Dijana Nazor, Croatian Conservation Institute, Croatia

Keywords: cultural heritage, cultural identity, preservation, continuing education, artistic creativity, perception

The most important task is the protection of monuments is to preserve ancient monuments. The word heritage is a conventional term used to characterize the overall cultural heritage or cultural assets. Heritage is a cultural heritage that should nurture, preserve and transmit to new generations and also to sensitize them to protect it. The General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization at its seventeenth session 1972nd adopted the Convention on the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage.

Famed Viennese art historian Max Dvoržak set the principles on which should be dealt with heritage. Written in 1916. Catechism of the protection of monuments and soon become the founding document of the work of the theory and practice. Željko Rapanić, a prominent Croatian archaeologist said(Rapanić, 2000:29): "The task is the protection of monuments, he says, to counter the destruction that threatens the ignorance and indolence, greed and fraud, misunderstood the idea and principle of progress, the present application and, finally, because of inappropriate desire to renovate and beautification. The latter is based on lack of education and fashion. These are therefore the main reasons for the inheritance, by Dvoržak, perish."

It is important to develop an awareness of heritage preservation at all levels of education and through all kinds of educational institutions, both in children and adults. We all know for a variety of ways: conscious and unconscious destruction of cultural property. A systematic process of education prominent Croatian art historian Tomislav Marasović writes:

The process of systematic education of citizens in the cultural heritage should be the most logical starting in elementary school, but in making the curriculum is not taken sufficiently into account. This program is in most countries reduced the teaching of history and nature and society, within which is a very small extent the students acquainted with the monuments. It would therefore be necessary to supplement the curricula of primary schools and at least in the subjects' knowledge of nature and society provide students with basic knowledge of cultural and natural heritage and the need for its permanent preservation. At the level of secondary education teaching courses increases through the history of art (or art education and art), but still no program that would include at least the basics of cultural heritage protection. Such programs would significantly contribute to a better upoznavanu population with the values ​​of cultural and artistic heritage and the need for its protection.(Marasović, 1985: 54)

As we have seen from Marasović text it is insufficient representation of cultural heritage in the teaching program. In Croatia, an additional art education is conducted through lifelong learning in various cultural centers and private schools.

Baštinarnica - as part of the education

Cycle art workshop inspired by the heritage of objects called Baštinarnica I took at the Dubrava People's University since 2005. until 2009. year under the program of education through art. The project leader was the ethnologist Dunja Vuković and historian art professor Maja Marohnić. The aim of workshop was to educate citizens of all ages about the cultural, historical and natural heritage of the city of Zagreb with special emphasis on the neighborhood of Dubrava. With this project we wanted to emphasize the importance of heritage as a cultural and natural heritage because it is necessary to protect and transmit to younger generations and to sensitize them to its preservation.

For the implementation of these programs it is required that students, through visits to some locations, first have to be introduced with its cultural heritage, because in then they can develop awareness of the priceless value of tradition and the importance of conservation, but also knowledge of their cultural identity.

After visiting the sites followed the lectures and presentations, and only after such a stimulus was followed by a creative process and artistic creativity of different procedures in different materials. Workshop participants showed great interest in discovering the value of cultural and natural heritage of the Dubrava Zagreb, and Croatia, as expressed through the creativity and originality in artistic creation. Through this they got to know the various painting techniques with which they had previously encountered situation.

This program of the Dubrava People's University presents the activity of city institutions in culture and thus incorporates initiatives in conservation and cultural heritage, and makes them available to the general public, especially to children and young people.

Art workshops inspired by the cultural heritage

The first workshop, Roman coins, held in 2005. year with a group of seven children aged 12-14 years from three primary schools. The workshop was inspired by the archaeological heritage, Roman coins, which was found in the area of ​​Dubrava, in Dubec, and comes with the end of the first Ct. Kr., From the time of the Emperor Octavian. Workshop participants also made works of art by the original templates of Roman gold and silver coins from the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb. Producing Roman coins, the children drew a template (aves and reverse), cut and castrate board, and made of sheet metal bas relief. The money they made was in the technique of terracotta and glazed pottery. Works are on display at the Cultural Center Dubrava in the event Dubrava Days 2005th.

Child Labor, (12 years) the motive of money in the technique of glazed ceramics inspired by Roman coins from the end of first Ct. Kr.

The second workshop, Triptychs from Dubrava, 2006. was attended by a group of 39 participants. Of these 35 children aged 11-14 years and four adults. The theme was inspired by ecclesiastical painting sacred heritage of Dubrava from three churches: the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary from Granešina, the 19th century, which is now under protection as cultural property, the Church of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary from Čučerje, 18th century and church of St. Paul the Apostle in Retkovci, the 20th century. Students had organized visit to these churches with expert guidance. They used religious motifs: scenes from the Old and New Testament, Madonna and Child, SS. Michael and the angels. Incentives they received from Croatian sacral art from 13th to 16 century.

Visit the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary from Granešina, the 19th century, which is now under protection as cultural property

They painted in the form of a triptych on wood of beech, which are applied on the model of medieval painting methods and techniques stuffing base, causing the insulating paint, tempera paint, plating and painting. Templates used religious motifs only as an incentive to develop the students more individual and creative approach.

Working adults, 53 ys a triptych on wood in the technique of tempera and gilding with the motif of the Madonna with child and angels inspired painting from Zagreb, the 16th century

The third workshop, Wood carving, held in 2007. on the subject of national heritage and was inspired by fragments of wooden buildings in the street Severi in the village Granešinski Novaki.

About the significance of the street Maja Marohnić, art historian, writes(Marohnić, 2007: 5): "Severi Street is a unique example of folk architecture from the early 20 century, where survived a recognizable image of the former village. Along the street there are six residential wooden houses of which the oldest dates from the 1908th. This year the street and the area around it declared in 2005. Mr Ministry of Culture-ethnic area, and is protected as immovable cultural property."

Visit the protected houses in the street northwards from Zagreb are a unique example of folk architecture from the early 20 century

The workshop was attended by 19 participants, among them 12 children aged 11-14 years and seven adults.

The technique of carving chisels are carved in relief on the model of wood ornaments and motifs of folk architecture in the area of ​​ethno-Severi. Some of the woodcuts trainees used as a matrix or a cliché for etching prints. Various motives have been used with wooden beams: a cock, cup, stars, vines and various inscriptions such as: God bless our house.

Students' works in 2007. was exposed to the School Museum in Zagreb called Baštinarnica - Dubrava Zagreb's cultural heritage in art works.

Working adults, 48 ys detail of ornament to the house in the area of ​​ethno-Severi

In 2008th year we did a cycle of workshops Mosaics - Dubrava Zagreb's natural heritage in art works. The workshop was attended by 13 participants, three children and ten adults. The Dubrava found a significant biodiversity of flora and fauna, Protected plant and animal species, the park-forest and meadows and the valley. After the students organized a trip in a protected natural heritage listened Smiljana Baron expert lecture on the topic of protected plant and animal species in the area of ​​Dubrava Zagreb. A trip into nature and talk with the PowerPoint presentation were the impetus in creating a sketch to create the mosaic. The workshop was organized so that participants on the basis of his original sketches made in the form of mosaics of small portable files, and all were at first met with this demanding technique. The interest for this painting technique tells 25 papers which prepared only 13 participants. In this workshop, was used only one of many ways of applying this centuries-old techniques. The exhibition was staged at the Cultural Center lobby galleries in DubravaVladimir Filakovac.

Child Labour (13 years) in mosaic inspired by protected species of birds in the area of ​​Dubrava Zagreb

That same year I modeled on the work Baštinarnice, held two creative workshops on the island with the aim of preserving and learning about the historical and cultural heritage of the island. The workshop was organized by the Cultural Center of Brac and the DPU in Zagreb as part of the Supetar Summer.

The heritage in the stone was the stone-carving workshop in which was made in shallow relief Brac stone about two feet high on the theme of heritage and the island of Brac Supetar.

Stone sculptures in Supetar on the island of Brač on which were carved by children and adults

Motives that were carved: fish, underwater, boats, olives, ancient Croatian ornaments, shells.

To the workshop except participants invited children and adults, also can access and random visitors and guests. Most of the participants this was the first time to chisel hewn in stone.

Stone sculpture park set in Supetar on the coast. It is envisaged that the sculpture for several years while the participants do not turn in a Dalmatian lace motifs permanently recorded in the rocks.

Detail of a stone sculpture which is carved on the model of ancient Croatian flower

The second workshop, titled Bračka story - the print heritage, was held at the Museum of Brač in Skrip. Only after the expert guidance at the museum children and adults have access to creative expression in painting. Painted the motives by observing from a museum in the technique of tempera on wood with gilding.

Child Labour (12 years), paintings on wood in the technique of tempera and gilding, inspired by objects from the Museum

In 2009th The workshop was held Crucifixes - Dubrava Zagreb's heritage of sacred art works in which the students revived the Croatian traditional artistic heritage. The workshop began with an introductory lecture with PowerPoint presentation art historians, Ivana Školnik called historical overview of the evolution and meaning of the crucifix. As an incentive to work the participants are presented and the crucifix from the Croatian and Italian religious

heritage of 9 to 16 c.

Working adults, 56 ys a crucifix carved in wood, modeled on Čikin cross from Zadar to the 11th century

A group of students of this art workshop was diverse, consisting of ten participants, two children and eight adults and were obviously different approaches in how you can display the crucifix - the symbolic and figurative character of Christ. Crucifixion is one of the most important Christian themes. Since the sign of humiliation and shame, the cross became the sign and symbol of glory. To 6 century figure of Christ takes many forms and functions with special symbolic meaning. Throughout history, until the 20th century figure of the crucified Christ and his way of running, really changed.

The inspiration for this workshop were numerous wooden crucifixes erected along the roads, paths and at intersections. Crucifixes and chapels belong to the so-called. small religious objects that people raised in order to express gratitude and devotion to Christ. Wooden crucifixes are known and withdrawals on the entire Croatian territory, and their occurrence recorded from the late 17th c. From this period dates Dubrava's crucifix located in Oporovac. Visible is an inspiration inspired crucifix religious art, and folk heritage of the crucifix krajputaša that well-intentioned people passing through the Crucified sent a message of peace, comfort and hope in an environment where they are located. Inspired by religious themes in the workshop were made of small crucifixes, and two major dimensions that are the inspiration of the participants after the sketches in pencil, was painted in the technique of tempera, or carved. Some students have combined the technique of painting and carving on the same crucifix. The special look gave the impression of crucifixes gilding on wood inspired by medieval crucifix.

Preservation of cultural heritage

Željko Rapanić about the broader sense of heritage and what it means concern about heritage, brings (Rapanić, 2000: 21): "The error would have been if the inheritance was considered only what is commonly referred to as a cultural monument. The heritage of the environment in which we move and work in memory of (the city) are laid down in layers, from persons to things and events, to the behavior, thinking or even mentioning a myth. (...) Take care of the heritage and to love it, means trust, worry about re-valorization of all evidentiary value of town, city, neighborhood, region and nation."

Workshop participants showed great interest in discovering the archaeological values ​​of religious and folk heritage of the Dubrava Zagreb and Croatia and they expressed a desire for learning and artistic expression. These projects are excellent way to develop their own identity and artistic sensibility and the awareness of the importance of preserving cultural heritage, to expand knowledge about the cultural and historical heritage of his homeland and people's heritage as a legacy is left for everyone and that everyone belongs.


• Marasović, T. (1985), An active approach to architectural heritage,Split:The University of Split, 54

• Marohnić M., Nazor D., (2007) Catalogue, "Baštinarnica - Dubrava Zagreb's cultural heritage in art works", Zagreb:

Croatian school museum, 1-3.

• Marohnić M., Vukovic D., Nazor D., (2008) Catalogue, "Mosaics, Natural Heritage Dubrava in Zagreb artistic

works", Zagreb:Dubrava People's University, 1-2.

• Marohnić M., Vukovic D., Nazor D., (2009), Catalogue, "Crucifix-Religious Heritage of Zagreb Dubrava in art

works", Zagreb:Dubrava People's University, 1-2.

• Rapanić Ž., (2000), Heritage at hand, Split:the Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments, 21: 29

Baštinarnica - Dubrava Zagreb's cultural heritage in art works (2007)Dubrava People's University,

26 3rd 2011th)