On-line powerpoint project: The Real World: Brain


You are to click on the powerpoint file (The Real World Template) attached to the assignment. There, you will find a page for each of the parts of the brain you are expected to know on your test as well as three pages designated for the different aspects of your overall nervous system. Save this file, add the necessary information and submit it for your final grade.

Your task is to:

  1. Correctly label where each brain part is found in the diagram.
  2. Provide a brief description of its function on the page
  3. Provide an image from the internet or clip art that accurately reflects that function. (Example – if it deals with muscle movement, use someone playing a sport; vision – use an eyeball or glasses; if it’s hearing, use an ear and so on)DO NOT SIMPLY USE AN ILLUSTRATION OF THAT BRAIN PART! YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE FULL CREDIT. The illustration must show that you understand the function of that part of the brain.
  4. You MUST give credit to the website from which you take any image. Simply put the website address in small font size underneath the image as I have done with my brains.
  5. For the nervous system pages (3 total) you need to come up with a clever way to show the function of each. There is no “correct” way to do this, but your choice must make sense in regards to the function of the particular aspect of the nervous system.

I highly encourage you to change the background color and font if you choose. The only thing I ask is please DO NOT use cursive/manuscript fonts. They can be hard to read.

There are 20 total slides. You will receive 5 points for every correct slide, using the criteria above.

Use your book to find the information you need. You may also want to use (and bookmark) this website as well. It provides a good summary of just about everything in Unit 2a and 2b: (click on “Brain” under contents and it will take you directly to the table you need for this assignment. You may also want to use this link: . These are all excellent!