There are two main lecture courses, each of three lectures with discussion. Participants are invited to all sessions.

The theme for this year’s lectures is ‘I was a stranger…’Matthew 25:43

Nicholas King SJ “Their story is our story”. Again and again in the Bible we are invited to treat those on the margins as our brothers and sisters, to recognize them as children of the God who created them. Sometimes this is deeply subversive, (as in the story of the Good Samaritan) and often deeply uncomfortable. But it is also profoundly liberating to hear another’s story, and to realise that it is also our story.

Michael Barnes SJ “The advent of the stranger is a familiar theme in all cultures and civilizations, from the Old Testament and the Vedic scriptures to the novels of Thomas Hardy and the plays of Harold Pinter. The inner cohesion of a close-knit community comes under threat from the guest who may turn out to be an enemy. Is there anything to be learned from the great world religions that will teach us how to overcome fear?”

Further details of speakers and courses can be seen on the website of ‘Jesuit- in-Britain:

Personal details and course deposit. (Please write very clearly in block capitals)

Note: Some double rooms are available. Can each person sharing a room please complete a separate booking form, and send separate deposits, adding the name of the person with whom they wish to share, and indicating whether a room with twin beds or a double bed is required? There is no discount for sharers.

Your full name:
Address 1:
Address 2:
Town, County, & Postcode:
Your telephone:
Your email:

I apply for a place at Living Theology, Ammerdown (7th – 9th July 2017).

The non-residential cost (includes meals) is £100

Please indicate your choice

The cost of the full residential weekend is £210

I enclose a non-returnable deposit of £50 made payable to Living Theology (Ammerdown). I understand that the balance will become payable at the Living Theology Ammerdown event (residential balance: £160, non-residential balance: £50)

Please summarize any special needs which will require our attention:

Please state any special dietary requirements:

Signed and dated:

Completed form, with £50 non-returnable deposit, should be sent a.s.a.p. to:

Mrs Eilish Heath, 8 Castle Road, BURY ST EDMUNDS, Suffolk IP33 3NL

(Tel: 01284 752495, email: