Recruiting, Training, and Retaining Volunteers

v  Recruiting/Getting the word out about the ministry

o  Brand the ministry(logo and name should be clear, positive, inclusive of all ages)

o  Special Needs Sunday

o  Posters in hallway

o  Bulletin insert

o  Support from the pulpit

o  T-shirts or flair

o  Angel tree (adopt a family or individual; fun outing ideas)

o  Partner with the youth minister

v  Make it easy for them to say “Yes!”

o  Approach people personally with a specific request for a specific opportunity

o  Provide a position description

§  Include spiritual gifts, talents, abilities, time required, and duties/responsibilities

§  What training will be provided?

§  Will there be a trial period? How long is the commitment?

§  Will they share the position with others? (Every other week/once a month?)

o  Volunteer Interviews

§  Theological understanding of disability; spiritual goals of the ministry

§  Be thinking of who their potential buddy match would be-ask about age preferences, past experiences, level of comfort, etc.

o  Address fears and misconceptions up front

v  Training

o  Overall Special Needs Ministry

§  Vision and Mission

§  Church staff involved

o  Policies and Procedures

§  Check-in/Security

§  Schedule

§  Hygiene/Medical policies

§  Confidentiality

§  Job description/roles of teacher and buddy

§  Provide a list of subs/sub procedure

o  Welcoming and Teaching tips

§  Prepare classroom/peers for their arrival (with prior permission from the parents/caregivers)

§  How to greet families/individuals

§  How to interact with families/individuals

§  Go over learner’s profile

§  Give ideas on adapting the curriculum

o  Resources available

§  Sensory box/bag

§  Extra activities

§  Adaptive tools (crayons, chairs, tables, etc.)

o  Create a time for them to hang out with the family they will be serving

o  Have fun!

o  Respect their time

o  Ask for topics they’d like covered in future trainings, then cover those topics

o  Use survey to get anonymous feedback, i.e. Survey Monkey.

v  Retaining Volunteers

o  Thank them; value them for who they are, not just the service they provide

o  Think like a small group leader-invest in their lives outside of church (create community)

o  If they have to miss, don’t make them feel guilty

o  Make sure they are serving where their gifts are being utilized

o  Keep the area where they volunteer tidy

o  If they miss service, provide a copy of the CD of the message

o  Appreciate them in front of the church

o  Small gifts (bookmarks, handwritten notes, gift cards, etc)

o  Pray for them, and let them know you’re praying for them.

o  Feed them

o  T-shirts or flair

v  Resources

o  Special Needs Smart Pages-Joni and Friends

o  Practical Pathways-Joni and Friends

o  Leading a Special Needs Ministry-Amy Fenton Lee

o  Pinterest-Joni and Friends/Church Relations

Jan Joaquin

Church Relations Coordinator