Broadbent (Secretary, Treasurer), Fred Clarke (Treasurer, President, Vice President), Mike Dwyer (Minute Secretary), Angus Falla (Junior Section Manager), Jack Herring (Vice-President), E.F Hodges (President), Ern Hutchins (Treasurer, President), Bernie Keenan (Secretary, Vice President, President), R Mann (Minute Secretary), Ray McIntosh (Secretary, Junior Section Manager), Len Monette (Minute Secretary, Treasurer), Tom Reeves (Vice President, President), Harry Swan (President), John Toogood (Junior Section Manager, Secretary), Len Toogood (Vice President, President), E Roy Tully (Treasurer, Vice President), Howard Wilson (Treasurer, Secretary, President) and Colin Young (Vice President, President).

Allan Berry, Trevor McGary, John Toogood and Howard Wilson served on the Union Executive while Allan Berry, Ben Broadbent, Bernie Keenan, John Toogood and Howard Wilson were each delegates to the Union for a 10 year minimum. Of particular note are Ray McIntosh (Secretary for 23 yrs), Angas Falla (Junior Section Manager for 23 yrs), Howard Wilson (Treasurer, Secretary and President for 11, 14 and 6 years respectively).

In 2011/12 BHDRCA registered a total of 324 teams drawn round-robin (200 Senior and 124 Junior). To date the Association’s representative teams have won two Union premierships, the Neil Wright Shield (U21) in 2004/05 and Keith Mitchell Cup (U12) in 2009/10. State and Test players who played in the BHDRCA before appearing in thestate and/or international arena(s) include Harold Britt, Dean Jones, Paul Melville, Brian Porter, Peter Sacristani and David Saker. Other notables such as Ray Bright, Rod Hogg and Ron Reid (Ceylon) have played towards the end of their careers while Jim Murphy captained the Australian over 60s team on a tour of New Zealand.

  • Special Mention.

For a number of years BHRDCA has led the field locally in the search for our sport’s heritage with formal establishment of a “Heritage” standing committee. Andy Lambert (East Doncaster CC) has chaired the committee since succeeding its inaugural chairman Howard Wilson two years ago and the volume of information being retrieved is nothing short of incredible. The sub-committee has been actively cultivating relationships with others at all levels of the cricket community and various community heritage groups to aid in gathering as much recorded history of the BHRDCA and member groups as possible.

To date information gathering has been our priority because the longer old records go undiscovered the more likely it becomes that they will be discarded and lost forever. Nevertheless, this has resulted in a mammoth secondary research task already, one that is destined to continue for many years. Having launched his ‘passion’ to produce a Club history book Andy has now set about gathering a comprehensive match database which begins at the dawn of time (1890s) and at the time of writing is somewhere in the 1930s.